Ethics & Seeds

Which one feels most right to you?

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No i was clearly telling him that he should be grateful to even be mentioned nevermind compensated. I think he should be rich enough to sell his seeds for the same average price as every other seed.
sI really dont see how you read any of that as me "riding a dick" i clearly stated in the begining i would never buy another single dj seed.
I guess the eyes will read what the heart yearns for.
Sorry to have posted my experience.
Good day to u sir

good night good sir you are noble indeed. jesus tested you tonight and you won with flashing colors!
....are you drunk Arthur?

"Please don't post negative things in my thread."
~King Arthur~

"Don't use this thread as a flame ground or I will ask for it to be locked."
~King Arthur~

"You really think people don't give DJ Short enough credit, gtfo bro. DJ is a douche bag and that is why he isn't rich"
~King Arthur~

"Riding jds dick isn't going to get you far in these parts."
~King Arthur~

You seriously need to take some of your own advice dude. Or is it your intent to lock the thread?

You're so obviously trolling along on the Dj Short bash-fest train that it's kinda funny to watch your baffled attempts to hate what's been used to create as many as 30-60% of the strains that everyone got your work cut out for you dude...Blueberry is in everything....I wonder why? ;)
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Cannabis culture should be spiritual. A possessive attitude does not help anyone or anything. I say breed with every seed u can get a hold of, and pass them around freely so that more variety can be introduced to the community. If your in this to make money, then you dont respect the plant, and your relationship with it is clearly toxic. All life is sacred, and it should be appreciated in the deepest level.

I have thousands of seeds, and I make thousands every year. I pass them around with a smile on my face. I share whatever knowledge I have, and I expect nothing in return. Because of this reverence, I have been blessed by the plant. I get to nurture and cultivate thousands of them... legally.

Grow, share, and love...
Cannabis culture should be spiritual. A possessive attitude does not help anyone or anything. I say breed with every seed u can get a hold of, and pass them around freely so that more variety can be introduced to the community. If your in this to make money, then you dont respect the plant, and your relationship with it is clearly toxic. All life is sacred, and it should be appreciated in the deepest level.

I have thousands of seeds, and I make thousands every year. I pass them around with a smile on my face. I share whatever knowledge I have, and I expect nothing in return. Because of this reverence, I have been blessed by the plant. I get to nurture and cultivate thousands of them... legally.

Grow, share, and love...
I am not blessed with the same fortunes and many, most are not. I cannot grow outside. I have to pay for electricity and I have to pay for rent and dirt. As I said, I work two jobs just to be able to do what I love. But isn't it everyone's dream to be able to survive off the fruit of their labors? To be symbiotic with their passion, to be nourished by what they love? Isn't that instinctive? I am clearly in this because I love the plant. My plants have become like family to me. However, I fear the day may be approaching rapidly for many of us who love to grow where we just won't have the resources and time/energy to care for our plants in a manner that satisfies the passion we're driven by.

I understand completely what you're saying, and I'm not in this for the money, I'm in it for the passion. I'm in it because I love seeing what new seeds are going to look like and do, smell like and taste like, but if I cannot continue to afford doing what I love, I must make arrangements to find a way to continue doing what I love.

And just like any artist who's driven by a passion, there's absolutely zero shame in selling some of their art to finance more art...

Gotta sign out for the night. I'm gonna go take pics of the Grape Krush and some note. I'll be updating the Krush journal soon. Little buggers are looking good.
Night all....or morning...afternoon....whatever, you's get it.
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Ur clearly missing the point...

Have you ever tried just giving? It comes back tenfold. That is how I ended up in this position. I could tell u the story piece by piece, and you would be amazed. The power of intention...
Ur clearly missing the point...

Have you ever tried just giving? It comes back tenfold. That is how I ended up in this position. I could tell u the story piece by piece, and you would be amazed. The power of intention...
I've given away most everything I had long before I ever tried making any money off of it. So, yes. I've given away way more than I've made money off of. I don't think I've missed the point. You want some seeds, I'll give you some. ;)
I've given away most everything I have. Yes. I've given away way more than I've made money off of. I don't think I've missed the point. You want some seeds, I'll give you some. ;)
Give me some seeds, I will grow them out. If they are as good as you say they are, I will employ you. You can come work with me in a field of thousands of plants... SERIOUSLY.
Give me some seeds, I will grow them out. If they are as good as you say they are, I will employ you. You can come work with me in a field of thousands of plants... SERIOUSLY. much would you pay me an hour to work in the fields?.....I'm sorry, it's just my sense of humor, I couldn't help myself.
But sure, yeah...I'll send ya some beans. Message me. Gotta go, friend is here. :)
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All companies work for profit, if they didn't they'd be volunteering. This website (Rollitup) works for profit. It will never cease to amaze me what people want to believe is true because they read it on the internet.

Hey JD, There is a difference between the companies, you should be aware of that. You know, there is a difference between buying 4 packs of seeds for 100 bucks or 1 pack. Or 40 seeds / 10 seeds. For example, here and on many other forums users keep talking about a highly regarded canadian seed company where the prices are more than reasonable and the quality is great apparently. Every user on these forums will find this company mentioned on a search for good quality gear for a small buck. Without knowing their gear i would rather buy a bag of their stuff for 25 bucks before i buy any high priced stuff. I spend 100 bucks on a bag of seeds only if i have smoked and tested it and i can be sure that i can get the same quality in seed form or if i don't mind the risk. Also i want to know if i have to go pheno hunting. Bodhi never made a secret out of this ( but in a bag of his gear i will find great plants anyway and rarely rubbish).
If i hear about Blueberry and start investigating i find bad results in a 10 out of 8 ratio. Of course i want to know more about it before i spend the money.
Yes, all companies work for a profit. But some companies committed to the full business approach and have lost their love to the herb if they ever had it. This website works for a profit but they make their money with adverts. Users here are not listening to what the website is telling them but what the other users are. And of course RIU can only be one out of many sources. Internet basics really...

I saw a statement a few days back, I think it was on here. It was alluding to the fact that if anyone wanted to know who bred what strain all they would need to do is google it. This baffles me. I can't tell you how many different sources I've seen giving my credit for breeding the Whitaker Blues and Azure Haze to some random person who I've never even heard of. Sure, one can put pieces together, but without actually doing the leg work themselves, it's all just hearsay. I wish some of these so called trusted voices would do a little more of this leg work and document that work. If someone wants to rail on some breeder because they say their gear hermies, it sure would be nice to see their grow journal where that shit hermied.

I think it is safe to say you're not new to the business. Why are you surprised that things are going this way? Just take Sensi as an example. The names Sensi gave to their crosses are everywhere. I don't know if they are complaining about this. I think they don't give a shit because people keep buying their originals. It may be better to copy how they are running things before complaining about things i cannot change anyway.

Dj bred all of his original strains in a 4X4 closet and did all the research and development in the same closet. It doesn't take that much space. And if one's priority wasn't to harvest as much as possible as fast as possible by growing auto's maybe they could take just a little extra time to grow a few regulars and toss some pollen on them. I'm not missing anything.

But what is confusing to me is how hard some must think it is to make beans. And if they think it's that hard, shouldn't they be willing to pay for them? Especially if they're quality genetics?

A 4x4 cabinet in which you breed and develop will not produce a lot of smokeable weed, period. If DJ managed to do it, congratulations. Most people can't. Produce your seeds from the wrong parents or make some other mistake and you lose everything, the plants don't yield a lot and you don't have seeds for next time. And it's not worth the effort as long as i can buy quality seeds for 20 or 30 bucks which is all i need for each grow.
Cannabis culture should be spiritual. A possessive attitude does not help anyone or anything. I say breed with every seed u can get a hold of, and pass them around freely so that more variety can be introduced to the community. If your in this to make money, then you dont respect the plant, and your relationship with it is clearly toxic. All life is sacred, and it should be appreciated in the deepest level.

I have thousands of seeds, and I make thousands every year. I pass them around with a smile on my face. I share whatever knowledge I have, and I expect nothing in return. Because of this reverence, I have been blessed by the plant. I get to nurture and cultivate thousands of them... legally.

Grow, share, and love...

I have been in the spirit of giving, today I gave a care package to a veteran on the corner who honestly asked for some herb for his back. I gave him what I would smoke myself. I also gave the neighbor who is a veteran 3 packs of seeds that I purchased to help him and his father who is also a veteran to get their own garden up and going.

I love the feeling of giving something with no intention of that person coming back to do something for me. It is a very free feeling and the more people who decide to turn away from capitalistic urges and back to the communal living the better.
Hey JD, There is a difference between the companies, you should be aware of that. You know, there is a difference between buying 4 packs of seeds for 100 bucks or 1 pack. Or 40 seeds / 10 seeds. For example, here and on many other forums users keep talking about a highly regarded canadian seed company where the prices are more than reasonable and the quality is great apparently. Every user on these forums will find this company mentioned on a search for good quality gear for a small buck. Without knowing their gear i would rather buy a bag of their stuff for 25 bucks before i buy any high priced stuff. I spend 100 bucks on a bag of seeds only if i have smoked and tested it and i can be sure that i can get the same quality in seed form or if i don't mind the risk. Also i want to know if i have to go pheno hunting. Bodhi never made a secret out of this ( but in a bag of his gear i will find great plants anyway and rarely rubbish).
If i hear about Blueberry and start investigating i find bad results in a 10 out of 8 ratio. Of course i want to know more about it before i spend the money.
Yes, all companies work for a profit. But some companies committed to the full business approach and have lost their love to the herb if they ever had it. This website works for a profit but they make their money with adverts. Users here are not listening to what the website is telling them but what the other users are. And of course RIU can only be one out of many sources. Internet basics really...

I think it is safe to say you're not new to the business. Why are you surprised that things are going this way? Just take Sensi as an example. The names Sensi gave to their crosses are everywhere. I don't know if they are complaining about this. I think they don't give a shit because people keep buying their originals. It may be better to copy how they are running things before complaining about things i cannot change anyway.

A 4x4 cabinet in which you breed and develop will not produce a lot of smokeable weed, period. If DJ managed to do it, congratulations. Most people can't. Produce your seeds from the wrong parents or make some other mistake and you lose everything, the plants don't yield a lot and you don't have seeds for next time. And it's not worth the effort as long as i can buy quality seeds for 20 or 30 bucks which is all i need for each grow.
Of course there is a difference between buying one pack of seeds for $100.00 and buying four packs for the same price. And of course each company is different, not sure how you're point there is relevant? Each and every pack of seeds I offer comes with a guarantee that you will find at least 2 phenos that equal or surpass the quality of the parents they were made from. This guarantee has been tested time and time again and stands true. Therefore, when spending $65.00 on a pack of Dj Short Blueberry seeds, there is no risk of finding your keeper pheno. Out of one 13 pack of seeds you will find your keeper pheno, in fact, you will find two.....2.68 to be precise. This eliminates the need to hunt for your pheno. So, you can spend $65.00 for one pack of seeds with two keeper pheno's (at least) or you can spend the 100.00 on four packs of seeds, hunt through them and hope you get what you're looking for. We've offered this guarantee since we've been in business, so we've never kept that a secret either.

Are you surprised when you search for reviews on Dj's gear and find a bunch of bashing? I mean look at how many people make it their obvious mission to bash certain breeders and "dick-ride" another. Arthur is a shining example of this. We all know assholes yell louder and with more passion than non-assholes.

Is it too much of a stretch for you to realize that anyone can pay for advertisement on this site. And that those same people that advertise on this site might also be trolling the shit out of the forums to promote their shit....? Or more appropriately, just bashing all their competitors? I mean really, you haven't thought of that? What was the term you used....? "....internet basics really...."

Im not surprised things have gone this way, greed is pretty much instinctive, especially among the culture most of us are engaging in. I'm not familiar with the sensi's story that you're allude to. But you think I care about people using others names.....? Well, I don't. I care about other people claiming to be selling Dj gear that isn't. I care that people make boat loads of shit crosses and then associating the brand I'm working with to it. It would be one thing if company (A) released a strain called company (A's) blueberry. Unfortunately the majority of companies say it's Dj's this or Dj's that. I care about people using a brand that I've been working hard at helping to build for almost a decade and a half and crashing that brand into the ground so they can make a few bucks. And then when I attempt to defend my brand and company against that shit I'm told I'm a greedy dick. (mostly just by the trolls, but they are good at whipping up a frenzy of hate, and we all love to have something to hate). Let me say this as simply as I can....fuck that shit. We're talking about ethics here, and this practice of making seeds in one's basement and then selling it as Sensi's Star is bullshit. It would be the same as recording a rolling stones album in your basement and then telling everyone you're Mic Jagger.

A 4x4 closet will produce plenty of 'smokeable weed,' period. Not sure what you mean by smokeable, but....a person can produce plenty in that space. Unless their goal is to cash crop. You have to test your parent plants when making seeds, how well they produce, if they're sterile, do they have color, smell...etc. You also have to test their offspring. That's why it's called breeding and not pollen chucking. By as difficult as you make it sound it is to produce seeds, you'd think you might be a little more willing to pay for them.
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I have been in the spirit of giving, today I gave a care package to a veteran on the corner who honestly asked for some herb for his back. I gave him what I would smoke myself. I also gave the neighbor who is a veteran 3 packs of seeds that I purchased to help him and his father who is also a veteran to get their own garden up and going.

I love the feeling of giving something with no intention of that person coming back to do something for me. It is a very free feeling and the more people who decide to turn away from capitalistic urges and back to the communal living the better., you went from being a complete douche bag to a humanitarian over night....interesting.....
Sociopath much?
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Anyone who believes in patents can fvck right the hell off with their greedy ass selves.
Of course there is a difference between buying one pack of seeds for $100.00 and buying four packs for the same price. And of course each company is different, not sure how you're point there is relevant? Each and every pack of seeds I offer comes with a guarantee that you will find at least 2 phenos that equal or surpass the quality of the parents they were made from. This guarantee has been tested time and time again and stands true. Therefore, when spending $65.00 on a pack of my seeds, there is no risk of finding your keeper pheno. Out of one 13 pack of seeds you will find your keeper pheno, in fact, you will find two.....2.68 to be precise. This eliminates the need to hunt for your pheno. So, you can spend $65.00 for one pack of seeds with two keeper pheno's (at least) or you can spend the 100.00 on four packs of seeds, hunt through them and hope you get what you're looking for. We've offered this guarantee since we've been in business, so we've never kept that a secret either.

Are you surprised when you search for reviews on Dj's gear and find a bunch of bashing? I mean look at how many people make it their obvious mission to bash certain breeders and "dick-ride" another. Arthur is a shining example of this. We all know assholes yell louder and with more passion than non-assholes.

Is it too much of a stretch for you to realize that anyone can pay for advertisement on this site. And that those same people that advertise on this site might also be trolling the shit out of the forums to promote their shit....? Or more appropriately, just bashing all their competitors? I mean really, you haven't thought of that? What was the term you used....? "....internet basics really...."

Im not surprised things have gone this way, greed is pretty much instinctive, especially among the culture most of us are engaging in. I'm not familiar with the sensi's story that you're allude to. But you think I care about people using others names.....? Well, I don't. I care about other people claiming to be selling Dj gear that isn't. I care that people make boat loads of shit crosses and then associating the brand I'm working with to it. It would be one thing if company (A) released a strain called company (A's) blueberry. Unfortunately the majority of companies say it's Dj's this or Dj's that. I care about people using a brand that I've been working hard at helping to build for almost a decade and a half and crashing that brand into the ground so they can make a few bucks. And then when I attempt to defend my brand and company against that shit I'm told I'm a greedy dick. (mostly just by the trolls, but they are good at whipping up a frenzy of hate, and we all love to have something to hate). Let me say this as simply as I can....fuck that shit. We're talking about ethics here, and this practice of making seeds in one's basement and then selling it as Sensi's Star is bullshit. It would be the same as recording a rolling stones album in your basement and then telling everyone you were Mic Jagger.

A 4x4 closet will produce plenty of 'smokeable weed,' period. Not sure what you mean by smokeable, but....a person can produce plenty in that space. Unless their goal is to cash crop. You have to test your parent plants when making seeds, how well they produce, if they're sterile, do they have color, smell...etc. You also have to test their offspring. That's why it's called breeding and not pollen chucking. By as difficult as you make it sound it is to produce seeds, you'd think you might be a little more willing to pay for them.

Having grown that other blueberry he's talking about, he'll find what he's looking for in a few plants.
Anyone who believes in patents can fvck right the hell off with their greedy ass selves.

Having grown that other blueberry he's talking about, he'll find what he's looking for in a few plants.
Depends on what one was looking for. If all a person was looking for was something that smelled fruity, had purple in it, got frosty when it finished and made their vision blurry, then yes, most likely one would find what they were looking for from a 'pollen chucked' pack of seeds. But if one had specific desires in mind for the smoke they wished to enjoy that were a little more diverse than color, smell and taste, then no, it would probably take quite a few more packs of 'pollen chucked' seeds than just four to find that pheno.

"Any successful breeder started out as an aspiring pollen chucker."
. This eliminates the need to hunt for your pheno. So, you can spend $65.00 for one pack of seeds with two keeper pheno's (at least) or you can spend the 100.00 on four packs of seeds, hunt through them and hope you get what you're looking for. We've offered this guarantee since we've been in business, so we've never kept that a secret either.
That's not really right. now 2 pretty nice phenos sure but if you got a nice selection of keepers it will take more than 1 pack to replace 2 killer mothers but yeah if your a noob maybe. But some may not even like Blueberry, I don't love blueberries but wild ones are great for muffins though I got plenty wild ones here I pick them every year for muffins. :bigjoint:

But nobody would say shit about the price at $65 a pack only problem is 99.9% of the world has no access to this mythical price.:bigjoint:We still grow in non medical states I live in a med state but illegal to grow or even buy. lol
That's not really right. now 2 pretty nice phenos sure but if you got a nice selection of keepers it will take more than 1 pack to replace 2 killer mothers but yeah if your a noob maybe. But some may not even like Blueberry, I don't love blueberries but wild ones are great for muffins though I got plenty wild ones here I pick them every year for muffins. :bigjoint:

But nobody would say shit about the price at $65 a pack only problem is 99.9% of the world has no access to this mythical price.:bigjoint:We still grow in non medical states I live in a med state but illegal to grow or even buy. lol

Right? I've never seen DJ Short gear for that price. Every place I see them listed its $150+ per pack
Of course there is a difference between buying one pack of seeds for $100.00 and buying four packs for the same price. And of course each company is different, not sure how you're point there is relevant? Each and every pack of seeds I offer comes with a guarantee that you will find at least 2 phenos that equal or surpass the quality of the parents they were made from. This guarantee has been tested time and time again and stands true. Therefore, when spending $65.00 on a pack of Dj Short Blueberry seeds, there is no risk of finding your keeper pheno. Out of one 13 pack of seeds you will find your keeper pheno, in fact, you will find two.....2.68 to be precise. This eliminates the need to hunt for your pheno. So, you can spend $65.00 for one pack of seeds with two keeper pheno's (at least) or you can spend the 100.00 on four packs of seeds, hunt through them and hope you get what you're looking for. We've offered this guarantee since we've been in business, so we've never kept that a secret either.

Are you surprised when you search for reviews on Dj's gear and find a bunch of bashing? I mean look at how many people make it their obvious mission to bash certain breeders and "dick-ride" another. Arthur is a shining example of this. We all know assholes yell louder and with more passion than non-assholes.

Is it too much of a stretch for you to realize that anyone can pay for advertisement on this site. And that those same people that advertise on this site might also be trolling the shit out of the forums to promote their shit....? Or more appropriately, just bashing all their competitors? I mean really, you haven't thought of that? What was the term you used....? "....internet basics really...."

Im not surprised things have gone this way, greed is pretty much instinctive, especially among the culture most of us are engaging in. I'm not familiar with the sensi's story that you're allude to. But you think I care about people using others names.....? Well, I don't. I care about other people claiming to be selling Dj gear that isn't. I care that people make boat loads of shit crosses and then associating the brand I'm working with to it. It would be one thing if company (A) released a strain called company (A's) blueberry. Unfortunately the majority of companies say it's Dj's this or Dj's that. I care about people using a brand that I've been working hard at helping to build for almost a decade and a half and crashing that brand into the ground so they can make a few bucks. And then when I attempt to defend my brand and company against that shit I'm told I'm a greedy dick. (mostly just by the trolls, but they are good at whipping up a frenzy of hate, and we all love to have something to hate). Let me say this as simply as I can....fuck that shit. We're talking about ethics here, and this practice of making seeds in one's basement and then selling it as Sensi's Star is bullshit. It would be the same as recording a rolling stones album in your basement and then telling everyone you're Mic Jagger.

A 4x4 closet will produce plenty of 'smokeable weed,' period. Not sure what you mean by smokeable, but....a person can produce plenty in that space. Unless their goal is to cash crop. You have to test your parent plants when making seeds, how well they produce, if they're sterile, do they have color, smell...etc. You also have to test their offspring. That's why it's called breeding and not pollen chucking. By as difficult as you make it sound it is to produce seeds, you'd think you might be a little more willing to pay for them.

why not just stabilize the seeds, that way everyone gets the same plant??? i think stabilized seeds are far better than rolling the dice on f1 seeds...