Well-Known Member
Damn nomane, you sure heal up fast.....except for those two shiners, you look OK.....and anyway, Obama, that piece of shit Marxist, is no better than "McSame". That is the point. To say something about one, regarding track record, is to say the same of both. They both suck.
I was never hurt i ignored your posts because you are ignorant, and you can't even talk shit good anymore. Especially since everytime I post about you I don't type the way I talk.
"NOMANE" wat is a NOMANE?
You know you aren't intellectual on a man's level just a 14 year old one. Well my little cousin has better arguments than you. So I guess I can't put your intellectual age that high huh?
Post all you want until you make a good argument, I'll keep on reading and keep it moving like I have.