Explanation thread exposing certain lies

Dyna has killed enemies insurgents with his bare hands from helicopters...
Lmao, you actually believe that bullshit like a 12 yr old kid would, that's sad, unless you seen him do it in real life then I doubt he's telling the truth,i mean just look at how middle school that sounds, "Killed enemies from helicopters with his bare hands" that sounds so irrational. Its like you see him as some fictional superhero
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Lmao, you actually believe that bullshit like a 12 yr old kid would, that's sad, unless you seen him do it in real life then I doubt he's telling the truth,i mean just look at how middle school that sounds, "Killed enemies from helicopters with his bare hands" that sounds so irrational. Its like you see him as some fictional superhero
no, he's a real life hero. U disrespectful little shit.
Dyna has killed enemy insurgents with his bare hands from helicopters..I'm pretty sure he can literally rape you if he felt necessary.
Lmao, you actually believe that bullshit like a 12 yr old kid would, that's sad, unless you seen him do it in real life then I doubt he's telling the truth,i mean just look at how middle school that sounds, "Killed enemies from helicopters with his bare hands" that sounds so irrational. Its like you see him as some fictional superhero
We've all sucked his cock.
Oh wait, sorry guys, I didn't mean to speak for you all. I know some of you have your mouths full though...

Are you sure that all union
Jobs, construction and what not always require you to travel places all the time ?
Becoming a construction worker will be my goal

You gotta turn your brain on bro , think about the question you asked about traveling to different job sites , i'll try n explain a bit more detailes how most construction work happens.

Errecting buildings isnt like mowing lawns where it needs done constantly , once the company finishes its work on a bldg it moves on to the next project , very few construction co's build the entire building , its too expensive to keep & maintain the different equipment needed , its also too expensive to have Journeymen/Master Electricians,Plumbers,Roofers,Tin Knockers,HVAC installers , Carpenters ect all on payroll, therefore a " GC " General Contractor is awarded the bid , the GC then sub contracts out all the various skilled trades required to complete the building to contractors who specialize in one specific area of the building trades .

The plumbing only takes so long then the plumbers move on , the brick work only takes so long then the brickys move on , the roofing only takes so long & the roofers move to the next project , unless the job is a Ford or GM factory thats 2 million sq ft most trades spend less than a month on any one site till they finish their work with the eception of electricians who spend roughly twice the time on site .

In a perfect world a company would only bid work within a few miles of their office but thats not the case , companys bid on work state wide/nation wide & are forced to take work hundreds of miles away in order to keep enough work on the books to keep their men working full time , one month you may be working on a grocery store 30 miles from home then the next month & movie theatre 100 miles from home , then the next job a large factory in Ohio .

The only projects that last many months are shit like hospitals , 60 storie high rises , power plants & auto plants , all projects its highly unlikely greenhorns would be sent to .

Both companys i worked for took work around the world, out of the 32 yrs i was in the union trades only 2 yrs were spent working within a half hour from our home & that was a massive Ford factory being built where i was the GC's superintendent, well twice i worked close to home as my last big project as superintendent was Motor City Casino & that took over 2 yrs , most tradesmen only work a month or two at a location then on to the next building , the whole career requires constant travel even with a small company , i bought a 5th wheel camper so i wouldnt have to sleep in hotels as much but i traveled my ass off , seen much of the USA & other countries too ,i loved every minute of it .

Think of it like this , the military & construction are the two careers where you get paid to see the country/world , i took one of my bikes wherever i worked & used off hours to ride the country & have many good memories , its a great career if you like to travel .
You gotta turn your brain on bro , think about the question you asked about traveling to different job sites , i'll try n explain a bit more detailes how most construction work happens.

Errecting buildings isnt like mowing lawns where it needs done constantly , once the company finishes its work on a bldg it moves on to the next project , very few construction co's build the entire building , its too expensive to keep & maintain the different equipment needed , its also too expensive to have Journeymen/Master Electricians,Plumbers,Roofers,Tin Knockers,HVAC installers , Carpenters ect all on payroll, therefore a " GC " General Contractor is awarded the bid , the GC then sub contracts out all the various skilled trades required to complete the building to contractors who specialize in one specific area of the building trades .

The plumbing only takes so long then the plumbers move on , the brick work only takes so long then the brickys move on , the roofing only takes so long & the roofers move to the next project , unless the job is a Ford or GM factory thats 2 million sq ft most trades spend less than a month on any one site till they finish their work with the eception of electricians who spend roughly twice the time on site .

In a perfect world a company would only bid work within a few miles of their office but thats not the case , companys bid on work state wide/nation wide & are forced to take work hundreds of miles away in order to keep enough work on the books to keep their men working full time , one month you may be working on a grocery store 30 miles from home then the next month & movie theatre 100 miles from home , then the next job a large factory in Ohio .

The only projects that last many months are shit like hospitals , 60 storie high rises , power plants & auto plants , all projects its highly unlikely greenhorns would be sent to .

Both companys i worked for took work around the world, out of the 32 yrs i was in the union trades only 2 yrs were spent working within a half hour from our home & that was a massive Ford factory being built where i was the GC's superintendent, well twice i worked close to home as my last big project as superintendent was Motor City Casino & that took over 2 yrs , most tradesmen only work a month or two at a location then on to the next building , the whole career requires constant travel even with a small company , i bought a 5th wheel camper so i wouldnt have to sleep in hotels as much but i traveled my ass off , seen much of the USA & other countries too ,i loved every minute of it .

Think of it like this , the military & construction are the two careers where you get paid to see the country/world , i took one of my bikes wherever i worked & used off hours to ride the country & have many good memories , its a great career if you like to travel .
Yeah panhead, it's just law of nature, that you won't ever work close to home when you work in the trades:-( i've worked within 30min from home only a handful of times. It would always end up about an hour each way for me. Sort of lucky I guess. But lots of work in the SF bay area, big jobs too, but again never usually going to be close to home.
First two jobs I was on lasted almost 3 yrs. (2 hospitals). My trade is on the jobsite for quite along time compared to most other trades. We have to get in there early, to do our work on top of the iron workers. And are there to the drywall(interior) and/or lath(interior and exterior) towards the end. Kind of sucks though. I'm not bragging believe me:-(. I would say any longer than 4 months on a job, is a month too long. Makes me crazy.
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with iron work probably pay half a million for a crane alone. lol

I operated 250 ton cranes like this model for iron workers & roofers , it was my highest paying hourly gig at $72 an hour , you can rent one for about $30 grand a month plus costs for the Operator , the Oiler & the Riggers ,or you could buy one for between 2 to 5$ million dollars.

For a small shop or non union shop at $50 k for a for an iron worker is about right , they have alot of down time being the bulk of their work is new construction , in Michigan Electricians , Architectural Sheet Metal & Roofers are the 3 highest paying trades & make more than iron workers ,some CCO's can make $150 an hour operating multi hoist tower cranes , thats what i was shooting for before i got offered superintendent position with hourly salary .

My best friend is still roofing in the union & took home over $100k last year , fyi lukesky due to non union bullying of OSHA & the lack of company wide saftey coordination backed by the ABC lobby Texas is #1 in the US for construction workers death on the job .

Like Areoknow ive watched 2 friends die & its not something you forget , i came close to death in an explosion , i broke my back & was 3rd degree burnt over 12% of my body , had 2 fingers partially amputated ,spent months in the burn unit & had to learn how to walk again , all from one accident caused by the only scab contractor on site, looking back i shoulda told em to stick the settlement up their ass & sued for 4 million .
Yeah panhead, it's just law of nature, that you won't ever work close to home when you work in the trades:-( i've worked within 30min from home only a handful of times. It would always end up about an hour each way for me. Sort of lucky I guess. But lots of work in the SF bay area, big jobs too, but again never usually going to be close to home.
First two jobs I was on lasted almost 3 yrs. (2 hospitals). My trade is on the jobsite for quite along time compared to most other trades. We have to get in there early, to do our work on top of the iron workers. And are there to the drywall(interior) and/or lath(interior and exterior) towards the end. Kind of sucks though. I'm not bragging believe me:-(. I would say any longer than 4 months on a job, is a month too long. Makes me crazy.

I hear ya on the travel , one time my company was doing a 3 yr retrofit of a GM plant 30 minutes from my house but they sent me to Jersey instead for a shitty little Volvo plant , i only mentioned about 1/100 the trades it takes to build out a job , didnt wanna confuse the kid too bad , he dont understand much about our work as it is .

How are you on traveling ? I loved traveling especially out of state or out of the country , i miss working with all you tradesmen & wish i didnt have to retire at 58 , i woulda like'd to have worked till 65 but my wife got sick & needs help , were it not for that i'd still be running work , i miss being on site .

You gotta be going nutts being laid up & not able to work at this nice time of yr , spring & fall were my favorite months , are you taking traction treatments for the disc ? I have my own lumbar & cervical table my backs so fuked up from the accident 20 yrs ago .
I hear ya on the travel , one time my company was doing a 3 yr retrofit of a GM plant 30 minutes from my house but they sent me to Jersey instead for a shitty little Volvo plant , i only mentioned about 1/100 the trades it takes to build out a job , didnt wanna confuse the kid too bad , he dont understand much about our work as it is .

How are you on traveling ? I loved traveling especially out of state or out of the country , i miss working with all you tradesmen & wish i didnt have to retire at 58 , i woulda like'd to have worked till 65 but my wife got sick & needs help , were it not for that i'd still be running work , i miss being on site .

You gotta be going nutts being laid up & not able to work at this nice time of yr , spring & fall were my favorite months , are you taking traction treatments for the disc ? I have my own lumbar & cervical table my backs so fuked up from the accident 20 yrs ago .
Well, like I had said, i was pretty fortunate to have worked most of my time in the trades in the bay area most jobs were around an hour away. Furthest was 3-1/2 hours away, during the Dot Com explosion. Working 6-12's on that job for 4 months and yet there was tons of work at the time close to home= bastard superintendent! Lol

I haven't worked my trade in a few years. Lately, I've been snatching up homes on the cheap, and adding on to them. Sort of "long term flips" if you will. I honestly hope I can get by without getting back in. Although I only have 16 vested credits(9 short of full), my body just can't handle it anylonger. During those years in the trades I also grew, and partied waaay to hard. I'm busted up man.

I've been seeing a chiropractor for the back. He has sort of done all he can for me at this point. I'm sure that if I actually religiously did the exercises he taught me, I would be doing a little better. At this point I'm lined up to see an Ortho here soon again. I'm pretty sure I need an operation. I'm scared as hell to proceed. So i've been taking it slow. Luckily I can, being self employed right now;-)

Sucks to hear about your friends who passed(and your son by the way:-( ). That shit is all bad brother!
Take it easy
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Lmao, you actually believe that bullshit like a 12 yr old kid would, that's sad, unless you seen him do it in real life then I doubt he's telling the truth,i mean just look at how middle school that sounds, "Killed enemies from helicopters with his bare hands" that sounds so irrational. Its like you see him as some fictional superhero

Just smile and wave boys

^Thats what you need to do if you can't learn to laugh at yourself sometimes and not take shit so damn serious