they wont make me scared. still don't know who you are but I'm not worried any more than before, you knew last year. just like you said there are much larger grows in the area, what good would it have done saying it wasnt me? I didn't blow up the area, 18 plants isn't really blowing it up. the county voted last month to leave it alone. obviously my grow didn't sway the county, they are waiting for the state to decide. no cops have ever come by and all my neighbors know. you could easily count them. I really didn't care much about you pinpointing my grow just pinpointing any grow on the internet isn't really cool, you listed the street and what it was next to. something anyone in the world could have typed into google. there are other people on here that actually might try something stupid. my next door neighbor just finished doing tractor work for me and the one across the street brings me dinner almost weekly and they are both over 70. more of my neighbors are fine with it than that one lady you mentioned. I only have two other actual neighbors bordering my property and I have never met them, so your not my neighbor but we live in the same neighborhood.