Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

yes 757 some strains do better that others. JJ said the cherry pie was good and here the merion berry was my best. so I'm growing those 2 for sure.
Hey, Ive been reading your thread and decided I should go back and start at the beginning. Who is the breeder of your Minion Berry? I'm curious if it's the same person I know (SG1 andSanctuary Gardens) who have a lot of strains with Minion in the name.
1. That's right. Don't double or anything, just use what it says, like 3ml/gal or so, IIRC.

2. Aloe Vera is a spreader/sticker, aka surfactant. This keeps the solution from beading up and running off the plant's leaves. Use roughly half of whatever the label says.

Azamax is the horticultural oil with a pesticide bonus. On that label, you'll see they suggest 30/60 ml/gal, so use the high number. Use both aloe and Azamax with Avid to make the sauce.
Protect silica can make a good surfactant/emulsifier, and also helps strengthen the plants tissues against pest attacks. It seems like an ideal option for this situation.
Mj Mama , yes you are right and @ttystikk is probably right. although as I mention latter in my thread I found better things to use. Thats been my whole intention in this thread, trying to get a lot of information in one place because when I had the borg last year I was overwelmed in research and didn't have time to try everything on the shelves.

What @ttystikk wrote was good information. I didn't like the abrasive way he wrote to me and when someone speaks to me like that they can exspect no respect back.
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Hey, Ive been reading your thread and decided I should go back and start at the beginning. Who is the breeder of your Minion Berry? I'm curious if it's the same person I know (SG1 andSanctuary Gardens) who have a lot of strains with Minion in the name.
It's not minion berry. It's TGA marion berry.(:
I am going to get my hands on some DE so I can start dusting my new spot, going to prep once I have finished trimming. I'm looking to pick up a few "trick of the trade" watching and learning
It's not minion berry. It's TGA marion berry.(:
Oh shit, sorry. I read that wrong. I'm dyslexic and sometimes my eyes see what they want to see instead of what's really on the page. I ordered a pack of Marion Berry last year but it got confiscated by homeland.
Thats prolly why i never had them out east here it gets to zero sometimes below zero..i cant remember the last time we had a drought here and like u say mother nature cleans shit up for biggest concern is that fkn botrytis cinerea spore..i hate that fkn spore lol
Lactobacillus (LAB's) are good for fighting the botrytis spores. That is why I fist got into making lacto and now I use it for a soil booster as well.
ok can you explain it more to me ? like what it does and how you make it.
Well, since a lot of my knowledge has been passed down through stoner science, I found this article that explains it better. Basically the beneficial bacteria and resulting acids from letting milk and rice water ferment will fight mold and PM, and boosts the plants health.

"In this study, 13 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains (including 5 Lactobacillus casei, 2 Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 2 Lactobacillus fermentum, 1 Lactobacillus acidophilus, 1 Lactobacillus plantarum, 1 Lactobacillus sakei, and 1 Lactobacillus reuteri species) were assessed for both their antifungal activity against four food spoilage molds (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium expansum, and Aspergillus flavus) and their capability to produce the novel antimicrobial compound 3-phenyllactic acid (PLA). Results demonstrated that all molds were sensitive to varying degrees to the cell-free supernatants (CFS) from LAB"

I have a thread outlining the process of making it in the organic forums here.