So I've been on a long mission trying to figure out my build. I wired everything perfectly and exactly how you put it. The best I was able to do with it was get to 90 degrees. I thought the pid had an issue so I called Auber and they said it was my coil but it works perfect on the analogue dnail I purchased the coil with from D-Nail. I end up sending the the pid to auber to be checked out and it's working fine.
A few days after that I take my Borobook Quartz banger and coil to my buddy's place to use on his D-Nail and it doesn't work. The D-Nail displays "PFA" which means it doesn't sense a heater. I immediately call D-Nail's support line and they tell me that D-Nail's pinout on the XLR is different than in this tutorial. They're XLR pinout is 1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Tc + 4. Tc- 5. Ground
I still haven't been able to switch the pinout since my friend has my soldering iron to test this myself. Has anyone experienced any trouble using this setup with D-Nail coils? I saw mention of someone using one.
It has something to do with the wired of the connector for the coil line you do.
Pay Attention to the information from D-nail very much please,
1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Tc + 4. Tc- 5. Ground
Important, you need to make the connector wired also in this way(1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Tc + 4. Tc- 5. Ground), especially the 3 and 4, if it is reverse, then the temperature will not go up.
So try to check the connector wired ways