Well-Known Member
I will work hard If I have to I just rather it be easier.
I was told when I was younger to work smarter not harder.. In life this can be accomplished through schooling. I'm not saying you HAVE to go to school to get a plush cerebral job but nine times out of ten it's a tried and true method to acquiring a position. I'm also not saying you have to use your mind as opposed to hands to have an easy job. In fact some very physically demanding jobs can be seen as easy simply from the joy the person gets. I will give you one bit of info.. It's A LOT easier to work harder when your younger and set something up for yourself for later in life then to slack early and try to work harder when you're older.. The body and mind simply fall apart... Plus now you have the time to go down the wrong road a couple of times.. When your sixty living in debt paycheck to paycheck STILL there is no room for error. Not sure what level of schooling you have but possibly look into a trade school if you don't think nasa is interested in you. In the mean time get what ever job you can.. I'm a firm believer in manual labor as not only a motivator to get out of the trenches but as a tool to fighting being lazy, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.. Like I had said before landscaping or construction isn't going to have an interview to see if you play nice it's more of a do you want money type of talk.. this is when you start.. Get some boots. But you only managed to pull some racism out of it?
Hope this helps.. And FYI I didn't know you where black but I'm still going to call you boy if you like it or not because that was some sound advice BOY