Anyone putting clones out yet?


Well-Known Member
I flipped the lights to determine sex. Had a heck of a time getting them to reveg. Local light cycle is at 14 hours 50 minutes now and I was running 18/6 inside. I think bringing them out to harden off helped get them to stop flowering. They had stopped producing new flowers but stopped growth too it seemed.


Well-Known Member
I flipped the lights to determine sex. Had a heck of a time getting them to reveg. Local light cycle is at 14 hours 50 minutes now and I was running 18/6 inside. I think bringing them out to harden off helped get them to stop flowering. They had stopped producing new flowers but stopped growth too it seemed.
Yea its going to take them a while to re veg completely and they will definitely be stunted in growth. You should only have to flip them for 3-4 days to force seeds to sex from my past experience.


Well-Known Member
Im not real concerned about stunting. 2 foot plants outside first of May. Vegetation season until late July here. I will have a hard time keeping them under control I fear. I've only successfully re veg'd once and that was long ago. Imagine my delight, (15 plants and the reason I flipped the lights was I needed the room until it warmed outside). 12 were females, including the two that were picked for the cabinet grow. which are maturing nicely.IMG_20150510_140453_646.jpg



Well-Known Member
Just keep an eye out for hermies man later on in the season. Ive never personally re vegged a plant but I have seen it before where the plant gets re vegged and then herms out. Good luck with the grow man!


Well-Known Member
Notice I said "successfully once" only tried twice for that very reason. I'm just getting back into it so I am staying optimistic. These had enough hairs showing that they should remember.


Hello CA MTN MAN, these are my clones and they are under 24 hours light, but the natural outdoor light hour is just a little more than 14 hours, I'm going to transplant them outdoors in June and what should I do? I'm afraid they will be flowering very soon when they are put outside.
I'm going to plant as more clones as I can.
1 (6).jpg


Well-Known Member
Hello CA MTN MAN, these are my clones and they are under 24 hours light, but the natural outdoor light hour is just a little more than 14 hours, I'm going to transplant them outdoors in June and what should I do? I'm afraid they will be flowering very soon when they are put outside.
I'm going to plant as more clones as I can.
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Nice looking crop.
Are we talking Auto's here.
If not, check your strains. 14 hours now and its almost June. (getting longer) Why would they be flowering very soon. Other side of the equator? or am I missing something. Outdoor wont finish until late September here.


Nice looking crop.
Are we talking Auto's here.
If not, check your strains. 14 hours now and its almost June. (getting longer) Why would they be flowering very soon. Other side of the equator? or am I missing something. Outdoor wont finish until late September here.
It's not auto strains, it's 12/12 photoperiod strains. They are separately Critical Kush and Critical+. I think that there is something wrong with your reply, it seems like your reply lacks of ?.
Currently in the closet they are under 24 hours light, when they are put outdoors it will be in the dark about 10 hours, that's a long time. The local longest light hour of my place will not more than 15 hours, so that's why I worried about.


Well-Known Member
All regular seeds will be considered a 12/12 strain. Some will need 12 hours of darkness some will need 14 hours of darkness to maintain flowering cycle. The plants will start their flower period when the light cycle gets to the genetic trigger point for that strain. To "STAY" in flower that dark period must be maintained. 12/12 is the easy/safe cycle that encompasses all strains (except auto's). I put 5 strains out this year with only 13 1/2 hours of light. they were all being re-vegged at the time and all flipped back. No problems.
Do some reading on Gas Lantern technique. There is good info on light requirement with in them.