A Lil Bit Of Everything


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 44 12/12 WEEK 7

Here's the latest update on the 5 beautiful ladies. Been swamped with work so that's why I'm a lil late on a update. Things are going superb and couldn't ask for more except to finish faster lol. Good things come to those who are patient. Things are picking up and it looks like the way things are these should finish somewhere around 8-10 weeks.

#5 which I think is a hashplant pheno as its the shortest of them all and looks to be finishing faster. It's also swelling faster than the others too as you almost can't see any space in between the nodes. #3 and #4 are right on par with each other and looks like they will be the longest flowering phenos. They haven't started the swell yet but they may not but I believe they will as I'm only into the 7th week.

#1 and #2 are right with each other. They have started swelling very nice and looks like I'll have some donkey dicks with these. Monster colas and very frosty too. These faded a lot more early than I would like but it's all good they make it to the end. The buds are ultra frosty tho just like all the other phenos. Hopefully some nice colors come out. Smell are very funky on #1 and #2 like a rotten meaty chem with incense crazy smell hard to describe. #3 and #4 smell pure chemmy with some sweet undertones. #5 smell like hashplant incense with a sour chem note to it. It's hard to explain these smells I got 8 more plants besides these in flower. Love the way everything is going and now I'm just waiting till they get ripe. Here they are as of today



You banging out that awesomeness bro...I wanna grow like you !!!!
Thanks for the love bro. I'm amazed at how all these phenos from the Bodhi and SinCity testers are so damn frosty!!! They all look so good and it's gonna be hard to figure out which one to keep. Might have to keep two of each. We will see after it smokes
They are some beautiful flowers bro....


Well-Known Member
The original 4 seeds that chem popped gave 3 girl and 1 boy.
He said he discarded the male, and kept the 3 females.
They were the 91, sister and the b
It is my theory that the wonkano"B"e cut was that 3rd female.


Well-Known Member
The original 4 seeds that chem popped gave 3 girl and 1 boy.
He said he discarded the male, and kept the 3 females.
They were the 91, sister and the b
It is my theory that the wonkano"B"e cut was that 3rd female.
What became of the rest of the beans...did Chem pop them ?


Well-Known Member
A few years later he popped 3 more but kept only the Chem "d". The others were labeled c,e.
Then years later 4 more were popped by Joe B when chem sent him them. The chem 4 was the keeper. Not sure really on the other ones.
So 13-4=9
Police took the last two when he got raided.
Damn I liked that story till you got to the part where thepolice took the last two beans....I wonder if they ever considered the impact of them confiscating those "last 2 seeds " smh


Well-Known Member
A few years later he popped 3 more but kept only the Chem "d". The others were labeled c,e.
Then years later 4 more were popped by Joe B when chem sent him them. The chem 4 was the keeper. Not sure really on the other ones.
So 13-4=9
Police took the last two when he got raided.
Yea that's where the Chem 3 is supposed to come from Joebrand I believe. I hated that they took those seeds from him. Could've been a male or two in those last ones would've been crazy if they were. Could've actually had pure Chem beans


Well-Known Member
Yea that's where the Chem 3 is supposed to come from Joebrand I believe. I hated that they took those seeds from him. Could've been a male or two in those last ones would've been crazy if they were. Could've actually had pure Chem beans
Exactly what I was thinking bro...pure Chem in reg seed form . That's what I was meaning by the impact...they would never understand what they possibly destroyed !


Well-Known Member
The plants are doing all the work. The breeder made it possible by combining the great genetics the right way. I'm just watering them literally :lol: they are killing it by themselves bro so I'm sure you can do that easily
Great genetics always help but you killing it bro foreal !


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I was thinking bro...pure Chem in reg seed form . That's what I was meaning by the impact...they would never understand what they possibly destroyed !
Yea they really fucked up when they did that. Even if they knew they probably wanted to do it. If I was Chemdog tho I would've had to stash those beans somewhere I knew where they couldn't get took. I know this is hard when your talking about the value of them but I know he has somebody that he could've stashed them at without them fucking with them. Hell I got my beans stashed at my father in law house he doesn't smoke or anything but he knows they're important to me so he keeps them now. I can't let these get away.


Well-Known Member
Yea they really fucked up when they did that. Even if they knew they probably wanted to do it. If I was Chemdog tho I would've had to stash those beans somewhere I knew where they couldn't get took. I know this is hard when your talking about the value of them but I know he has somebody that he could've stashed them at without them fucking with them. Hell I got my beans stashed at my father in law house he doesn't smoke or anything but he knows they're important to me so he keeps them now. I can't let these get away.
That's what's up...I'm a gonna cruise RIU for lil bit...toking some Lemon Skunk that's really Haze leaning and I'm having a hard time typing lmfao


Well-Known Member
That's what's up...I'm a gonna cruise RIU for lil bit...toking some Lemon Skunk that's really Haze leaning and I'm having a hard time typing lmfao
You smoking good bro I'm smoking some ok just not like the stuff I grow. Half the time they don't even know what it is but soon I'll be smoking really good.

Ha ha ha first world problems hey bro :lol: keep 2 of each bro, you'll be spewing you didnt otherwise!!
Yea I have clones of them all and they're all rooted. Took under two weeks for them to root in water. Some strains work a lot faster. The Bodhi testers wouldn't root that way. Gonna have to reveg smh luckily Bodhi is the fucking man and when you complete a test you get another pack of what you tested free plus more test beans. Class guy but I have a 5pk of the Silverback Jack I got from a promo so all not lost there either but I have cuts of those


Well-Known Member
You smoking good bro I'm smoking some ok just not like the stuff I grow. Half the time they don't even know what it is but soon I'll be smoking really good.

Yea I have clones of them all and they're all rooted. Took under two weeks for them to root in water. Some strains work a lot faster. The Bodhi testers wouldn't root that way. Gonna have to reveg smh luckily Bodhi is the fucking man and when you complete a test you get another pack of what you tested free plus more test beans. Class guy but I have a 5pk of the Silverback Jack I got from a promo so all not lost there either but I have cuts of those
Pure luck bro I was doing a little civic duty (cutting an older ladies grass ) and she threw me a couple g's of the Lemon for my troubles....SCORE !!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I caught the little fucker eh, gave him the bucket of watwr treatment and set up some more mouse traps in case he has any mates around :-D feel bad for knocking him off but hey, i cant have him continue to eat my seedlings!!
Bucket of water treatment? Is that a way of killing them? I always had cats that did the dirty work for us.

James how bag is your bean stash? My count right now is 54 with 11 different strains. But there's always more I want to try.


Well-Known Member
Bucket of water treatment? Is that a way of killing them? I always had cats that did the dirty work for us.

James how bag is your bean stash? My count right now is 54 with 11 different strains. But there's always more I want to try.
Nah man, I just filled up a bucket, shoved him in and kept him under till he stopped kicking...brutal I know, but it was all I had at the time tp be as humane as possible.

My bean count is up to 1275 or thereabouts. 165 different strains :-D yep, my name is Easty and I have a seed hoarding problem :lol:


Well-Known Member
Nah man, I just filled up a bucket, shoved him in and kept him under till he stopped kicking...brutal I know, but it was all I had at the time tp be as humane as possible.

My bean count is up to 1275 or thereabouts. 165 different strains :-D yep, my name is Easty and I have a seed hoarding problem :lol:
Holy crap bro you need help only joking i wish i had that many once i start making my own seed i am sure ill join you in this madness sad thing is i put all my seeds some where and i can not find them for the life of me.... kinda of sucks only about 20+ stains and around 30 seeds still some $$ down the drain if i can't find them