Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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Well-Known Member
My personal belief is that organic weed produces a cleaner high than weed grown with synthetic (salt based) nutrients, all else equal. My belief is of course biased by my preference for organic growing techniques so I'm wondering what others think?

I'm defining a clean high as leaving you feeling good on all fronts while you are high and as you come down. No anxiety, no headaches, no undesired side effects. I'm not speaking to flavor or smoothness of smoke, just the high.
My personal belief is that organic weed produces a cleaner high than weed grown with synthetic (salt based) nutrients, all else equal. My belief is of course biased by my preference for organic growing techniques so I'm wondering what others think?

I'm defining a clean high as leaving you feeling good on all fronts while you are high and as you come down. No anxiety, no headaches, no undesired side effects. I'm not speaking to flavor or smoothness of smoke, just the high.

Your bias is based on a lack of . Understanding if you truly believe all that BS
I'm open to that possibility, care to elaborate so I can understand your position better?
Unless your using some nasty synthetics the soluble form or your organics is the same stuff as synthetic... its just been chelated by acids in a tank rather than enzymes from microbes and root exudates.

Its harvest time and conditions that affect the quality of a high
It is my personal belief that your personal belief is purely a placebo effect. But hey, perception is reality so smoke up that organic weed -- no hating coming from my way.
Unless your using some nasty synthetics the soluble form or your organics is the same stuff as synthetic... its just been chelated by acids in a tank rather than enzymes from microbes and root exudates.

Its harvest time and conditions that affect the quality of a high

Cheers! I don't deny the homegrown placebo effect at all, very real. Hence the reason I admit a bias. I also don't understand chemically why it would be different. I'll have to try those blind tests @BWG707 recommends.
Do several blind tests, I'll bet you can not tell the difference.
Have you done this? Was it truly clones grown in same environment with one being organic and one being synthetic? Fuck, that sounds like a lot of work. I might just take your word for it if someone has done it already.
Cheers! I don't deny the homegrown placebo effect at all, very real. Hence the reason I admit a bias. I also don't understand chemically why it would be different. I'll have to try those blind tests @BWG707 recommends.
Yes, placebo is very real. You are actually enjoying it more than bud that you know is grown synthetically. That's why I wouldn't recommend a blind taste test -- it might put an end to the placebo effect and thus ruining that little bit of extra enjoyment that the chemicals in your brain have conjured up from smoking organic bud. Why F with a good thing. lol
Yes, placebo is very real. You are actually enjoying it more than bud that you know is grown chemically. That's why I wouldn't recommend a blind taste test -- it might put an end to the placebo effect and thus ruining that little bit of extra enjoyment that the chemicals in your brain have conjured up from smoking organic bud. lol
LOL - That would be okay. For me, organic is easier to get right.
My personal belief is that organic weed produces a cleaner high than weed grown with synthetic (salt based) nutrients, all else equal. My belief is of course biased by my preference for organic growing techniques so I'm wondering what others think?

I'm defining a clean high as leaving you feeling good on all fronts while you are high and as you come down. No anxiety, no headaches, no undesired side effects. I'm not speaking to flavor or smoothness of smoke, just the high.

Not all people agree but i notice it too. I even noticed upon my first organic harvest. The smell is cleaner and more fruit like, you can smoke a whole eighth and not have a dry throat after, the taste is even different. Not as strong but definetly smells much more fresh. I smoke alot, and i have 1 day off a week. That day off will rape a quarter from one of my jars if im cleaning all day. I cant smoke a quarter of most chemical shit in one day without a dry throat for a few hours after that. Organic doesnt do that and this whole time i thought it was because i dont flush.
Ok so first off, let's say The Ops opinion is biased, (which is not, we see this organic food quality)
At this point it's not about cleaner high, it's about sustainability, synthetics is not sustainable. If you cant connect the dots between agriculture pollution and indoor synthetic chemicals, then you yourself are no different then these Monsanto fucks destroying the world.
Get real you hydro synthetic freaks, your herb is trash and worthless where I'm from, no value.
These threads never go anywhere, so I simply speak the harsh truth, and truth is, your synthetic boo boo is nothing compared to my superior organic herb.
Since when does a plant know what your feeding it NPK is NPK if you really want to break it down one source horse shit lol other source mined minerals one stuffed with hormones , vitamines GMO's other source from a quarry millions of year old rock which do you think is cleaner ?? with half the foods we eat and sources of organic composts manures its filled with chemicals if you really break it down , like i said hormones , soya base products , corn starch all from monsanto
Since when does a plant know what your feeding it NPK is NPK if you really want to break it down one source horse shit lol other source mined minerals one stuffed with hormones , vitamines GMO's other source from a quarry millions of year old rock which do you think is cleaner ?? with half the foods we eat and sources of organic composts manures its filled with chemicals if you really break it down , like i said hormones , soya base products , corn starch all from monsanto
Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Just curious as usual...

Ok so first off, let's say The Ops opinion is biased, (which is not, we see this organic food quality)
At this point it's not about cleaner high, it's about sustainability, synthetics is not sustainable. If you cant connect the dots between agriculture pollution and indoor synthetic chemicals, then you yourself are no different then these Monsanto fucks destroying the world.
Get real you hydro synthetic freaks, your herb is trash and worthless where I'm from, no value.
These threads never go anywhere, so I simply speak the harsh truth, and truth is, your synthetic boo boo is nothing compared to my superior organic herb.
I have to agree with this. The price of synthetic hydro crap is dropping like a rock. You can't hardly give it away here.

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