What do you consider more important sexy/ or sultry

What do you consider more important sexy/ or sultry

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Fuck sexy and sultry I just want a good ol slut monkey. Good girls are boring both in bed and usually to talk to. However I'm a weirdo I could date a pornstar and be tottaly fine with it. My advice find a girl who has fucked two guys at once and has no shame about it ( buy the way no woman should feel any shame for their sexuality ) then marry her, if she's bi even better.

Yessica if I asked to buy you a drink and you told me there was no chance of me banging you I would buy you the drink and then reply " its cool I was only hoping for a blowjob anyways" it would totally melt your heat lmao.
Fuck sexy and sultry I just want a good ol slut monkey. Good girls are boring both in bed and usually to talk to. However I'm a weirdo I could date a pornstar and be tottaly fine with it. My advice find a girl who has fucked two guys at once and has no shame about it ( buy the way no woman should feel any shame for their sexuality ) then marry her, if she's bi even better.

Yessica if I asked to buy you a drink and you told me there was no chance of me banging you I would buy you the drink and then reply " its cool I was only hoping for a blowjob anyways" it would totally melt your heat lmao.
I would just buy her several drinks and then stick it in her butt!
Yessi you should re-adjust your alpha male radar.
For such a young little buck (my turtle is older)..He brings up some good points
Not all alpha males are about being macho.
Real alpha males lead quietly, by example. They dont seek approval and attention of others. Dont mistake confidence for arrogance.
Big mouth, pushy, muscle headed macho men are not necessarily alpha males. Just because you think you are an alpha doesnt mean you are one.
Alpha males dont sit around and wait for shit to happen. They make shit happen. Deep down most women want to be with someone who will protect them and take care of them.
I see a lot of husbands who have just wimped out and become one of the kids. The wife is the leader of the family, makes the major decisions and wears the pants. Hubby is there for the extra income, pick up the dog shit and to clean the gutters.
Our new and improved feminist society has made women grow up saying 'I dont need no man!' but evolution begs to differ
I see a trend of women settling on a partner because they are waiting so long to settle down. When they realize they are runnning out of looks and baby making years (your clock is ticking??) they grab the first man they can.
We live in such a disposable society that even relationships are easily tossed to the curb. Always looking for something better arent we? It seems we are never satisfied anymore.
By the time these women realize they have already 'recycled' the 'one' its too late and they have no option but to settle.
Do any of you ladies agree with this?
I would rather die in a firey crash than be with someone that I didn't want to be with.

I'll NEVER settle.

I will compromise like all hell, I will do whatever I can to improve the relationship, if I think it's worth it.

But I would never try to land a man just to make my life easier. Ever.

EDIT: I pretty much go for guys that are kind of pussies. Not totally, but kind of. I have a type. If you've had at least 3 panic attacks, a high school mental disorder, and possibly been medicated for your mental shit - I'll probably suck your dick.

I like sad men, I don't know why. I feel like I can "fix" them.
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if women thought the same way as men and wanted to fuck anything and everything evolution would never take place, because people with inferior genetics would be repopulating and it would never leave the gene pool.

I'm no geneticist but isn't the opposite true? Don't the alpha (strongest sperm etc) genes win out?
I'm no geneticist but isn't the opposite true? Don't the alpha (strongest sperm etc) genes win out?
No its a coin toss on weather the dominant or decisive traits win out for example blue eyes are a recessive gene and brown eyes are a dominant. but nature makes it so women and men are attracted to people who show the traits of dominant genes, just like animals when they do their mating shit..Things like tall dark and handsome are an example and the reason most guys go for ass over titties...its not really the ass its the child bearing hips.
No its a coin toss on weather the dominant or decisive traits win out for example blue eyes are a recessive gene and brown eyes are a dominant. but nature makes it so women and men are attracted to people who show the traits of dominant genes, just like animals when they do their mating shit..Things like tall dark and handsome are an example and the reason most guys go for ass over titties...its not really the ass its the child bearing hips.
Oh I don't know…. I sort of go for the men who make jokes about the animals living behind their zippers…..
Chapter 5 of the Wannabe Alpha Male Guide clearly states
'....in no uncertain terms will a sock puppet or internet troll EVER be an alpha male'

I think I've just identified our sock:

Intriguing ^^, could you elaborate further please :)

I used to have a "sexual disclaimer" the last time I was single. I had just gotten out of a VERY hard 4 year relationship where we did not have sex for the last year.

Well, not with each other anyway. We both cheated.

Anywho - I wanted to have sex, but I didn't want to have to deal with any of the emotional bullshit that comes with relationships. I didn't want a boyfriend. Or ANYONE telling me what to do or where to be. The ex really did a number on me in that sense and I FULL ON went like Cartman on Maury...

"Fuck you MOM, I DO WHAT I WANT!!!"

So I would talk to a guy, usually a mutual friend or someone at a party. And, if I liked them, I would tell them..

"We can have sex, and it will be great. But, I can't give you anything more than that. I can't be your girlfriend. I don't care if you sleep with other people, but I hope you would use protection (as I always did). If you can agree to these terms, then let's start being fuck buddies."

The end.
If you can agree to these terms, then let's start being fuck buddies.

i like it ^^:) although it is nice if you play "a little hard to get"

May i ask though
i am assuming you mostly do out calls rather than in calls
when its time to leave, (after visiting a fuck buddy) do you by any chance say "thanks for that" or words to that effect, exiting without looking behind you ?
or perhaps you wave goodbye with a smile :-)
i like it ^^:) although it is nice if you play "a little hard to get"

May i ask though
i am assuming you mostly do out calls rather than in calls
when its time to leave, (after visiting a fuck buddy) do you by any chance say "thanks for that" or words to that effect, exiting without looking behind you ?
or perhaps you wave goodbye with a smile :-)
Hmmm....it's been awhile since I even thought about it.

I would go out for breakfast the next day with them. And if they were on board to join the "roster", so to speak, then they were in.

It was a very fun year. hahaha

"They" sounds weird. Only 1 guy at a time.

Once a girl and a guy. THAT night was hilarious!
Once a girl and a guy.

why only the once ?

think all those years ago, a lady talking about having a fuck buddy would of been regarded as a whore
so its nice things have progressed some what for the ladies regarding their sexual empowerment

unfortunately ladies are still not allowed to admit to fucking two guys at the same time without being regarded as a whore
which is a double standard as men would get away with this
maybe in 20 years or so you will be able to come clean lol
why only the once ?

think all those years ago, a lady talking about having a fuck buddy would of been regarded as a whore
so its nice things have progressed some what for the ladies regarding their sexual empowerment

unfortunately ladies are still not allowed to admit to fucking two guys at the same time without being regarded as a whore
which is a double standard as men would get away with this
maybe in 20 years or so you will be able to come clean lol
I don't think someone that does that is a whore. She just probably never met her dad...



Naw, I give two shits what anyone else does, as long as their not hurting anyone. Or at least not hurting anyone that doesn't have a "safe word". hahha
