Walmart is just an example of all the corporations out here. Yes I could just walk away if I worked at Walmart but I would be walking away to the same exact thing at another company. It doesn't matter how many times I leave my job if all I can find is the same exact paying jobs.
I have to apologize, there's a lot of conversations going on in this thread so I'm not familiar with your story. I was posting to Pad, but I'm glad you responded.
From reading some of your responses forward, I assuming that retail and a job at Walmart wouldn't be your first choice, but it's a job and helps with your current obligations.
I'm going to try and express something that others have touched on but maybe with a different twist, hopefully it'll come out and maybe will be useful.
Working for wages is "fucked". It doesn't matter if you're making a "bizzilion" or five bucks/hr, you will always be dependent on the hiring entity.
The conversation that London and Pan are having, although about wages, is structurally different then the conversation Pad started. The Lond/Pan discussion will default to business models of the individual owners ... London and Pan. Pad's discussion is about manipulating business owners into modifying their business plans to "accommodate" his philosophical beliefs.
Think of it this way, Pad's methodology doesn't "unshackle" you, it just re-positions the binders. If you want the freedom to make choices ultimately you want to be in the position of London/Pan.
I'm assuming you're young and just starting off. Things can often look bleak, it always helps to have a plan. We were all young once and had to figure stuff out.
Look, wages are a stepping stone, collect skills that will move you higher in wages. Develop an identity, you won't be successful if you don't know who you are.
Ultimately the only way you will be able to demand/bargain for hire wages is if you have a skill people are willing to pay for. Figure out who and what you want; then go after it with a vengeance. There is nothing like the high as your first negotiation for a service you uniquely provide.
Long term goal, "diversify". Not only for income, but for the ability to mitigate loss. The tax code is a great tool, understand how it works. Of course if you work solely for wages it's not of much use.
Good luck to you.