Mohican's 2015 Season

The terps/no ceiling I am talking about, you dont get over. Either you dont like it or its one of your top 3. This is why I am asking the question, the sour I found in CO was no where close. About 30%.
My little bro actually just called me while visiting LA. Said he had some sour from a dispo. and it was not even close. He said the cookie he got was good tho.
This just happened 5 min ago.
Waterheads candy?

It smells like candy?
How strong of a smell does it have?
Smelled sour but not fruity. Smelled tart. Like lemon without the sweet fruity part.

The GTH is touching the light and needs to get out of the one gallon pot. Not sure whether I should put her in a pot or right in the ground. How big do you think she will get?

Anybody want to see a 15 foot GTH?
if you want good sour d. Norstar genetics has their west coast sour diesel. So order some seeds.

every sour d. Is a bitch to grow. Very lanky. Very susceptible to pm.

Yeah mine is lanky with weak stems so it needs support. But at least an 8 on 1-10. Still have not had a great run with it but its still #1 around here. @hyroot which ones have you grown out?

@Mohican I need feline advise. I am freaking out my cat jumped out of a 6 story window and now he is acting very strange. He wont come out from under the bed, and he seems to be afraid of everything. No confidence any more, he wont even play with me or eat. Im lucky I was able to find him out there. But I am very worried.
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the sour d I grew was cuts I got from humby back in the day.

give your cat time he will come out eventually. When something tramatic happens to them. They get very skittish for a while. Just place some food and water at the edge of the bed. When I moved my cat would either try and cuddle with my face when I slept or hide under the bed for hours . A month ago he got into a fight with a cocker spaniel and was very jumpy for a week. Jumped at every sound.. Eventually got over it. My cat thinks he's a dog. But hunts birds still. My cat is more intelligent than most cats. Mine is actually trained. I can take him for walks no leash, no litter box, obeys most of my commands.
I am sorry to hear about your cat @shishkaboy
That sounds gnarly. Any bleeding from the ears or nose?
I would get him checked out. Six stories is a long drop.

I know a place nearby that I think I can get him looked at, but that will have to be tomorrow. No blood. Just weird breathing. I checked his joints and limbs and it seems like he is sore on his right side near the shoulder. He took a nap. I checked his jaw, ok. Just haven't seen him run or jump or eat yet.
I know a place nearby that I think I can get him looked at, but that will have to be tomorrow. No blood. Just weird breathing. I checked his joints and limbs and it seems like he is sore on his right side near the shoulder. He took a nap. I checked his jaw, ok. Just haven't seen him run or jump or eat yet.

if your cat is breathing is weird, definitely get him checked out. It can be any number of things. Hopefully your cat is alright.

When cats are injured they instinctively hide and stay quiet. They are scared and feel as if they're in danger. So its a defense mechanism sort of.