Advanced Nutrients

I guess im just lucky i live in an area where u can still get 4k per lbs plus locally for premium grade medicines.

I understand its a challenge out west since alot more ppl r in "the business" i guess saving costs on the most important part of ur grow being nutrients is something most ppl seem not to understand. Id rather cut profits and spend more on quality nutrients to get the best than to turn a larger profit but thats just me. Cheers
4000 for a pound of medicine is a oxymoron. You are straight robbing your "patients". 250 an egg on wholesale. Lol. We sell singles for 200 here.

I'm on the same coast as you, in a non medical or rec state. That is just pure greed.
I saw someone talkin about chloramines earlier just wanted make a quick point about them.

Not all municipal water treatment centers uses chloramines u wud need to ask if they add those to ur water sources in ur area. Chloramine is cholorina and ammonia mixed i believe. Most place do treat w chlorine whcih is easier to remove.

A simple fix for chloramine in most cases without having to get anything crazy and treat all ur water before using it. Is to understand that liquid humate or liquid humid acids or any other high concentrated forms of humic acids can easily get rid of chloramine. So long as ur using a humic and fulvic acid product that shut do the trick.

Ive noticed many growers sayin they are feeding correctly and having issues w yellowing as such. That cud b a cause of the chloramine bcuz it inhibits and binds up other nutrients in ur water from being uptaken by ur plants. So when in doubt jf ur doing everything u think correctly and experiencing issues such as this try treating w humic acids and makin sure ur water isnt treated w it.

I know in my area they dont use chloramine but do use chlorine. Also r/o systems dont work either as they may at first but eventually it will eat up ur membrane in ur r/o systems rendering them useless even if u think they are working. bol
Got to give credit where it's due. The humic acid thing is true. I was skeptical an researched it. Needs to be a very high quality source of humic.
Shiiiiiit, even when I was still getting 4800 here in CA, i wasn't using a bunch of worthless addatives. They didn't even exist yet:-D
4000 for a pound of medicine is a oxymoron. You are straight robbing your "patients". 250 an egg on wholesale. Lol. We sell singles for 200 here.

I'm on the same coast as you, in a non medical or rec state. That is just pure greed.

I wud never sell a single for 200 fck that lol. In state im in 8ths go for 45-60 depending what it is and u can buy ounces for upwards of 325-400 so if ur gonna sell outside of dispensary ppl dont care about 250-275 cuz if they gonna get it at the "medical pharmacy" whatever u wanna call it they r still saving plenty of money at end of the day.

Thats the prolem w market ppl will sell shit for so cheap driving prices down to shit. If im growing a few lights i need get 36-4 per unit otherwise its not worth it. Having to sell for 2-2400 wholesale out west is brutal unless u got 20-30 lights im not gonna sell my self short.

Id rather sell it all ounce by ounce or by the Q and wait for the top dollar than get it out wholesale and get fcked. U can buy plent of "commercial" greenhouses or candian indoors for super cheap, if im growin top shelf meds im gettingthe money for em u know.
Got to give credit where it's due. The humic acid thing is true. I was skeptical an researched it. Needs to be a very high quality source of humic.
I use AN humic and fulvic LMAO

Thats one of my tips n tricks got alot up the sleeve. But yah got be a high wuality good source of humic acids. I also add GH ancient forest humus and castings to my coco mix. On top feed with a full humic and fulvic acid during waterings and feedings and it def gets rid of the shit in their and helps out big time breaking down old unused nutrients as well as helping aid in absorbtion and uptake of nutrients as well. Def recommend using it throughout grow start to finish. Thats a must for me
I wud never sell a single for 200 fck that lol. In state im in 8ths go for 45-60 depending what it is and u can buy ounces for upwards of 325-400 so if ur gonna sell outside of dispensary ppl dont care about 250-275 cuz if they gonna get it at the "medical pharmacy" whatever u wanna call it they r still saving plenty of money at end of the day.

Thats the prolem w market ppl will sell shit for so cheap driving prices down to shit. If im growing a few lights i need get 36-4 per unit otherwise its not worth it. Having to sell for 2-2400 wholesale out west is brutal unless u got 20-30 lights im not gonna sell my self short.

Id rather sell it all ounce by ounce or by the Q and wait for the top dollar than get it out wholesale and get fcked. U can buy plent of "commercial" greenhouses or candian indoors for super cheap, if im growin top shelf meds im gettingthe money for em u know.
That's 2008 prices. Your state just seems far behind. All I got to say, is you better start accepting that those will be your prices too, soon. Now I understand how u make 100k off 4 lights. You're a street dealer. I'm not down with that. Every single gram of mine goes to one person in one transaction every harvest.

A grower shouldn't be selling his own weed. You have just significantly upped your risk.
I use AN humic and fulvic LMAO

Thats one of my tips n tricks got alot up the sleeve. But yah got be a high wuality good source of humic acids. I also add GH ancient forest humus and castings to my coco mix. On top feed with a full humic and fulvic acid during waterings and feedings and it def gets rid of the shit in their and helps out big time breaking down old unused nutrients as well as helping aid in absorbtion and uptake of nutrients as well. Def recommend using it throughout grow start to finish. Thats a must for me
Only problem is you can't use humic in a recirculating hydro system. It has a chemical reaction with phosphoric acid and causes it to fall out if solution.
U didnt know what u were doing conni was the bomb when u ran it was the original formula a few years ago

We can compare plants at any point in this thread if you're wondering which one out of the two of us knows his shit. That being said, I ran GH, H&G, and DG the exact same way as I ran AN in hydro and Connoisseur was awful.
That's 2008 prices. Your state just seems far behind. All I got to say, is you better start accepting that those will be your prices too, soon. Now I understand how u make 100k off 4 lights. You're a street dealer. I'm not down with that. Every single gram of mine goes to one person in one transaction every harvest.

A grower shouldn't be selling his own weed. You have just significantly upped your risk.
No my state u have ur own patients. U dont need to go to dispensary here. But i do have a caregiver license. Ur are alotted 6-8 patients depending on ur level. But they really dont check its way to many ppl to deal with. Only thing u have to do is have the fire dept give u ur paperwork make sure ur grow isnt hazardous their the ones who come out believe it or not. Kinda weird
We can compare plants at any point in this thread if you're wondering which one out of the two of us knows his shit. That being said, I ran GH, H&G, and DG the exact same way as I ran AN in hydro and Connoisseur was awful.
All plants and flowers look good when their alive and growing. Its the final product that tells the real story. Im sure u have seen plenty of runs that look amazing on the plant but after their dried and cured its a diff story. So whatever the shit looks like growing hard to say anything about it and its a mute point.
No my state u have ur own patients. U dont need to go to dispensary here. But i do have a caregiver license. Ur are alotted 6-8 patients depending on ur level. But they really dont check its way to many ppl to deal with. Only thing u have to do is have the fire dept give u ur paperwork make sure ur grow isnt hazardous their the ones who come out believe it or not. Kinda weird
Grower to patient and your charging 4000 a lb. that is not a compassionate price. You obviously do it for the money and not to actually help them, or you wouldn't tax the living shit out of them. Nothin wrong with doin it for the money, but not if your a medical grower.
Plants all look the same so long as u give it the nutrients it needs to stay green and healthy the real story is what it looks like afterwards so theres no point in doing that to be honest. Ive posted plenty of pictures including my avatar u can see one there lol. Idk what the shittin contest is about u wanna come to me w something dried and cured than we can talk about it
Grower to patient and your charging 4000 a lb. that is not a compassionate price. You obviously do it for the money and not to actually help them, or you wouldn't tax the living shit out of them. Nothin wrong with doin it for the money, but not if your a medical grower.
I told u how much the dispensary here charges. Im tellin u i get around 32-36 per pound selling wholesale to them. And they sell the shit for 400$ per ounce thats why ppl go directly to growers and sign up w them. Even at 250$ per ounce they r saving a shit load of money.

Every state is different man
This aint cali or colorado. Rhode Island and Connecticut is even worse super expensive. Fckin shatter goes for 60-65 per gram. I do em for 35-40 to patients. Its all about where u live my brotha
I told u how much the dispensary here charges. Im tellin u i get around 32-36 per pound selling wholesale to them. And they sell the shit for 400$ per ounce thats why ppl go directly to growers and sign up w them. Even at 250$ per ounce they r saving a shit load of money.

Every state is different man

Not for long. Your state will blow up with new growers and will b flooded. You then will fall under the same laws of supply and demand that every other medical state is going through.
Grower to patient and your charging 4000 a lb. that is not a compassionate price. You obviously do it for the money and not to actually help them, or you wouldn't tax the living shit out of them. Nothin wrong with doin it for the money, but not if your a medical grower.
Shit u got pay taxes on this shit too I fill out 1099 every year for it. I. Chargin as much as people will pay and are happy with. There's no complaints believe me. One of my buddies has people he gets 325-350 for his shit all day it's crazy.

He gets most of anyone I know from dispensaries too he does gorilla glues and the wifi og's and I will say it's top dog and ppl line up to get that shit soon as his runs come down. He's proly best grower around here I know of. Old timer been around long time.
Not for long. Your state will blow up with new growers and will b flooded. You then will fall under the same laws of supply and demand that every other medical state is going through.
oh yeah no doubt I'm sure it will eventually. Even if u r a street dealer here u can get caught w 50 lbs and its a slap on wrist. Most lenient marijuana laws in most of country to be honest. Very big business all around out here. And u can have 2 ounces for personal use and it's nothing.
They have a hardship clause and some other shit too even if u don't have license if u get popped growing w say. 4 lights for example. They won't even arrest u just take ur shit, and I've heard of ppl who got raided and they told me to stop and didn't even take their shit and left it there lol. Pretty crazy opposed to 5-10 yrs ago would have got a few years u know.