too tall,need advice please!!!

I have 6 beautiful ladys, 3 Northern Light and 3 textada time warp! all of them has been flowering now for about 4or5 weeks!I have one 600 watt HPS light in an air cooled hood in my 5x5 x7 grow room! 2 of my NLS are stretching way above the other 4s canopy! I don't want to move my light up so far away from the canopy of the other 4,is there any way I can tie down the colas on the 2 so that they'll fit in with the rest of the canopy without damaging them, or breaking! any advice that would help with this would be greatly appreciated!!I'm afraid if I raise my light to account for those two that my other 4 will not get the light intensity they need or they will start stretching also, please help


In my experience, depending on how much taller the two pkants in question are, I would tie them down if possible.

LST, or low stress training is something Ive always done in veg, but can be done in flowering.

How much taller are they than the others?


And how thick are the stalks in relation to the top of the shorter plants canopy? In other words, are they super firm or could you flex them a bit?


Well-Known Member
Just pop the stem, super crop em. Pop em, n drop em, leave alone for a few days then tie it down so it doesn't start growing back up.
The 2 are about 4 to 6 inches taller and a 3rd is catching up to the 2,it's about 3 or 4 inches taller.the 3 plants 5hat aren't stretching are my nicest fullest 3 of the 6!that is why I hate to keep moving the light up to accommodate the three that are stretching and deny my 3 fullest healthiest ones that are staying shorter, the intense light they need.the picture I'm attaching is a horrible picture because it's when I had them all taken out of my room and crammed into my shower!once every couple of weeks I put them in my shower and give them a nice drenching like a fresh rain they seem to really enjoy that,but it's a real pain in the butt to do all the time.



I would do one of two things. Both equally effective and might even help the two stretchers bush out

Take the branches in question at the level of the desired canopy, and slowly and carefully work them back and forth, somewhat breaking down the inner fibers of the stem in order to Bend them as much as you can without snapping. Then tie them down evenly parallel with the canopy and you're done.
This will not only allow you to bring the light closer but also serves as telling the plant to bush out rather than stretch. ( it's science I don't fully understand)
Or you can pinch the stems where you want them and watch them topple sideways which does the same thing, only less desirable in my opinion. The branches will heal and continue growth.

I would LST them, you're gonna get some better yields that way due to the newly exposed lower nodes that normally wouldn't get much light. then in the future you can do it throughout vegetative growth to prevent significant stretch in flowering.

Hope that all makes sense, And open the flood gates of scrutiny haha