Well-Known Member
did it smell like alcohol? not all LAB solutions are full of homofermentative bacteria [which convert lactose to Lactic acid and Nad+] some LAB's are heterofermentative and will produce ascetic acid - methane and Co2.....although it has been thought that nearly 85% of identified LAB species are homofermentative [ie not alcoholic]i tried making a batch but got black mold. that normal? i chucked it and am gonna attempt again real soon..
To the OP:
I have a mother stash going on 5 years...... and you might also try pitching other things into the milk vs. the rice wash...like homemade hot pepper sauce, pickle juice, butter milk, homemade sourdough starter....a few drops of these examples that are alive and not processed to kill the microlife, will give you similar results, but will cultivate different types of LAB, not just the epiphyic versions found only on a certain kind of rice....many kinds of sugar.....might even look into pentose sugar only LAB's too....

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