Do you believe Americans who work full time should earn a living wage?

Do you believe Americans who work full time should earn a living wage?

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dude Japan builds 16's under license with lockheed enough said google it
WRONG. Japan builds a F2 which borrows the design of the F16. Lockheed does actually help build parts of the F2, but Japan does not build the F16.
Japan does produce a F15J but that is under license from Boeing
what ever dude it really doesn't matter lol
japan south korea build f16's under license still 40 percent of the parts comes from usa

F-16s are still produced for export, and these cost as much as $70 million each (the F-16I for Israel). Some nations, like South Korea, build the F-16 under license.
WRONG. Japan builds a F2 which borrows the design of the F16. Lockheed does actually help build parts of the F2, but Japan does not build the F16.
Japan does produce a F15J but that is under license from Boeing

First, the Falcon has been a Martin product since day one.

Second, Lockheed employs over 100,000 people world wide. most in the Islands and some in Japan.

Third, the freight goes to Md and the plane is assembled to order, then they slap a made in USA tag on it.

You can argue ,`s not.......
China is the big buyer of the Falcon. 125 count and spares with facilities and data links to Martin. It`s a nice plane.....
First, the Falcon has been a Martin product since day one.

Second, Lockheed employs over 100,000 people world wide. most in the Islands and some in Japan.

Third, the freight goes to Md and the plane is assembled to order, then they slap a made in USA tag on it.

You can argue ,`s not.......
We speaking on the F16 being built in Japan. It is not.
sorry did a brief job with the company and still have stock in LMT. Does that make me evil ?

No, your evilness began way before, when you stole oranges and continued thru your later years when you pilfered ladies underwear from the dryers and kept them in your secret stash for your perverse pleasures. It's okay though, I heard you make good beer.

Also, you never answered why you think a military industrial parasite company is "we". I reject alliances with killers and manufacturers of death machines. Sell your stock and grow food, you will feel better about your contribution to humanity.
Also, you never answered why you think a military industrial parasite company is "we". I reject alliances with killers and manufacturers of death machines. Sell your stock and grow food, you will feel better about your contribution to humanity.
Lockheed does more than aerospace and defense guy.
No, read it again.
no you do. The F16 is not being built in Japan. No parts of the fuselage, wings, flight controls or final assembly is built nor manufactured in Japan. Now if you are speaking about the F2 which is built off the design of the F16 then you would be correct. We still produce the F16 here and export.
One of the hardest things I've had to come to terms with in being a software engineer is that the majority of my job is to put other people out of work. The justification for almost every project I've ever done has included saving money by reducing the work force, or keeping the workforce the same and handling a larger work load. Its sad, it isn't fair, and it has occasionally kept me up at night (although not as much as the software I wrote for the military), but there it is.

The minimum wage is a vicious circle. An employers largest expense is its work force. When the cost of the work force increases due to the minimum wage increasing, it is usually passed on to the consumer in the way of higher prices, which in turn increases the cost of living, which requires a higher minimum wage, which takes us back to the beginning of the circle. In some countries (Japan I believe) the highest wage a CEO of a company can earn is determined by the lowest wage of persons working in the company. As such, these companies tend to have a flatter organizational structure, and bonuses for corporate executives usually take a hit when their margins are low rather than the cost of goods sold. This obviously would not work in a "free" market such as the one established in this country, but it is an example of a better solution than requiring a minimum wage.

Increasing the minimum wage alone will never serve as a long term solution to give someone a livable wage. I do believe everyone should be able to earn a livable wage, and in a fair world that would be the case. If I ever get the opportunity to live in such a world, I plan to move there.
Lockheed does more than aerospace and defense guy.

Yes a former neighbor of mine (a career criminal) did more than crime. Sometimes his psychosis allowed him to be polite and thoughtful in between stealing things, committing fraud and being a police informant.

I think he may have even been nice to his wife when he wasn't beating her.

So, yeah, keep deluding yourself that death merchants are doing good, because they sponsor a DARE community picnic or something.
Well with 1/3 of US roads and bridges falling apart maybe they can get them over schooled college students to pay back there loans by working there for 20 bucks a hr - 10 for the money they owe
Everyone here is crying about they should be paid more, when in fact. Nobody buys your products anymore , what was once a great nation its industry has been bleeding away shit even the mighty F16 is built over seas now . With government going after corporations for more tax and middle class citizens ,, they pretty much pushed them away. Corporations moved out of USA people moved there assets over seas and into secure accounts
why is it the big thing now with banks reporting to authorities when people with draw 5000 cash and up .
But anyways really what is left other then low paying jobs
i chuckle when you here well not everyone is equal well yes and no there are many cases of low dwelling people in bad areas that would probably be dead from a gun shot / gang related incident ,, but i guess there the few that beat the odds Tyson, Hollyfield , mayweather are just a few what about Basketball some of the elite players had no destiny i mean they were gang related , street thugs drug affiliated and they made it , same thing applies in NFL
What i am saying is everyone born person in USA has a opportunity to become something
even in the worst places in usa there are school programs ,
Its the person being lured away from it again his choice so please

You sure love to rant about schools, students and education but your poor English skills belie a need for education yourself.
no you do. The F16 is not being built in Japan. No parts of the fuselage, wings, flight controls or final assembly is built nor manufactured in Japan. Now if you are speaking about the F2 which is built off the design of the F16 then you would be correct. We still produce the F16 here and export.

Are you having trouble reading,...? I did not ever say it`s being assembled in Japan. The plane is made to order in Md. but you`ll find it`s parts are not. LM headquarters is in MD, but it no longer has a foundry or machine works in the States. Too many laws and taxes. The Philippines is the area where plating and emission laws are relaxed.
Yes a former neighbor of mine (a career criminal) did more than crime. Sometimes his psychosis allowed him to be polite and thoughtful in between stealing things, committing fraud and being a police informant.

I think he may have even been nice to his wife when he wasn't beating her.

So, yeah, keep deluding yourself that death merchants are doing good, because they sponsor a DARE community picnic or something.
Seems like you live in a pretty bad area. How often did you hang out with your neighbor to know so much about him ? Have you thought about giving your land back to the people/nation it belongs ?
Seems like you live in a pretty bad area. How often did you hang out with your neighbor to know so much about him ? Have you thought about giving your land back to the people/nation it belongs ?

No the area is rural and peaceful. A one in a thousand chance. I try not to associate with thugs.

I have thought about it, but your government killed them all.