Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

I've heard people say you can take an m.a.o. inhibitor(like prozac) when you 'shroom, and it's supposed to be like the dmt in ayahuasca...sounds dodgy at best.
It's fucking amazing, too amazing... Nothing that good can be healthy, heh...

Nuff said, but I will add.
I am a thizz fan, a big one at that. I thizz on occasion. Like raves, the occasional house party. Thats it though, never just to do it. I love thizz. Thizz or die YOU BEEZY!
Nuff said, but I will add.
I am a thizz fan, a big one at that. I thizz on occasion. Like raves, the occasional house party. Thats it though, never just to do it. I love thizz. Thizz or die YOU BEEZY!
"Rave Music, MDMA, Hyphy, C-R, U-N-K... ":mrgreen:
ok switch up the question do you think the drug would make a person who didn't know they took it have sex with you cuz my friend hangs around alot of people who takes x she thinks someone slipped it in her drink could x really do that to you?
Thats really uncool, one of my family's friends had known someone who got their drink spiked and they went psycho for the rest of their life. The person thought they were going crazy since the person didn't knowingly take any drugs. So spiking drinks can ruin peoples lives :/.
i only had one bad experience with E. Was driving and was seeing fireflames off the road. My friend had to drive the rest of the way. Then later that evening saw two buddies of mine at a bar and my hearing was getting impaired and when I was trying to right their numbers to hook up and party in the future I lost my eye sight momentarily lol.
I've heard people say you can take an m.a.o. inhibitor(like prozac) when you 'shroom, and it's supposed to be like the dmt in ayahuasca...sounds dodgy at best.

DO NOT take MAO inhibitors with any other drug unless you know for sure it will be ok. MAOI's can have dangerous reactions with a lot of things. I wouldn't be surprised if shrooms+MAOI = seratonin syndrome which can be fatal
i really liked it. it was a playboy and i got kinda fucked up lol
its funnn and it makes you feel like your on clouds.. idk I PERSONALLY like it... alot haha
defiantly fun, took 3 yellow play bunnies double stacked first time, and I was walking with some friends to a restaurant to get some water, and the whole way there I was feeling my chest up lol. When we got there, I was like, do you have any water, in a very high voice lol. They said no, so I yelled 'Fuck they don't have any water lets go to the river' it was hilarious though, just the sound of my voice, so happy and high pitched :P
fuck, did E hardcore for a almost a year lost 50 lbs in the first month and a half went from 215-165 really not good for the body so i just decide i didn't wanna become a Etard so all i do now is smoke hella chronic and do a little ocycottin from time to time
I did E for the first time tonight actually, it's fun and all but i didn't see what all the fuss was about... honestly i'm just a weed guy
it depends on what kind you take, if you take a based kind, basically your taking 2 drugs at once (i did a meth based one once and my boyfriend did a heroine based one)
my boyfriend was so fucked up last year (before i knew him but its a story) he was standing in the closet with his hands doing the spirit fingers hahaha like he was trying to touch some sparkly shit that wasn't there/

honestly im a chronic chick too, i like my weed. and EX fucks with the juices or whatever in your back, and you can't ever get that back and i got into a bad accident so my back got hurt and i can't use xtc very much since it makes my back hurt after awhile..
it was 1st. we was partying like fuck, doing everythin safe. then my m8 just went mad and tried to run home. he dehydrated and an ambulance picked him up just down the road. i had to walk him home still buzzin and then we had to sit on the park bench for a few hours till we both sobered up.

we had a laugh but the shit is seriously dangerous.

play it safe an have fun kids!