Explanation thread exposing certain lies

I will work hard If I have to I just rather it be easier.

I was told when I was younger to work smarter not harder.. In life this can be accomplished through schooling. I'm not saying you HAVE to go to school to get a plush cerebral job but nine times out of ten it's a tried and true method to acquiring a position. I'm also not saying you have to use your mind as opposed to hands to have an easy job. In fact some very physically demanding jobs can be seen as easy simply from the joy the person gets. I will give you one bit of info.. It's A LOT easier to work harder when your younger and set something up for yourself for later in life then to slack early and try to work harder when you're older.. The body and mind simply fall apart... Plus now you have the time to go down the wrong road a couple of times.. When your sixty living in debt paycheck to paycheck STILL there is no room for error. Not sure what level of schooling you have but possibly look into a trade school if you don't think nasa is interested in you. In the mean time get what ever job you can.. I'm a firm believer in manual labor as not only a motivator to get out of the trenches but as a tool to fighting being lazy, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.. Like I had said before landscaping or construction isn't going to have an interview to see if you play nice it's more of a do you want money type of talk.. this is when you start.. Get some boots. But you only managed to pull some racism out of it?

Hope this helps.. And FYI I didn't know you where black but I'm still going to call you boy if you like it or not because that was some sound advice BOY
Does this make you nervous for the generation behind us? Geez. Please younger men, restore my faith in humanity and be counted. Tell me y'all are employed or at least independent.

Most are slugs or sidewalk gangsters who wont work , even one of our god children is a milk toast who wont work , he's 26 & still in college & doing the welefare foodstamp bit , meanwhile our sons ( his best friends ) are taking the family businesses we passed on to them to the next level & working day & night .

Were proud as fuk of all 3 of our sons , our eldest lost his life in Iraq, our middle son has a degree in business administration from U of M ,our youngest is just shy of getting a degree in landscape architecture & will be going back to finish school soon , he only left school to fill my shoes running the 2 self storage facilities we own , correction he now owns .

He's putting together the money now to build an addition at the smaller storage facility where people will be able to store their motorcycles , boats , atv's & rv's in a climate controlled building .

Our middle son left his corporate job to take over the real estate business & manage the rental homes , before i gave him the business we bought , remodeled & flipped 6 to 8 foreclosed homes a year , so far in 2015 he's allready flipped 4 homes , his 5th is on the market , they are working on the 6th now & the 7th is allready bought & awaiting the crew to finish the last house , he wants to flip 12 to 14 houses this year & he might be able to at the rate he's going .

He's doing something i wasnt smart enough to do & thats to bid on blocks of homes from HUD & Wells Fargo , thats 1 reason i havent been round much as we looked at 11 different homes , he's bidding on a block of 5 & another block of 3 , if he gets all 8 homes he'll put atleast $500k in his pocket .

Were extremely proud of how both kids are handeling their new found income , neither kid is blowing their profits on toys & bullshit , both are still living in the modest homes we gave them & reinvesting their profits to diversify the businesses in ways i never could have done .

Both son's have many friends who still live at home with parents & party vs working & its sad for us to see them so hopeless .

There's a few hard working kids out there .
Take this for what its worth.....Walk out your front door & start asking if anyone needs help, you'll be employed by the end of the day.This shit kills me when young men say they cant find a job.I train horses for a living & the single hardest thing i have is keeping (good) employees..Seems everybody wants a pay check but not the work nowdays.Man up work your ass off & things will get better or do the same shit you're doing & be happy with it.Im not tryin to give you a hard time trust me alot of people are looking for hard working young men & women go out & get it

You response ^^^^^^^^^^^ to me saying i had a feeling your looking for easy work .

This isnt a smart move , or a plan that will allow you to advance in pay with experience , im not trying to be disrespectful or mean but your thinking like a mush belly , you have to be aware of your lack of education & poor performance at the education you do have , your options are fucked from get go bro .

Im not book smart my own self so im not shitting on you but i am trying to make you aware of your limitations , without substantial education jobs that turn into home buying savings account building careers are far & few in between for anybody , what you should take advantage of is your youth & strength of body , if you started now as a helper in any of the building trades you would be making $30 to $50 an hour in 5 to 6 yrs & have a skill you could market around the world .

I was in the same boat as you , i was a 7th grade dropout but i was smart enough to know i was uneducated & was gonna have to bust my ass if a wanted a life ,why have it easy for 1\3 the pay ?

There are 3 approaches to building a career , the 1st is education which leads to higher wages & a good life that guys like @see4 make , the 2nd way to build a career is by busting your ass like i did , i made a great living from hard work ,the 3rd way is the easy route where ya look for the easiest work available , that route you end up a drooling idiot , broke as hell , 55 years old watching grass grow as a security guard with a flashlight guarding a swamp for $10 an hour.

You gotta have something to offer an employer , if it isnt higher education it'd better be willingness to bust ass .

I mustered out of the Army in '72. Bad timing and had to wait about 8 months before I could continue college. After a month wasted, I became an apprentice carpenter. One of the best moves I ever made. I made enough money to get my own space, support myself and go back to college. 3 yrs, I quit, at a financial loss to get a job in my field of study....I don't regret the choice as it was necessary to continue my education; however it took 5 more yrs before I made the same money had I stayed a carpenter

I mustered out of the Army in '72. Bad timing and had to wait about 8 months before I could continue college. After a month wasted, I became an apprentice carpenter. One of the best moves I ever made. I made enough money to get my own space, support myself and go back to college. 3 yrs, I quit, at a financial loss to get a job in my field of study....I don't regret the choice as it was necessary to continue my education; however it took 5 more yrs before I made the same money had I stayed a carpenter
You made an excellent choice my friend.
I'm a journeyman carpenter, got in 1991. I'm currently laying around, can't really do shit, because of a herniated disc:-(

I mustered out of the Army in '72. Bad timing and had to wait about 8 months before I could continue college. After a month wasted, I became an apprentice carpenter. One of the best moves I ever made. I made enough money to get my own space, support myself and go back to college. 3 yrs, I quit, at a financial loss to get a job in my field of study....I don't regret the choice as it was necessary to continue my education; however it took 5 more yrs before I made the same money had I stayed a carpenter
All of the construction jobs on that site required experience.
Im not saying their my peers, I was talking about my friends and
family that I know in person, btw I have been noticing that while im walking at night everytime there's either a black SUV or another type of car that just pulls up behind me turns the headlights off and just sits there then like 5 minutes later they drive away this started happening right after the zodiac thing, Man that really scares the shit out of me, Thanks alot abe for putting that horrible thought in my head
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously. You call yourself lazy and then when people agree with you, you get mad.

Your problems have been stated.
Your lazy.
Your lazy.
Your lazy.
Your a punk ass kid that thinks he knows it all.
Your Lazy.

First, quit being lazy. I told you this moths ago. If you want something go get it. Quit saying you can't and quit making excuses.

Second, be smart enough to shut your fucking mouth and listen when someone smarter and wiser is telling or teaching you something.

That's it. That's all you got to do.

I know I've cursed and sounded mean. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

You are your worst enemy. Change that.
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