Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Since no one else is asking questions I'll take this opportunity to pick your brain.

When switching to 12/12 is it beneficial to do a 3 day dark period before the switch?

When switching to 12/12 should I change directly to bloom nutes or keep using veg nutes during that last initial growth spurt?

Pretty basic questions but I have seen so many mixed answers and I just wanted your personal opinion.

Thank you

I imagine if you switch the lights off for three days the plants might start flowering sooner. I've never tried it myself but I'd be interested to find out what happens when you do it. You should try it out and let us know how it goes. Do you harvest a day sooner? Or a week sooner? Who knows...

DJ Short said he runs his lights 11/13. He says the extra hour of darkness makes the buds grow bigger. He and others have done tests and I guess it's the real deal. Did you know plants grow in the dark? That's right, they don't produce sugar but they do use the sugars saved up in the roots. Think potatoes and starch. Starch is converted to sugar and that's what the plant used to not just stay alive but grow.

I run my veg formula for the week of flower then switch over to bloom. You could also run half veg and half flower formula for the second week of flower.
On one of my rooms I'm running my classic formula. In my other room I'm running the new Botanicare Kind line of nutrients. How are they working you ask? Pretty fucking good actually! I'll post some pictures later but rest assured, everything is going bonkers as usual!

Okay so here's the deal. Botanicare Kind is a two part formula. You have the Base and then you either add the Bloom or Grow formula depending on the stage you're at. ATTENTION! Do not mix the nutrients together ahead of time. It's okay to do that with the regular Botanicare line but if you do it with the Kind line of nutrients you are fucking up big time! And if you're wondering...yes, I fucked up big time... lol I mixed the two together and everything turned to a milky caramel colored shit. At first I'm thinking, maybe that's the way it's supposed to look, fuck if I know! So I poured it into the res and it looked like those little water-filled, glass, snowballs that you shake up and watch the snow fall on a little fucking Santa or whatever. So basically, fuck me. All the white specs were pieces of calcium. So I had to drain the fucking res again and start over from scratch.

What I did was read the instructions. I know, it hurts but fuck it, someone's got to do it. I figured I had about 23 gallons of water or so and just did the math. I'd give you the numbers but it changes every week. It's easier to just read the back of the jug. For example, at flower week 1 they suggest using 10ml of Bloom per gallon of water. So with 23 gallons use 230ml of Bloom. Just pour it directly into the res and mix well. Then they recommend using 12ml per gallon of Base. Which comes out to about 276ml. Every week I add more Bloom and less Base. The PPM comes in around 1000PPM. Early veg stage starts at around 600PPM and slowly goes up. Like I say, it's all in the Botanicare Feed Schedule.

You know this thread is basically a result of me fucking up every way possible to man. It's kind of been a hobby of mine... You guys get to learn from all my mistakes. Which one was this...fuckup #234 Don't mix Botanicare Kind Nutes together. Check...
Hey Stinkbud
Love your work mate!! Just a quick question to you or anyone else that cares enough to answer. What are the dimensions of the square pvc pipes you are using and have you heard of anyone in Australia being able to get these. I've looked every where thinking of using round plumbers pipe but it's not going to sit as well on the pvc stand.
Thanks in advance
Druss, I believe Stinkbud is using 4" x 4" x 6' vinyl fence post. Can also use the 5" variety, would think if you have a big box store in Australia. They would stock it, or any home supply store.

Hey SB,

Can you pm me or post a picture of the side and top of the Veg unit. I am trying to figure out; 1. How and where the drainage comes up and out and 2. How do you mix your nutes and check ph, etc.

I've been messing with the cloner and basically the best I can come up with is to turn on the drainage into a measuring cup or something similar and then test the PH of that. Add Ph up or down straight into the rez, wait a few, dump the measuring cup back in and get fresh solution out of the drainage nozzle.

Does all that sound about right? Or do you off set the veg unit so you can get down into the rez?
Hey SB,

Can you pm me or post a picture of the side and top of the Veg unit. I am trying to figure out; 1. How and where the drainage comes up and out and 2. How do you mix your nutes and check ph, etc.

I've been messing with the cloner and basically the best I can come up with is to turn on the drainage into a measuring cup or something similar and then test the PH of that. Add Ph up or down straight into the rez, wait a few, dump the measuring cup back in and get fresh solution out of the drainage nozzle.

Does all that sound about right? Or do you off set the veg unit so you can get down into the rez?
Sounds about right..I don't see another way of doing it..In his plans he had the fill/drain going through the side of the tub, I was going to modify mine to have the pipe come up through one of the net pot holes like in the clone unit, I don't like cutting any more holes than is necessary. I'm also making my flower system more compact than what's in his plans and putting my res completely under the rails..only access I'll have is through the fill/drain port.
Sounds about right..I don't see another way of doing it..In his plans he had the fill/drain going through the side of the tub, I was going to modify mine to have the pipe come up through one of the net pot holes like in the clone unit, I don't like cutting any more holes than is necessary. I'm also making my flower system more compact than what's in his plans and putting my res completely under the rails..only access I'll have is through the fill/drain port.

That's how I did my cloner. Straight through a net pot with a collar. Only issue I have is judging the water level quickly. So I may drop a piece of foam tied to a string so I can tell in a glance.
Hey SB,

Can you pm me or post a picture of the side and top of the Veg unit. I am trying to figure out; 1. How and where the drainage comes up and out and 2. How do you mix your nutes and check ph, etc.

I've been messing with the cloner and basically the best I can come up with is to turn on the drainage into a measuring cup or something similar and then test the PH of that. Add Ph up or down straight into the rez, wait a few, dump the measuring cup back in and get fresh solution out of the drainage nozzle.

Does all that sound about right? Or do you off set the veg unit so you can get down into the rez?
The water drains though a hole in the bottom of the top unit and through a hole in the lid of the res.

I mix the classic line of Botanicare nutes according to the instructions on the back of the bottle. I never fuck with my PH, I don't even check it.

Truth...I change my flower res every week now and don't even check the PPM or PH. I just follow the instructions exactly like Botanicare recommends. In my veg unit I change the res every two weeks and again, I never fuck with the PPM or PH, I just let it run.

PH - Never in my entire life have I seen nutrient lockout with one of my Aero Systems. My mentor told me the same thing. I've seen the PH swing up and down but it's always caused by something else. PH swings are not the problem, they are a symptom of the problem, does that make sense? If your nose if running, that's the problem right? Wrong, it's all that cocaine that's fucking up your nose. I bet you thought I was going to say allergies but anyone will tell you coke is a hell of a lot more fun than Hay Fever, just saying...

Troubleshooting 101 So here's your first test...

Your plants are looking really dark green and wilting. Your PH is swinging up/down everyday. You have root root. The water is 78 degrees and the room is 90 degrees! What should you do?

A) Keep adding PH up/down every 8 hours
B) Start saving money for chillers and figure out how you're going to chill 4 different reservoirs.
C) Get an Air Conditioner and keep the room under 78 degrees
D) Add hydrogen peroxide to the reservoir
E) Add Chlorine Shock to the reservoir
F) Add Bennies to the reservoir
G) Log-in to an internet forum and talk about it
Z) Smoke a phatty
#) What was the question again?
Troubleshooting 101 So here's your first test...

Your plants are looking really dark green and wilting. Your PH is swinging up/down everyday. You have root root. The water is 78 degrees and the room is 90 degrees! What should you do?

A) Keep adding PH up/down every 8 hours
:arrow:B) Start saving money for chillers and figure out how you're going to chill 4 different reservoirs.
:arrow:C) Get an Air Conditioner and keep the room under 78 degrees
D) Add hydrogen peroxide to the reservoir
E) Add Chlorine Shock to the reservoir
F) Add Bennies to the reservoir
:arrow:G) Log-in to an internet forum and talk about it
Z) Smoke a phatty
#) What was the question again?
I'm new to the whole thing, but would definitely start with B & C. Doesn't hurt to get the opinion of pros with choice G. Also Z sounds killer after the situation is resolved. :fire:
Boy, with all those issues maybe the thing to do is forget growing cuz whoever gets themselves into that bad a grow needs to seriously educate or quit.
Boy, with all those issues maybe the thing to do is forget growing cuz whoever gets themselves into that bad a grow needs to seriously educate or quit.
You're right, anytime you get beyond fucked you should forget about growing and fix it before continuing. I've seen lots of people make this same simple mistake. They start growing in November and their first harvest is crazy. Then the Dog-Days hit and everything goes to shit. All those issues can be fixed by keeping the room below 78 degrees.

I know I've said this a million times but if you decide to grow with Aeroponics you have to keep the water cold. You can either do this by keeping the room temps down with an A/C unit or by using water chillers...or both.

Water chillers take the heat out of the water but think about this for a second, all that heat has to go somewhere. The water chiller pump and fan also produce heat. It's not that big of a deal but something you need to plan for. The same thing goes with a CO2 burner. I love it during the cold Winter months but it's too fucking hot to run it in the Summer. There are solutions for everything and it usually involves money.
Finally received my state licensing approval. That means equipment purchase and setup, to met the fun begin. Operation "Get Off Pain-Killers" initiated.

Way to go Shifty! It takes awhile to get going but just take your time and do it right the first time. Buy some seeds and a HO fluorescent light to get started right away. You can be building your flowering systems while your seedlings grow.

Remember, we're getting into the warm Summer months. Your #1 concern should be heat or should I say, too much heat.Make sure you have your room nice and cool.

You may be sweating your balls off in the next room but your plants are going to be nice and happy. Why not put a comfortable chair in your grow room and hang out with the girls? They like your CO2 and the sound of the fans and water is very calming.
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Yeah, stinkybud, I was going to write all the answers but was too lazy to do so. I saw your videos years ago and built the cloner. thanks for making it so easy.
People tend to overlook temp and airflow. Indoor growing needs to mimic nature as close as possible for best results.
Thanks Stinkbud. Yup Going to do it all right. My grow is going to take place in two seperate Hydroponic tents; 1 that's actually a two comparment for the clone & veg stage. That one is 4L x 3W x 6H, and the main grow tent will be a 8L x 4W x 7H. Going to be located in a basement that stays cool, humidity will be my trouble. But will figure it all out. Thanks to this forum and all you wonderful people that pass on info, I should be able to figure this out.
I'll upload some pics along the way of my process.

Thanks, Shifty
You're right, anytime you get beyond fucked you should forget about growing and fix it before continuing. I've seen lots of people make this same simple mistake. They start growing in November and their first harvest is crazy. Then the Dog-Days hit and everything goes to shit. All those issues can be fixed by keeping the room below 78 degrees.

I know I've said this a million times but if you decide to grow with Aeroponics you have to keep the water cold. You can either do this by keeping the room temps down with an A/C unit or by using water chillers...or both.

Water chillers take the heat out of the water but think about this for a second, all that heat has to go somewhere. The water chiller pump and fan also produce heat. It's not that big of a deal but something you need to plan for. The same thing goes with a CO2 burner. I love it during the cold Winter months but it's too fucking hot to run it in the Summer. There are solutions for everything and it usually involves money.

The advantage to water chilling is that you can plumb the lines anywhere, it need not sit on the floor next to the res in the growroom. Nevermind how many times I've seen exactly that!

I also do environmental control and dehuey with water chilling. Very efficient, very effective.
On one of my rooms I'm running my classic formula. In my other room I'm running the new Botanicare Kind line of nutrients. How are they working you ask? Pretty fucking good actually! I'll post some pictures later but rest assured, everything is going bonkers as usual!

Okay so here's the deal. Botanicare Kind is a two part formula. You have the Base and then you either add the Bloom or Grow formula depending on the stage you're at. ATTENTION! Do not mix the nutrients together ahead of time. It's okay to do that with the regular Botanicare line but if you do it with the Kind line of nutrients you are fucking up big time! And if you're wondering...yes, I fucked up big time... lol I mixed the two together and everything turned to a milky caramel colored shit. At first I'm thinking, maybe that's the way it's supposed to look, fuck if I know! So I poured it into the res and it looked like those little water-filled, glass, snowballs that you shake up and watch the snow fall on a little fucking Santa or whatever. So basically, fuck me. All the white specs were pieces of calcium. So I had to drain the fucking res again and start over from scratch.

What I did was read the instructions. I know, it hurts but fuck it, someone's got to do it. I figured I had about 23 gallons of water or so and just did the math. I'd give you the numbers but it changes every week. It's easier to just read the back of the jug. For example, at flower week 1 they suggest using 10ml of Bloom per gallon of water. So with 23 gallons use 230ml of Bloom. Just pour it directly into the res and mix well. Then they recommend using 12ml per gallon of Base. Which comes out to about 276ml. Every week I add more Bloom and less Base. The PPM comes in around 1000PPM. Early veg stage starts at around 600PPM and slowly goes up. Like I say, it's all in the Botanicare Feed Schedule.

You know this thread is basically a result of me fucking up every way possible to man. It's kind of been a hobby of mine... You guys get to learn from all my mistakes. Which one was this...fuckup #234 Don't mix Botanicare Kind Nutes together. Check...
WellI'll have to say thank you for all your mistakes because this is been the one thread and all of my forum education thhat has really made me step my game up.I have pointed countless patients towards the infamous stink bud
A pounds a week thread for a long time now.you are very generous and the weed world will never forget it you have contributed to the evolution of indoor biz, undoubtedly significantly no joke...thankyou stinking d
The advantage to water chilling is that you can plumb the lines anywhere, it need not sit on the floor next to the res in the growroom. Nevermind how many times I've seen exactly that!

I also do environmental control and dehuey with water chilling. Very efficient, very effective.
So true! A well planned room makes all the difference in the world. The best setup I've seen used a 55 gallon trash can full of water with a big water chiller. Everything was located outside the grow room. He had these radiators that went on the outputs of the air cooled hoods. The fans blew the hot air through the radiator and the air coming out was nice and cool. He also had some other radiators setting inside each reservoir. The room stayed way cool even though it was in a hot attic. Of course he also had a portable A/C unit venting outdoors.