Advanced Nutrients

Where no one can see him lol

Hypocrite.....Hater......Intolerant......Bigot.....Marlyn Manson said it best...."The beautiful people, the beautiful people" you know the rest of it.....Their favorite line - "Your going to hell, because you don't believe in what/the way I do"!
Being Christian is a choice. Free will given from god. I don't force anything on anyone. I will ENCOURAGE. But never force. I know what type of People you are talking about, those would be considered as old day Christians. Deeming people to hell and so forth for the simple things. Being Christian now is so much different. Let this be all that's said about religion. This is not a thread for that. I was just pointing out his coward language and thoughts. One who is from the blood of Christ loves all his neighbors as he loves Christ . enough said.
don't forget height restrictions and heat removal. I run a gavita, but have to run it on 825 or it fries my plants at the height i have it hung at.

If you don't have enough hight, ac/de is the way to go. Can get them a lot closer than gavitas with out burning. I keep mine at 24" and could probably put them even a little closer. For heat, AC. I run sealed rooms and have never had a room with out AC
I run 24 600s. Money has nothing to do with it. It's my choice, I like them, I learned on them in a 7ft single wide. It's what I know. Why would I change? Especially when pulling 1.5 per.

I have ran 6 1000w DE over a 24 site 13gallon undercurrent. They were great, but I didn't pull but a few more grams per watt.
Idk. I just like my 6s.

I can guarantee you that if you switched that room to 1000w DE you could save on power and pull the same amount if not more. 24 lights is for production, 1000w DE will out produce for less watts for sure. If you really do 1.5 per 600, you would be able to crush it with DE and increase your yields. More light for less power.
You're starting to sound like PiK_Booster, lol.

I have nothing more to say to you. You have said some of the most unintelligent shit I have ever heard so I know your full of shit.

If you think 600s are better than 1000s you don't know how lighting works. They definitely will produce denser buds.

Yes, I agree. But denser buds are more likely to mold so pick your poison.

Its called environmental control. If your getting mold inside, your doing something wrong. No matter what you want to tell yourself, you will do better with 1000w. Even if all we can agree on is more weight, who doesnt want more weight? Air cool your lights if you have a small space and you can run 1000s.

Next time I go to the grow store I'm going to ask "what light can I buy if I don't want to get the most out of my room, but still do ok" he's gonna say 600. You want to get the most out of the space you have (who doesnt want that?) than buy 1000s
If you don't have enough hight, ac/de is the way to go. Can get them a lot closer than gavitas with out burning. I keep mine at 24" and could probably put them even a little closer. For heat, AC. I run sealed rooms and have never had a room with out AC
I am an a/c contractor, I wouldn't run a room either without a/c or c02/sealing it.
Has NOTHING to do with it. I run shit from my buddy's 16k grow, all thousands, all dirt as fuck. It's all about the grower.

Because he's a shit grower apparently. If you take the same amount of material from equally skilled growers (one uses 600w one uses1000w), the 1000w run will yield more and be better quality. I get all my runs tested at sequoia lab in sacramento.
I have nothing more to say to you. You have said some of the most unintelligent shit I have ever heard so I know your full of shit.

If you think 600s are better than 1000s you don't know how lighting works. They definitely will produce denser buds.

Yes, I agree. But denser buds are more likely to mold so pick your poison.

Its called environmental control. If your getting mold inside, your doing something wrong. No matter what you want to tell yourself, you will do better with 1000w. Even if all we can agree on is more weight, who doesnt want more weight? Air cool your lights if you have a small space and you can run 1000s.

Next time I go to the grow store I'm going to ask "what light can I buy if I don't want to get the most out of my room, but still do ok" he's gonna say 600. You want to get the most out of the space you have (who doesnt want that?) than buy 1000s

Dude, you don't know my room so you have no idea what you're talking about. 600s at 30 inches above my plants can bleach leaves because of the reflectors I use, what do you think 1000s will do? Given my amperage constraints and my environmental controls, 1000s would require an entirely new setup and grow room layout. I built my room around 600s because 600s are more productive in my space. This is not something you can argue against because you're never going to see my room ;).
Dude, you don't know my room so you have no idea what you're talking about. 600s at 30 inches above my plants can bleach leaves because of the reflectors I use, what do you think 1000s will do? Given my amperage constraints and my environmental controls, 1000s would require an entirely new setup and grow room layout. I built my room around 600s because 600s are more productive in my space. This is not something you can argue against because you're never going to see my room ;).

The point is 1000s will be more productive in any space. Iff you have 30" head room for your 600's you can run 1000s. I keep my 1000w de at 24" and don't bleach my plants, and its not because of the reflector. What environmental controls do you have that can't use 1000s???? You don't have 2 extra amps for a 1000w??? 1000w runs less than 5 amps at 240v. Don't need to see your room to figure that out.
I don't even use or like AN, I don't even remember how I ended up in here. Ive used it before and it does ok but I like a couple other lines better.
The entertainment value drug you in, then DE lamps became a side topic. You love DE lamps so wham your here. Not to mention the stolen pics and how exciting it was last night to see what the out come was. Plus your a medical farmer and that road however is a ton of fun doesn't let one go to functions and parties and hang with the jones'es and talk about what you do. I gota be close here...