Advanced Nutrients

The humic and fulvic acid that AN has in their lineup is only when you are running organics.

All their "synthetic" nutrients are really a blend of synthetic and organics. And AN has humic and fulvics in all of their bases. The H&F lineup is to add when ur running organics or if u are running other nutrient lines and u want to add their products into ur nutrient schedule.

Thats the misconception about AN that they have all these nutrients u "need to buy 15 bottles" thats simply NOT THE CASE.

They just offer all of their products in separate bottles so u can use them in conjunction with other base nutrients if u wanted to. If u read the ingredients in their bottles it tells u theres humic and fulvics in them. Not only that but their sources of nutrients and way they are made are the best possible forms on the market they spend alot of money on R&D to provide ppl w the best u can use. They are chelated for optimal uptake and focus on being PH stablility, unlike many other companies esp. When ur running hydroponic nutrients u will notice that their solutions after u mix them in ur res and check them days later hold their ph very well opposed to many other nutrient lines that create huge swings in ph after short periods of time. Dont believe me try it for yourself.

I promise u its a world of difference because that what they designed their nutrients to do. They also chelate them so ur plants can uptake nutrients at different ranges of ph so if u do have swings ur plants can still uptake them by the processes which they were made, and u wont see the deficiencies u get with other cheaper made solutions. But than again ppl just tlk shit bcuz they dont know any better, but ppl who use it know and see the differences.

Yeah, they got rid of that "misconception" by quit selling their products in "levels".
"Now that you have grown at the (insert BS here) level you need to move up to the (insert more BS here) level"....Each level added 3 or more products that would total around 100 bucks more in nutrient cost......They changed because they got "Called out on that one"!!!
But they still suggest "you buy these and get better"......They put these in their ads.

Here, I got this while trying to find out what is IN some of their products. Got this from looking at "Bud Ignitor" for contents (none given)
And if you want to further increase the profitability of your crop, get Bud Ignitor today, along with our proprietary series of bloom phase-specific bud boosters such as Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Overdrive. This is the full spectrum of bud potentiator fuel for your garden.

Humics......In reality, Humic acids are a form of Fulvics......To really get the bennies from H&F acids they need to be supplied in stronger purer forms then MANY companies products supply!! Most and I DO mean almost every single nutrient maker that makes a standalone Humic.....Is not strong enough to make overstated claims they make on results of using their product....

Again,,,,Use a Kelp extract or if you really want to see what H&F's can do....Sea Green (and you use like 1ml)......They increase the availability/uptake of nutrients to the plant. This IS true for synthetics and organics . Sea Green works so well at that,,,you will need to start your run using 50% less nutrient and adjust from there......

Now then:
Chelation (pronounced "key-lation") describes a particular way that ions and molecules bind metal ions.[1] According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), chelation involves the formation or presence of two or more separate coordinate bonds between a polydentate (multiple bonded) ligand and a single central atom.[2] Usually these ligands are organic compounds, and are called chelants, chelators, chelating agents, or sequestering agents.

Metal chelate compounds are common components of fertilizers to provide micronutrients. These micronutrients (manganese, iron, zinc, copper) are required for the overall health of the plants. Most fertilizers contain phosphate salts that, in the absence of chelating agents, typically convert these metal ions into insoluble solids that are of no nutritional value to the plants. EDTA is the typical chelating agent for this purpose.[16] Thank you WIKI

I wish they listed their heavy metal contents, Chelation does not make organic nutrients...
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I believe so. I run drain to waste in coco mix. Basically same deal just have make sure it doesnt clog ur lines but Ive never seen amy AN base nutrients do that. All their lineup is very good in that sense its very well made products. Only time ppl have trouble w bottled nutrients in hydro is from clogging typically from organic bases and additives that turn gooey and thick when they sit stagnant.

So long as u have an agressive pump and filter in ur main reservoir and dont allow shit to settle or sit stagnant u should be able to run just about anything u want (thats they key is keeping water constantly moving and aerated so it doesnt have chance to build up at all).

And in response to other comment about h2o2 although it does add "oxygen to ur water" so will a good air stone and bubbler without the downside of killing any micro and benes u do have. Although they arent as important in hydro as they are in all organic mediums, its still can be beneficial in keeping what goods one are there inside ur root zone and providing whatever essential help they can. BOL
You have contradicted yourself once again. In the roots excel vs great white thread, you talk shit to someone using compost tea(bennies) in their hydro system. Now you are saying else wise.
Uh oh!
I'll beat Chuck to the draw......

AN ??? Forever why? RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!!!! Overstated claims and overpriced products!

How about a good water only organic soil? search that on this site.....Here's a good start to a basic organic soil. Click on the link below.

Easy Organic Soil Mix for Beginners - Organic Growing

Don't go GH as they now belong to the enemy (Scotts - who belonga to Monsatan)

If you have to synthetic, try one of these
Look at Dyna Gro
Hesi - soil (drop the Roots and the SuperVit and use a good Kelp extract instead)
Canna - Terra (not cheap but damn good)

The worms are loose!!!
when did gh get bought out??? i hope they are not changing the nutrients, ive use gh maxi series for awile, before that the nova n 3 part..i started with advanced back in the 90's but switched to gh after side by side tables always yielded better with the gh 3 part, then compared the 3 part to many other brands and the maxi n nova, i ended up using the nova for several years then switched to maxi maybe 2 years ago now.. the maxi series yielded more and costed less than almost every nutrient out there...after maxi n nova 2nd place would have to go to plantlife 3 part followed by fox farm i tested about 10 different brands in 4x4 rock wool on 4x4 tables and maxi or nova always won out....i hate scotts, toxic shit, i truly hope they dont change general hydro products, gh had spent 20 pluss years developing these versitile in/out nutrients...i dont want to change after all these years and i dont want to start testing all over again, it wasted lots of money just to find that the cheap maxi was better than those high priced nutes... but scotts,,,,FUDGE!!! I AM LOST FOR WORDS,,,,just hope they dont change the gh nutrients....
Lately it's been:
Floranova in coco and soiless.
Maxiseries in my recirculating setups. Both only need 5ml/gal(max). They work fantastic for myself, and lots and lots of heads I know. Always have
i use m to man,,, cant believe they sold out to scotts tho...i dont want to change, im finally getting that gram per watt with maxi, but i hate giving my money to i said i hope they dont change the gh nutrients,, im sure aint going back to wasting money on testing to find somthing much time n money gets wasted!!
when did gh get bought out??? i hope they are not changing the nutrients, ive use gh maxi series for awile, before that the nova n 3 part..i started with advanced back in the 90's but switched to gh after side by side tables always yielded better with the gh 3 part, then compared the 3 part to many other brands and the maxi n nova, i ended up using the nova for several years then switched to maxi maybe 2 years ago now.. the maxi series yielded more and costed less than almost every nutrient out there...after maxi n nova 2nd place would have to go to plantlife 3 part followed by fox farm i tested about 10 different brands in 4x4 rock wool on 4x4 tables and maxi or nova always won out....i hate scotts, toxic shit, i truly hope they dont change general hydro products, gh had spent 20 pluss years developing these versitile in/out nutrients...i dont want to change after all these years and i dont want to start testing all over again, it wasted lots of money just to find that the cheap maxi was better than those high priced nutes... but scotts,,,,FUDGE!!! I AM LOST FOR WORDS,,,,just hope they dont change the gh nutrients....
I don't see them changing what GH products already exist. If they do though, and I don't like it, I'll use something else. :-)
I don't see them changing what GH products already exist. If they do, and I don't like it, I'll use something else. :-)
what would u switch to?? in my testing second place went to plant life 3 part but costs way more than maxi or nova and was a 30 gram difference
what would u switch to?? in my testing second place went to plant life 3 part but costs way more than maxi or nova and was a 30 gram difference
I was really digging the cns-17 in coco and promix. Really good shit, but 15ml/gal is my problem with it(same as the floraseries). It also ends up being pretty much the same price as the floraseries, but it's a onepart:hump: i don't recommend it in a recirculating setup though. It leaves a white snot on shit, clogging pump filters etc.
Not sure what I would go back to for the recirc setups at this point. Probably the floraseries though:roll: lol.
They also break down their nutrients into separate bottles because they reallized that in order to provide the best poss solutions of nutrients and the way they are chelated if u tried to put everything into one solution it wud become suspended and wudnt mix properly. Therefore they separate what u need and u can tailor it to ur growing needs. If u want good resukts u can simply use 5 products.

Base nutrient u want to use
Vood Juice
Big Bud

Thats all u really "need". The rest is just beneficial to overall plant health and quality. I always recommend H&G roots and an enzyme to add to any lineup u choose whether its AN, Canna Botanicare whatever the case.

Also, if people wanna use a good inexpensive one part nutrient that u only need 2-3 things I highly recommend trying The Rock Nutrients im doing a side by side right now vs Botanicare Pure blend ill be giving weekly updates til harvest and ppl can see for themselves. The Rock is super cheap, easy as hell to use and produces awesome results Im highly impressed with this shit so far from what Ive seen.

Hell yeah. I'm gonna pick up some voodoo juice tomorrow and i'm running some superthrive, which I think works wonders as far as root development.

As far as the humic acid, i'm using ful power which is clean and from my understanding synergizes with synthetics as well as organics. And the more the merrier IMO.

I woke up this morning and you can already see the advanced working its magic. Just transplanted into 2 inch rockwool cause the roots were busting out.
I just cant believe so many people on here speak so highly of such a garbage nutrient for MJ growing like Dyna Gro. If ur growing flowers or veggies im sure that the shit works great but I wouldnt use it for MJ at all. It aint designed for MJ and it dont work anywhere close to as good as any nutrient lines at any hydro storu go too. And i guarantee none of them even carry the bs at the store. And for ppl who wanna argue that they dont carry it bcuz they dont make money off it is just puttin the blinders on bcuz GH 3 Part is just as cheap and The Rock Nutrients are even cheaper and they carry those products so dont even state that as a matter of fact bcuz thats just a bunch of rubbish.

People just have no clue, they're happy getting a couple ounces out of a tent and don't know any better.
when did gh get bought out??? i hope they are not changing the nutrients, ive use gh maxi series for awile, before that the nova n 3 part..i started with advanced back in the 90's but switched to gh after side by side tables always yielded better with the gh 3 part, then compared the 3 part to many other brands and the maxi n nova, i ended up using the nova for several years then switched to maxi maybe 2 years ago now.. the maxi series yielded more and costed less than almost every nutrient out there...after maxi n nova 2nd place would have to go to plantlife 3 part followed by fox farm i tested about 10 different brands in 4x4 rock wool on 4x4 tables and maxi or nova always won out....i hate scotts, toxic shit, i truly hope they dont change general hydro products, gh had spent 20 pluss years developing these versitile in/out nutrients...i dont want to change after all these years and i dont want to start testing all over again, it wasted lots of money just to find that the cheap maxi was better than those high priced nutes... but scotts,,,,FUDGE!!! I AM LOST FOR WORDS,,,,just hope they dont change the gh nutrients....

A month back.

General Hydroponics is “a major international supplier of liquid nutrients used to grow food, flowers and indoor marijuana,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. The company was founded 35 years ago by a medical marijuana advocate and now has manufacturing plants in California, West Virginia and France, the newspaper reported, although the founder said growing non-marijuana plants is the biggest market for the company.

Scotts lately is working on a strategy to acquire companies in niche markets. It spent $60 million in 2013 for pest control company Tomcat, and has spent less on other niche companies, including in the indoor and urban gardening sector that Hawthorne targets.

The General Hydroponics acquisition is noteworthy for the company’s prevalence among indoor marijuana growers, although officials from both companies downplay the ties and note that the products are mostly used for other plants. The company brings $40 million in annual sales to Scotts, which had revenue topping $2.8 billion last year.

The company is growing faster than the standard lawn-and-garden segment and is not a “fixer-upper” like many of Scotts’ acquisitions, equity analyst Jim Barrett said in a note. Barrett covers Scotts Miracle-Gro for C.L. King & Associates.

“So while we think Scotts is paying a full price for the company, it should be a company well-positioned for growth with below-average risk, especially if marijuana continues to be legalized in more states,” Barrett said.

Scotts spokesman Jim King said the company is not trying to reinvent General Hydroponics: “It’s about going in there and helping them operate efficiently as we can.”

Yeah right, sure....

Good Luck on yer nute remaining the same
I was really digging the cns-17 in coco and promix. Really good shit, but 15ml/gal is my problem with it(same as the floraseries). It also ends up being pretty much the same price as the floraseries, but it's a onepart:hump: i don't recommend it in a recirculating setup though. It leaves a white snot on shit, clogging pump filters etc.
Not sure what I would go back to for the recirc setups at this point. Probably the floraseries though:roll: lol.
yep, recirculating and flora is still gh,,,or scotts,,,damn its bothering me... they had better not change,,and i guess my money is going to scotts as much as i hate to say it,,, but i love the maxi and nova series both are top notch..i feel nova gives plants a bit more of a natural organic flavor but other than that nova and maxi both yielded fairly close to each other,, i would have stuck with the nova but for some reason since i moved the maxi keeps a better ph with my water and its cheaper...
A month back.

General Hydroponics is “a major international supplier of liquid nutrients used to grow food, flowers and indoor marijuana,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. The company was founded 35 years ago by a medical marijuana advocate and now has manufacturing plants in California, West Virginia and France, the newspaper reported, although the founder said growing non-marijuana plants is the biggest market for the company.

Scotts lately is working on a strategy to acquire companies in niche markets. It spent $60 million in 2013 for pest control company Tomcat, and has spent less on other niche companies, including in the indoor and urban gardening sector that Hawthorne targets.

The General Hydroponics acquisition is noteworthy for the company’s prevalence among indoor marijuana growers, although officials from both companies downplay the ties and note that the products are mostly used for other plants. The company brings $40 million in annual sales to Scotts, which had revenue topping $2.8 billion last year.

The company is growing faster than the standard lawn-and-garden segment and is not a “fixer-upper” like many of Scotts’ acquisitions, equity analyst Jim Barrett said in a note. Barrett covers Scotts Miracle-Gro for C.L. King & Associates.

“So while we think Scotts is paying a full price for the company, it should be a company well-positioned for growth with below-average risk, especially if marijuana continues to be legalized in more states,” Barrett said.

Scotts spokesman Jim King said the company is not trying to reinvent General Hydroponics: “It’s about going in there and helping them operate efficiently as we can.”

Yeah right, sure....

Good Luck on yer nute remaining the same
gh was making millions a year,, why the f did they sell out?? all that research down the drain,,, im really upset about this thing...SPEACHLESS!!!!
Some more bs from the peanut gallery. LOL

Chuck just stick to ur dyna gro let the real growers do the rest. Dyna Gro is garbage. All big growers know this. Dyna gro for lil small mom n pop growers who dont know better or are too afraid to spend money on quality nutrients, u pay for what u get. U want mediocre results u go with mediocre nutrient like dyna gro. Period.

Total bullshit. Dyna-Gro is far from garbage. It can be perfect for a lot of growers needs. Among them are those that don't buy into all of AN's overpriced and overhyped magic potions.
Total bullshit. Dyna-Gro is far from garbage. It can be perfect for a lot of growers needs. Among them are those that don't buy into all of AN's overpriced and overhyped magic potions.
No its actully a matter of fact that u are just misinformed about AN nutrients bcuz they are the top echelon of nutrients available for growing period. U just think dyna gro works great bcuz u dont know any better and u think bcuz u get decent results its fulfilling ur goals.

Its like someone in a 3rd world country who never been to NYC. They think where they live is awesome but never left their country. U only know what ur limited by thru experiences, trials and errors. Knowledge is power, the same ppl who sold u on dyna gro and convinced u it was the holy grail of growing for a fraction of the price, never even used AN or tried it lol. I PROMISE U THAT!

U use Canna or AN or even Botanicare for instance u wud never use Dyna Gro again. No need for that synthetic garbage.
Puttin Dyna Gro in same sentence as Canna or AN is like trying to convince someone that a ford fiesta is an awesome car bcuz they cant afford or never have driven a Ferrari. Period. But someone told them that a Ferrari is over priced lol
I can grow better than you with just say MAXI GRO, so now what? It's not just dyna you idiot, It's ANY nutrient that a experienced grower knows how to use and mostly not CANNABIS SPECIFIC, cause that stuff is for CHUMPS.chump!!!!
Total bullshit. Dyna-Gro is far from garbage. It can be perfect for a lot of growers needs. Among them are those that don't buy into all of AN's overpriced and overhyped magic potions.

Yah dyna gro is good compared to miracle gro thats about it. Other than that its garbage. There a reason u pay 30$ for a gallon. Why do u think that is?

If Dyna Gro was so good no other nutrient company wud b in business bcuz its so cheap. Yet not one hydro store i know carries the shit so why is that? BCUZ ITS GARBAGE