Last time you got punched in the face?


Well-Known Member
Man I feel so alive. Was at a concert and turned right into a jab to the face. Hurt pretty bad, got a nice cut on my nose but it ain't broke. What's a cool story I can tell people at work? The truth is kind of lame. Rough sex maybe?
I was in a mosh pit once, and caught an elbow to the mouth. Ended up knocking out my lip ring.

Took a second to realise what happened. Felt something weird in my mouth, spit the ring into my hand. Realised I was still in the pit, so I made a fist around the ring so I wouldn't lose it. Finished the song. Found the guy that elbowed me and showed him the ring (by this time I'm nice and bloody). He started freaking out and I started laughing my ass off.

Good times.
Man, I haven't been punched in the face in years. My brother and I are pretty accomplished fighters, we started martial arts in our early teens. We used to spar a lot with minimal padding, and tried our best to stay at medium contact. Doesn't usually work, and every so often you accidentally move into a strike that was meant to hit you a lot lighter than it does. You certainly do feel alive with your jaw hurt and head ringing. We've both worked security at several clubs in the city, and there is a big difference getting in the face with a bare fist vs. any kind of covering, lot more damage, too. When a new kid first began to spar, we would always watch their first reaction to getting their bell rung: most of the time they looked shocked, and got more cautious. But every once in a while some kid would react with a little smile, and get a little more aggressive. We liked those kids, and they usually turned out to be really good...
I was at this weak party. And this whore was there. Was joshing the stupid cunt, then she poured a beer on my head. I laughed er off. That was too much though, so she right hooked me in the jaw and started choking me. I grabbed the bitch and was about to go Marc lepine on her ass and a bunch of limp dicked cunts dragged me outta there. This was January. Fucking equality.
Last summer at a friends BBQ. This friend of his, who I had met before, was drunk and really loud. You couldn't hear yourself to talk to anyone else because he was saying a lot of stupid shit as loud as he could, I finally had enough and told him to shut up other people are trying to talk.

Then he got pissed and started saying "I'm not afraid of you!" over and over, (I'm a lot bigger than him) I told him I didn't want to fight but I was just trying to talk and couldn't hear anybody else.

He threw his beer at me and started taking swings at me, one of them caught me in the face and knocked my glasses off. I pushed him back hard and he went back 3 or 4 feet and fell backwards over a metal folding chair, he just laid there crying in pain for about 10 minutes then fell asleep.

He didn't remember anything and was overly sorry for the whole thing.
Sucker punched at a urinal in about 1990. I had just buttoned up and turned to see who had tapped my shoulder. Because I wouldn't play his song. Then he ran. If you see the guy...
I'd have to say it's been at least 15yrs, i got sucker punched..and it was meant for someone else... It's also the when i realized i need to back away from all fights, because I snapped, blacked out and went total psycho,..i guess one of my friends had to pry a 2x4 away from me cause i was about cave the guys head in..I don't remember any of it, scared me more than anything at the time that i was capable of that and not be conscious of it..i been called a pussy alot because i just walk away now.
Lol my wife punch me in the face about 6-7 yes ago.

Shit was so sucker punched too. Something about me and her girlfriend wrestling in the casino I guess. I mean I wasn't really trying to get all those handfuls.

So outside bam!!! I don't hit women but I man handled her on that one. Shit was way out of line. Maybe. But she never tried it again.

Kinda funny though. My sun glasses were all crooked after. I was so heated.