Please Look I Need Help Quick Before Its Too Late Please Help A Fellow Cainer


Active Member
pass the dutchie from the left handside someone said - whats this mean or is it his signature ? - and what do you mean light tight ( thanks for the help) its helping ! - ive looked up on the net bio bizz bloom - i might get some of that ! - whats liught tigh5t mean ?


Well-Known Member
pass the dutchie from the left handside someone said - whats this mean or is it his signature ? - and what do you mean light tight ( thanks for the help) its helping ! - ive looked up on the net bio bizz bloom - i might get some of that ! - whats liught tigh5t mean ?
light tight means that its completely light proof and nice and dark inside, if you can find somewhere safe like this, then you can leave it outside during the best hours (12 of them) to make it flower then bring it inside to darkness for the other 12 hours, this is only good though if it is completely dark, no light leaks, light tight, then you will be succesful, its going to be a lot of maintenance on your part though and very binding to do it this way.


Active Member
cant he just put the plants in a trash bag for 12 hours a day and keep them in the shade so he don't heat stress the plants....?


Well-Known Member
trash bags arent very sterile though, and are quite see through your going to need a few to make sure its dark enough


Well-Known Member
if a plant is recieving 14 hours plus of light then it will be in vegetation mode, you will never flower a plant with more hours than this.

at the moment in england the days are getting light at around 5.30 ish and going down at around 7 giving 13 hours daylight.

in a month or so that is going to have increased again by a good amount which will set your plant back to vegetation and stop flowering.

You need 12 hours of ininterupted darkness and this needs to be consistant until you harvest


Active Member
ill try and sort something out where there is a light division - if this is performed every day - how long will it be untill the end of the harvest ? - i will post updates on here of pictures and then maybe you can guide me - very nice people on here - so finally - lets have bullet points of what i need to do thanks


Well-Known Member
alright buddy, I think I can help you the most, becuase I have my plants outside right now as well. Despite what some of these more expeirenced growers said ( and I am not being sarcastic, becuase they all have grown way more then me, and know twice what I know ) , I live in southern US where the days are about 14 hours, and my plants started budding a couple weeks ago, they have been out side the whole time, and I gave them no jump start bloom nutes either. They just thought they were ready and started. They have not switched back to veg either, and have continueously been flowering, you can look at my gallery if you dont believe me, those pictures are about a week and a half old though, I will take some new ones today, to show you. They can bud with a bit more then 12 hours of light, but 12/12 is what they should be at, and what will give you the most bud.

I would try as best you can to give them that 12/12 but if you live with your parents, dont try and bring them indoors, they will start to smell, and you will be paranoid all the time, iv tried this. Give them some of that bizz bloom, iv heard it works awesome, make sure you give them a very very weak strength... follow the directions on it, but make sure you give them about 50% of the strength, maybe lower, start off with that, then if they respond well, slowing work your way up to full strength, some growers even work it up to 150% strength but after time. But you must start small, and work yourself up as time goes on. Also using Molasses during flowering works awesome. You can use it with your bizzbloom, Use about 1 tbs per gallon. Videoman posted the article for this, its on the Hightimes website, and they said it makes your bud swell up to 20% and gives it more trichos (the crystals on your bud) .
If your bud does go back to veg state, then you are going to have a size problem for sure, if that happens you might want to research some methods of tieing it down, or topping, so that it grows more bushy then tall. Also if it goes back into veg state, you should try and get a clone or two, these are very beneficial because you dont have to start from a feed, and you dont have to buy a seed either. Cloneing is taking a cutting from your plant, and then rooting it, to have another plant just like that one. If you want to know more about this, I will glady give you direction on how to do this, or you can go to the FAQS and they have many links on the subject that will help you.

Best of luck to you buddy. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thats a valid point, but unlike you I live in the uk and have knowledge of our climate. Yes you can flower with 14 hours of light, but you are in southern america and we are in england, we are just about to be coming into summer with our longest daylight hours

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Some strains will autoflower...even on 24 hours of light per day. Maybe this is the case with the plant you are growing?

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
There some Nice looking plants for your first time..

The Bio bizz range is really good seeing as thats is all I have used, I cant compare it to anything else, I was that impressed that I just got another 200Ltrs of there soil and toped up my nutes grow/bloom, Again from there range.

It says to use 2-5mil of the bloom per Ltr of water---PHed is it ?

I have read a lot about not using whats on the bottle, So as it has already been said start at 1/4 which is about 1mil and work your way up... 1mil one week 2mil the next ect

Do your parents even know about your plants?


Active Member
no there at someone i knows house - but they cant be having the lights on and that - theyre fine with them being in the greenhouse