here is Lucky Charm porn at day 26.
I've got some GG4 and ACDC cuts I took off my originals that I am nursing back to health, plus a Cherry Pie from GB at the bbq. Then I am hopefully going to have some MK Ultra, PLP, and OG18 and maybe a couple others if my beans do ok. Digging in some compost and more DE this week and then it's on!
Cool! What is plp? I put some squash and brandy wine tomatos in this morning I started when I got here. I am still trying to decide what to put out back under a carport green house. To many good strains to pick just 8 or I have thought about 4 each of two strains 10 x 10 for each strain. I would yeild more but if a strain is not suited to this environment it could go bad quick.