Do you believe Americans who work full time should earn a living wage?

Do you believe Americans who work full time should earn a living wage?

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Are you having trouble reading,...? I did not ever say it`s being assembled in Japan. The plane is made to order in Md. but you`ll find it`s parts are not. LM headquarters is in MD, but it no longer has a foundry or machine works in the States. Too many laws and taxes. The Philippines is the area where plating and emission laws are relaxed.
Dude you so telling on yourself about your lack of understanding how an aircraft is built. STOP
"Commencement this morning for my students here at Berkeley. While recent college graduates continue to earn higher wages than young people without college degrees, their wages are no longer rising. Since 2000, the real average hourly wages of young college graduates have declined 7 percent, adjusted for inflation. Yet according to a study in yesterday’s Times, the pay of America’s 200 top CEOs has been rising 12 percent a year, to an average of $21 million now. While young people are saddled with student debt and poor job prospects, CEOs have the lowest effective tax rates since World War II; many are paying less than 15 percent.

When I graduated college 47 years ago, my peers talked about a pending revolution. But in those days, jobs were plentiful, tuition was low (zero at many state universities), median wages were rising, CEO pay was only 25 times the pay of average workers (now it’s 300 times), and the top tax rate was 70 percent (the top effective rate, after deductions and credits, was still higher than 50 percent)."

-Robert Reich

1. The so-called “free market” doesn’t exist in nature. Its rules (property, liability, contract, monopoly, taxes and subsidies) are created and continuously revised by politicians, judges, and agency administrators.

2. These officials don’t make decisions in a vacuum. They are influenced, directly or indirectly, by powerful people and institutions.

3. Power and money are inseparable. Money buys political influence directly through campaign donations and lobbying; indirectly through manipulating public opinion via the marketing of ideas, purchase of “expert” opinion, and control over certain media.

4. In recent years, as almost all economic gains have gone to the richest Americans and to big corporations and Wall Street banks, that’s where the power has moved as well.

5. In this way, the “free market” has become rigged in favor of the wealthy, big corporations, and the largest banks.

6. As a result, upward pre-distributions within the market are larger than the downward redistributions outside the market.

7. The only way to unrig the market is to limit the political power of big money.
Dude you so telling on yourself about your lack of understanding how an aircraft is built. STOP

Most people think that the Nissan Quest is made in Japan,`s not. The door and frame tag say assembled in the USA by Ford Motors for Nissan auto. Does that mean I can say that this Nissan is foreign ? LM assembles the Falcon, it also designs it, but not all of it is made in the USA.......They did not receive the plane`s in their last upgrade for china`s Air Force,(Block V) the parts were delivered to and put on the plane in China. I`m sure there have been recent upgrades but that last one in 2012 was not done in Md.

Please type the second sentence in the fourth paragraph, it says it all.
Let me do it for you, I need the practice.

" More than 4,500 aircraft have been delivered worldwide from assembly plants in five countries."
Most people think that the Nissan Quest is made in Japan,`s not. The door and frame tag say assembled in the USA by Ford Motors for Nissan auto. Does that mean I can say that this Nissan is foreign ? LM assembles the Falcon, it also designs it, but not all of it is made in the USA.......They did not receive the plane`s in their last upgrade for china`s Air Force,(Block V) the parts were delivered to and put on the plane in China. I`m sure there have been recent upgrades but that last one in 2012 was not done in Md.

Please type the second sentence in the fourth paragraph, it says it all.
WOW. Now I see you are really clueless. I will help you one last time. Lockheed Martin has assembly plants all across the USA. The aircraft we speak of assembly is done at the Pinellas location. Thats in Florida by the way. The engines are done in San Antonio:spew: Texas. They have a site in Greenville SC. as well as in GA...many more..again STOP.
WOW. Now I see you are really clueless. I will help you one last time. Lockheed Martin has assembly plants all across the USA. The aircraft we speak of assembly is done at the Pinellas location. Thats in Florida by the way. The engines are done in San Antonio:spew: Texas. They have a site in Greenville SC. as well as in GA...many more..again STOP.

So, you left out the rest of the story, of the 4,500 (Falcons) produced, Lockheed says Five countries are involved in it`s assembly. Why did Lockheed say that on it`s web page ?
So, you left out the rest of the story, of the 4,500 (Falcons) produced, Lockheed says Five countries are involved in it`s assembly. Why did Lockheed say that on it`s web page ?
Because after you export to customer they will run their assembly finish such as paint, decal config, weapons config...etc
Because after you export to customer they will run their assembly finish such as paint, decal config, weapons config...etc

You`ll be surprised. The engine comes out of the building, but it went in through little boxes from UPS or something from across the world more than from the USA. The aviation systems come out of the building ready to drop in the plane`s cockpit, but went in through the mail, check the postages on them......
Subtract employees from that equation, could the new and improved machinery produce more all on their own?

Productivity comes from work, not machines (unless you have automated robots, then I'd agree with you, every penny goes to the employer)
Subtract anything from the equation, and nothing gets produced. Idiot statement.^^^^We have automated robots. They pay me to set them up.
That's going to happen eventually, when technology reaches a certain point, most estimates range from 2030-2040 (robot revolution)

So take a guess what's going to happen to the country if the tens of millions of unskilled/minimum wage workers get replaced by robots and we have the same economic disparity that we do today?

Do you think being in a gated community will matter? I'm working on a bbq sauce recipe right now just for the occasion!
It's already happening. You think she traveled 15-25 years into the future to take that picture?
Are you denying the fact felons employers receive a tax credit for employing them? (thereby confirming Bucks initial assertion)

I concede he, and I by association, is wrong about the 40% figure, that's fine, but for you to assume there's no benefit for businesses hiring felons is egregious. That's the point.

I'm assuming you're one of the "no" votes, yes? So why don't you think people working full time should earn a living wage? Can you explain that, or would you rather just jump on the tails of those that have already lost? In which case, you too have lost, check the votes: 27 for, 12 against, (15 indifferent, NOT against, NOT for)
No, 12 for letting the employer alone decide, 15 choosing neither of your deliberately extreme offerrings. So 27 rejecting your position.