Damn nomane, you sure heal up fast.....except for those two shiners, you look OK.....and anyway, Obama, that piece of shit Marxist, is no better than "McSame". That is the point. To say something about one, regarding track record, is to say the same of both. They both suck.

I was never hurt i ignored your posts because you are ignorant, and you can't even talk shit good anymore. Especially since everytime I post about you I don't type the way I talk.

"NOMANE" wat is a NOMANE?

You know you aren't intellectual on a man's level just a 14 year old one. Well my little cousin has better arguments than you. So I guess I can't put your intellectual age that high huh?

Post all you want until you make a good argument, I'll keep on reading and keep it moving like I have.
I was never hurt i ignored your posts because you are ignorant, and you can't even talk shit good anymore. Especially since everytime I post about you I don't type the way I talk.

"NOMANE" wat is a NOMANE?

You know you aren't intellectual on a man's level just a 14 year old one. Well my little cousin has better arguments than you. So I guess I can't put your intellectual age that high huh?

Post all you want until you make a good argument, I'll keep on reading and keep it moving like I have.

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: "Waaaaahhhhh......."
Damn nomane, you sure heal up fast.....except for those two shiners, you look OK.....and anyway, Obama, that piece of shit Marxist, is no better than "McSame". That is the point. To say something about one, regarding track record, is to say the same of both. They both suck.
Yeah, but one sucks more than the other. Thats the reason for voting. Your idealistic candidate could never win, no matter who they were. You hate everyone.
Well my little cousin has better arguments than you.

Yeah, but you got him on the white, right. A regular jabber jaw I bet.
sorry i don't really get to fired up about FISA, I'll bite why should I be as passionate and concerned about this as you?
:lol: You don't get fired up because you clearly don't understand the legislation. I am assuming you're an adult with good cognitive abilities, at this point you're asking to be spoonfed. Do you have any idea how much time Dave and I have spent reading up and researching this stuff?? I have provided links, which you haven't read. I have even taken quotes out of Obama's own playbook, and you sit there and say, "Well, he didn't say ____________." OF COURSE HE DIDN'T! He's a fucking politician! You can't see the word dance, then I can't help you.
here, in the land of immediate gratification, we just can't be bothered to waste time thinking through our solutions before implementing them. we are impatient for everything, from that new car to a remedy for our many problems. to keep up with america's superpower status, we demand the best of everything and we demand it now. any tom, dick or barry can come along with a nostrum for our ills and, if it sounds good, we'll buy it. substance is of less importance than appearance and dreams are favored over mundane reality.
I'll simplify it for you, UTI. We are The United States of Amnesia.
natrone and all you other Obama fans who think he's really NOT about war, explain me something, wouldja? How do you propose he's going to increase our troop strength by TENS of thousands when the troops that we already have are underpaid and under-equipped?
Well my little cousin has better arguments than you.

Yeah, but you got him on the white, right. A regular jabber jaw I bet.

Okay you are fucked up in the head. Did you go to a school with any blacks?

I'm truly believing that you didn't the way you talk you couldn't keep all this shit bottled in.
I know if you went to my high school and I went to a one in a suburb you would still get your ass whooped and there was only like 7 blacks.

Have fun cause people are eventually start shittin on you.

Ite bra have fun ima let Med get your ass now hopefully he can get a partna to double team ya ass.I
Okay you are fucked up in the head. Did you go to a school with any blacks?

I'm truly believing that you didn't the way you talk you couldn't keep all this shit bottled in.
I know if you went to my high school and I went to a one in a suburb you would still get your ass whooped and there was only like 7 blacks.

Have fun cause people are eventually start shittin on you.

Ite bra have fun ima let Med get your ass now hopefully he can get a partna to double team ya ass.I

Black?.......I don't think your color has anything to do with your ignorance. Are you saying it does?
When 9/11 went off (remember?) there was an estimated best guess that we had about 5000 terrorists in the US. Today that figure is at 20,000 and thats a researched and focused number. So, we can either let slip the dogs of war and surveillance, or we can sit back and hope for the best. The United States is a might big Humpty Dumpty. Not sure it could be rebuilt.
Damn nomane, you sure heal up fast.....except for those two shiners, you look OK.....and anyway, Obama, that piece of shit Marxist, is no better than "McSame". That is the point. To say something about one, regarding track record, is to say the same of both. They both suck.

If they are the same then why are you voting for "McSame"?
natrone and all you other Obama fans who think he's really NOT about war, explain me something, wouldja? How do you propose he's going to increase our troop strength by TENS of thousands when the troops that we already have are underpaid and under-equipped?

He could try over paying them and over equipping them. McCain and Bush were both against the GI Bill. Talk about supporting the troops. :mrgreen:
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