
Please tell me that they are full of tots.

Dang it got me again
My weakness; cocaine and xanax
I ended up taking between 14 and 18 bars and a couple grams of white, and idk a half oz of bud, was awesoe

I hit my friends mailbox at a weird angle though and jacked up my hood. Stole a sock from walmart and ate pound cake while walking around heb..i love pound cake. At some point i changed shorts gave a homeless man a gram of dank and got pulled over while walking down the street for looking messed up. But that aint why, nothing happened though. Somehow, had 10 bars and a few bags of white on me.
Overall a good start to the week.
When I was a kid and the family went on road trips, getting comic books was a very big deal. Truck stops back then put them into three packs all in one plastic bag. And they always packaged them so that there was one desireable comic in front (Uncle Scrooge or Walt Disney's Comics and Stories) a not entirely lame one in back and an utter piece of crap in the middle.

So my brother and I would make a little slit in the top of the bag with our handy pocket knives and "reorganize" several bags' contents so that we would get three good books (Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge and WDC&S) and leave behind swathes of shit like Richie Rich and Mickey Mouse.

I still don't know about how I felt about it. We recognized the bullshit marketing tactics that were a bit predatory and even at the time considered it our way of fighting back.

If they sold the damn things separately it never would have been an issue, but they didn't. So they were getting us to spend much more than we would have if we had had the chance to buy what we wanted and the whole while they were telling us that we were getting a special deal on the three comics even though one was unreadable and the three pack cost more than the cover price of two comics.

Know what? I confess that I am glad we did it. Stick it to the man. Taking advantage of little kids is an asshole way to earn a living.
When I was a kid and the family went on road trips, getting comic books was a very big deal. Truck stops back then put them into three packs all in one plastic bag. And they always packaged them so that there was one desireable comic in front (Uncle Scrooge or Walt Disney's Comics and Stories) a not entirely lame one in back and an utter piece of crap in the middle.

So my brother and I would make a little slit in the top of the bag with our handy pocket knives and "reorganize" several bags' contents so that we would get three good books (Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge and WDC&S) and leave behind swathes of shit like Richie Rich and Mickey Mouse.

I still don't know about how I felt about it. We recognized the bullshit marketing tactics that were a bit predatory and even at the time considered it our way of fighting back.

If they sold the damn things separately it never would have been an issue, but they didn't. So they were getting us to spend much more than we would have if we had had the chance to buy what we wanted and the whole while they were telling us that we were getting a special deal on the three comics even though one was unreadable and the three pack cost more than the cover price of two comics.

Know what? I confess that I am glad we did it. Stick it to the man. Taking advantage of little kids is an asshole way to earn a living.

Richie Rich and Mickey Mouse sucked so much.
We use to put Penthouse or Hustler inside a people magazine and buy it. Worked every time.