Last time you got punched in the face?

man , it was when i was 18, it was so bad tho i used to sit by the door all day scared,anytime i herd someone in the hall way,
i moved shortly after, but i was always so scared like someone was gunna come into my home

if they had beaten me on the street whatever, but whens omeone can violate your home like that its totally different took me quite a while before i didnt feel paranoid in my own home again.

good now tho.
This is why we own guns.
i was a bad kid at 18, i did hardcore drugs sold weed, bad shit happens when youre not in the right frame of mind.
Wow!! That story is amazing and totally sounds $100% true.

I always go to parties, save damsels in distress from armed thugs then receive a round of applause and a bj in return.

Just everyday life to superheroes like me and you

Haha , dont know about you but i dont leave the house without my mask & cape :lol: that story reminds me of the coolest superhero ever .

Best superhero action scene EVER !

My wifes helper dog head butted me in the face last winter & gave me a goose egg , thats the closest ive been to being socked in many years .
i didnt do anything tho i just sat there and took the beating

of course i could go all karate kid on their asses and bring out a knife but than it wouldve just ended up in me. i thought to myself

if they dont see me in pain, they wont have a reason to keep beating me...
it worked. i think?

haha i wish they had masks on. but if i had to guess i think i know who it was
i live in a REALLY small town, and theres only so many people who do shit like that on a regular basis,

honestly, i forgive them, and i hope they have wonderful lives and work towards the greater good of life.

You should get an attack dog if your a young girl living alone , a true attack dog isnt viscous & will only attack on command , after the command is given the animal will give its life defending you , we have 3 & their worth their weight in gold , its a deadly weapon that you control & cant ever be taken from you by a stronger person .

We have 2 that patrol the property & 1 thats at my wifes feet 24/7 , all are gentle as lambs until its time to work so their safe with kids & friends .
You should get an attack dog if your a young girl living alone , a true attack dog isnt viscous & will only attack on command , after the command is given the animal will give its life defending you , we have 3 & their worth their weight in gold , its a deadly weapon that you control & cant ever be taken from you by a stronger person .

We have 2 that patrol the property & 1 thats at my wifes feet 24/7 , all are gentle as lambs until its time to work so their safe with kids & friends .
i was 18 that was 8 years ago lol i have Thor now, not nearly an attack dog, but im a good person and he loves me 10475831_537310366399104_5779794117429416556_n.jpg
last time?
hmm... i got my house broken into , 5 dudes 3 girls they all took turns beating my face in
i kept telling myself " dont let them see you cry" ..but i think i went into shock the third punch in cause i just remember sitting there taking the beating.
i was it was quite a while ago..

but nothing feels worse than having yourself violated.
OMG Sunni! I would have gone all mother griz if I lived next door to you and heard that shit. WHo does that??? EIGHT ppl kicked your ass??