Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I'm sick and haven't slept more than maybe 3 hours in the past two days. I show up to work and find out there was a ton of vandalism done during the weekend and the new guy did a bunch of stupid shit and broke some new equipment.

But I saved a birds life this morning, so it was worth it.
That sucks, boss. You saved a bird?
I'm sick and haven't slept more than maybe 3 hours in the past two days. I show up to work and find out there was a ton of vandalism done during the weekend and the new guy did a bunch of stupid shit and broke some new equipment.

But I saved a birds life this morning, so it was worth it.
That sucks, boss. You saved a bird?
Robin has triplets in a tree not far away. She gives me the hate stare when I get close. They still are baby blue eggs but triplets none the less. When I groom my dog in the spring I stick his hair in trees for the preggers birdies. Have come across about half a dozen lined with his hair.

And for you that have never seen robin eggs


Hate that if you touch any of their bird stuff ie babies or eggs or even nest they just abandon it...nest fell out of a tree in my yard, put it back in with gloves only to find the mother abandoned them too late to do anything about it
Got bullied in the park this afternoon by a guy who I recognised had a Russian accent.
"Babe, you gotta come down here, some Russian is hassling me!"
Hate that if you touch any of their bird stuff ie babies or eggs or even nest they just abandon it...nest fell out of a tree in my yard, put it back in with gloves only to find the mother abandoned them too late to do anything about it
That's not always the case, but true in most cases I reckon. Cool of you to wear gloves though. If you ever come across a baby owl on the ground stay the fuck away.

"I should know I am now missing my left eye because of one" something a writer wrote in a book or magazine. Can't remember where from, but it has been written. I feel I could easily kill a owl bare handed same as a Canada goose or wood duck. But the element of surprise must be the significant part of a owl attack.

For whatever reason that just reminded me of walking through the woods as a kid. There was an old abandoned shack us kids would walk back to and store our porno magazines, stolen from various fathers throughout the neighborhood. There was a hollowed out tree with a obvious den at the base. I stuck my head in there all curious and dumb. Was either a big skunk or a fucking badger, I came face to face with. Wonder why it didn't attack me...

Oufta shlavia have a solid day drunk going on

Party on garth. Party on wayne.
Got bullied in the park this afternoon by a guy who I recognised had a Russian accent.
"Babe, you gotta come down here, some Russian is hassling me!"
Can boyfriend scrap or you need me to step in? Of course somewhere in spain I would expect to get shanked by a jack knife. Given all the pussy pick pocketer/ theifs you got. That's ok I carry my buck knife like I do my wallet.
Your flowers still top shelf at the club? Did you get your bike back?
I'm bored.
Can boyfriend scrap or you need me to step in? Of course somewhere in spain I would expect to get shanked by a jack knife. Given all the pussy pick pocketer/ theifs you got. That's ok I carry my buck knife like I do my wallet.
Your flowers still top shelf at the club? Did you get your bike back?
I'm bored.
This Russian with a kid started having a go at me about my dog when I was in the children's play zone. Thing is, my friend has a little boy so there was no need for me to not be there. We argued, I detected he was Russian when we were speaking spanish. He started mentioning the police so I called my bf who turned up pronto. He was all apologetic to him though!
There's no violence here, you'll get robbed and not even realise it at first. Some bits can be risky but London is far more violent by comparison.
I've got the bike but I'm not using it much. Lazy, stoned and have a car!
Flowers are going well but I just sorted out all my friends before the clubs. One guy is trying to reserve from Columbia whilst it's still wet! Sold before seen! :)
This Russian with a kid started having a go at me about my dog when I was in the children's play zone. Thing is, my friend has a little boy so there was no need for me to not be there. We argued, I detected he was Russian when we were speaking spanish. He started mentioning the police so I called my bf who turned up pronto. He was all apologetic to him though!
There's no violence here, you'll get robbed and not even realise it at first. Some bits can be risky but London is far more violent by comparison.
I've got the bike but I'm not using it much. Lazy, stoned and have a car!
Flowers are going well but I just sorted out all my friends before the clubs. One guy is trying to reserve from Columbia whilst it's still wet! Sold before seen! :)
Out walks the 6 footer and he shut his mouth huh? haha

Still wet huh? Not fully cured I take. Yeah better to flip it quick. A lot of California hippies do that shit before sending it across country. But fuck them.

If I came to spain would you show me the tapas in the area? Is it true as long as you keep drinking they keep giving you free food?
That sucks, boss. You saved a bird?

Yeah. I was walking to an apartment I'm working on and this cat that hangs around was stalking something, I get closer and the cat runs off but this little bird just keeps sitting there chirping.

It kept trying to fly away but it would just go like a foot and tumble. I picked it up and noticed it's eyes were matted shut with crud, so I carried it to the apartment with me and cleaned it's eyes with warm water and a paper towel until it could see.

Then I let it go and it flew back into the tree it was under with the rest of the flock.
Out walks the 6 footer and he shut his mouth huh? haha

Still wet huh? Not fully cured I take. Yeah better to flip it quick. A lot of California hippies do that shit before sending it across country. But fuck them.

If I came to spain would you show me the tapas in the area? Is it true as long as you keep drinking they keep giving you free food?
This bully today was quite small, about 5'6" but was happy to argu me with me about my 'dangerous' dog. Bf turns up and started arguing with him and he just totally apologised and backed down. What a bully!!
Idk where this harvest is going but no rush, just sold the last one!
They don't give you fuck all for free except olives IF you keep ordering beer and then at the end you get a huge bill which you are too drunk to decider and argue!