Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Hadn't seen it until now?

I live in the Sticks.

hahaha, naw I just don't watch tv so therefore miss all the good commercials.

And I haven't been to the movie theatre in AGES.

THANKS. I am going to watch the shit out of that movie next Christmas.

I fucking love Harrison Ford!!!!!!

200_s.gif star_wars_episode_7_harrison_ford.jpg hansolo_1886850i.jpg 182.gif tumblr_li9kp85WSC1qd9fzl.gif giphy-7.gif tumblr_lkidi6VBqX1qaliojo1_500.gif giphy-6.gif

I live in the Sticks.

hahaha, naw I just don't watch tv so therefore miss all the good commercials.

And I haven't been to the movie theatre in AGES.

THANKS. I am going to watch the shit out of that movie next Christmas.

I fucking love Harrison Ford!!!!!!

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Well I figure it can't be any worse than episode one. I wanna see it in 3d
It was one of their bathrooms, at lunch today.
Im positive you're either talking about taking a shit, jerking off, or BOTH. hahaha

Was it THIS thread? Or are you Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh?


I'll change my avi back when I get around to it.
Please DO.

Maybe only wear nipple tassels in the next one.

Just sayin...I bet the MEN here would really appreciate it.

Oh, I know I was fighting with @Metasynth before. Although fucked if I remember what it was about....


Anywho - I'm done fighting, what about you @Metasynth ?

Wanna bang and make up?

Um...kiss, I mean kiss....

I only read the OP.
I really did ask for this to all be private messages.

So I have tag notifications turned off because yessica and the couple guys epooning her kept tagging me. It was annoying.
As I have been avoiding yessica's threads I had no idea this thread was about me until I did a vanity search just now.

This is creepy weird.

In the past I asked yessica and her epooning crew to keep this to private messages.

This is quite lame.

Hey @Trousers

I fucking hate fighting. It's negative and annoying and makes my spine feel itchy.

We are not fighting. You have me on ignore sometimes and not other times. You talk about me and make allusions that are obviously about me. I respond usually with "lol" or "You are not doing a good job of ignoring me."

That is not fighting, that is you being mad and weird for some reason. I suspect is has to do with your vanity.
If anyone is fighting, it is the 3 brain cells you have left.

I said some things to piss you off.

Nothing you said pissed me off.
You have annoyed me. The constant tagging, talking about me, whining about me, the epooning crew tagging me and crying about me. That was a bit annoying. If anything here actually made me mad, I would leave and go get therapy.

The dumb memes, the constant parade of pictures that barely have any context, the creepy sexual innuendo, the faux-lesbianism... that is all annoying to me, but that is your deal. Run with it.
Weird how you love to post pictures every where except the funny picture thread, which you think is another one of your "LOOK AT ME" threads, but I digress.

I may have asked if the too big gif was of your mom and that's why you couldn't load it.

I may have also said I would rape you.

That did not make me mad, that actually amused me. I love dumb, hollow threats like that. I understand that you were not going to physically rape me. I would never let that happen. I can run way faster than you.

I understand that you meant you were going to rape me in a figurative way. That was hilarious as it is very obvious you are incapable of doing that.

Clearly, I have never met your mother, and I hope that she is a lovely woman. And not fat. And even if she is, she's probably still great. My mom's chubby and the CUTEST.

Mom jokes are great.
Your mom is so fat she does not wear BVDs she wears Boulevards.
Your mom is so dumb I told her it was chilly outside and she went out there with a bowl and some crackers.

Yay, fun mom jokes.

Anywho - clearly also - I would not rape you. I think rapists should be shot. In the dick, or box, or wherever.

So - what do you think? Time to turn the page?

Feel free to deny this request and I'll have to ignore button again.

I was never mad. This is weird. Why does this have to be public?

Ignore me, don't ignore me. I don't care. I have been pretty much ignoring you with out using an ignore button.

Because I can't control my responses sometimes. Sometimes I see red.
But, I'm trying to be a better man.

No you are not. You are trying to call more attention to yourself. If you were trying to be better, you would have kept this to private messages instead of doing more attention whoring.

How about you?
But for real, I am SERIOUS about this. This isn't a joke. I really do want to see if we can put it all in the past.

This was never a thing for me. There is nothing to put behind me.
Do you want me to be another one of your admirers?
That is not going to happen. Even if you had not gone ballistic on me, I would still ignore you.

Put me back on ignore, don't put me back on ignore. Post a billion memes for all I care. Go have inane, esoteric conversations in the funny picture thread for all I care.

If you want to whine to me some more, please use private messages.
I only read the OP.
I really did ask for this to all be private messages.

So I have tag notifications turned off because yessica and the couple guys epooning her kept tagging me. It was annoying.
As I have been avoiding yessica's threads I had no idea this thread was about me until I did a vanity search just now.

This is creepy weird.

In the past I asked yessica and her epooning crew to keep this to private messages.

This is quite lame.

We are not fighting. You have me on ignore sometimes and not other times. You talk about me and make allusions that are obviously about me. I respond usually with "lol" or "You are not doing a good job of ignoring me."

That is not fighting, that is you being mad and weird for some reason. I suspect is has to do with your vanity.
If anyone is fighting, it is the 3 brain cells you have left.

Nothing you said pissed me off.
You have annoyed me. The constant tagging, talking about me, whining about me, the epooning crew tagging me and crying about me. That was a bit annoying. If anything here actually made me mad, I would leave and go get therapy.

The dumb memes, the constant parade of pictures that barely have any context, the creepy sexual innuendo, the faux-lesbianism... that is all annoying to me, but that is your deal. Run with it.
Weird how you love to post pictures every where except the funny picture thread, which you think is another one of your "LOOK AT ME" threads, but I digress.

That did not make me mad, that actually amused me. I love dumb, hollow threats like that. I understand that you were not going to physically rape me. I would never let that happen. I can run way faster than you.

I understand that you meant you were going to rape me in a figurative way. That was hilarious as it is very obvious you are incapable of doing that.

Mom jokes are great.
Your mom is so fat she does not wear BVDs she wears Boulevards.
Your mom is so dumb I told her it was chilly outside and she went out there with a bowl and some crackers.

Yay, fun mom jokes.

I was never mad. This is weird. Why does this have to be public?

Ignore me, don't ignore me. I don't care. I have been pretty much ignoring you with out using an ignore button.

No you are not. You are trying to call more attention to yourself. If you were trying to be better, you would have kept this to private messages instead of doing more attention whoring.

This was never a thing for me. There is nothing to put behind me.
Do you want me to be another one of your admirers?
That is not going to happen. Even if you had not gone ballistic on me, I would still ignore you.

Put me back on ignore, don't put me back on ignore. Post a billion memes for all I care. Go have inane, esoteric conversations in the funny picture thread for all I care.

If you want to whine to me some more, please use private messages.

Ok then.

You're kind of an asshole.

No biggie. We don't have to be friends.

Just thought I would try to talk to you. And I did it publicly because last time I PM'd you, you acted REAL ANGRY and I don't like that.

Maybe you just type-mad? I don't know.

Anywho - no biggie. I may or may not read what you write. But if you write about me, and I see it, well I guess we will just have to see what the situation calls for.

Have a lovely day Mr Trousers. Have fun judging strangers on the internet from up on your pedestal...

Well one down. hahahah

Maybe Meta is a little more mature about his internet shenanigans....

No big loss on my part for trying. I'm glad I tried. I feel this way about the whole thing:

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