Well-Known Member
Unwatched so I could watch again 
Looks like fun!!!!

Looks like fun!!!!
In that case welcome back???Unwatched so I could watch again
Looks like fun!!!!
What do you think would happen if you went from 18/6 to 6/12? Got a crop about to go into flower next Friday, should we try it? Would like a decent crop, but I am new to this so what the hell, why not?
If this was a university or lab experiment you are 100% right.bro in order for this theory to work you must had done the following imo.
1) you took 2 clones from the same exact pheno from each strain. I say this because 1 strain can have 2 different plants with different characteristics, im sure you would know that with a 15 year experience of growing.
2) did a side by side comparison - one under 12/12 and the other on 6/18. this is also very important, because obviously you want to see if its better to run 6/18 or not... yes it could work, but is it worth it? where there any dramatic changes in the 6/18 plant compared to the 12/12 plant?
3) have them run on the same nutrient feeding and EXACT growing environments, this includes humidity and temperature.
im really intrested in your results, if you didnt do the things i mentioned above i could be a little skeptical. i mean yeah it can work, but is it worth it in the long run? you want the best quality medicine, will this affect your quality and yeild? sorry but so many pages and so much reading haha, just my 2 cents.
Thanks to a visit from ganja santa a few nights ago.
I have put a bunch of seeds in paper towel to germ for round 2.
I am going to run some
Not sure on how many i am going to keep in my cab or what light shedule i will use. I have at least a month to decide.
After talking with a friend i will definately be trying the 6/18 shedule in his room using dwc this time and we are going to start building a coliseum/rail type system.
I've run Jillybean and I still do! She's tasty and a lil bushy, not the fastest growing plant but worth it.
I'm very interested in seeing your coliseum grow and the rail lighting. Will the lighting be moving?
I'm having a few issues with mine that you should probably be aware of. Give me another week or so and I'll report my findings.I was thinking about a tiered square fence post rail system well actually two that are lit by one light moving from one to the other. Perhaps three, we will see how time and money is.
I will put up a drawing of the idea later. I would appreciate some opinions on it. Especially since hot diggity has built a few.