Nutrient companies are stealing our / your money. Lets talk about it!

How are nutrient companies stealing your money OP? You really don't make an sense. Not everyone in this world is going to go out and make their own nutrients. Plus making your own nutrients is not the easiest thing to do or get right as you do need some chemistry background to do it correctly.

It is comparable to anything you buy in any market. For example are you saying that people are getting stolen from by going out to restaurants and eating instead of making their own food? It is the same thing.

I don't think that on average $25.00 for a quart of nutrient in either a combined two part or one part system is breaking your bank and if it is then you shouldn't be growing in hydroponics to begin with as hydroponics is not cheap to do.
How are nutrient companies stealing your money OP? You really don't make an sense. Not everyone in this world is going to go out and make their own nutrients. Plus making your own nutrients is not the easiest thing to do or get right as you do need some chemistry background to do it correctly.

It is comparable to anything you buy in any market. For example are you saying that people are getting stolen from by going out to restaurants and eating instead of making their own food? It is the same thing.

I don't think that on average $25.00 for a quart of nutrient in either a combined two part or one part system is breaking your bank and if it is then you shouldn't be growing in hydroponics to begin with as hydroponics is not cheap to do.
Wow Wow Wow, great points!!! But a little harsh there towards the end....
Well then start being kind to people. It makes for better bud quality, and that is a know shit.....
Good post Mongo
the thing is Arrogance You got two clowns fighting over which is better rather then debating which has plus an minuses on either side of the fence
guess what is MacDonald's killing millions, is pharma killing people the answer is YES
Phil i been around the block there son and some members know me i use both methods in my closet hahaha and in green houses, in my time.
Well maybe not closets you are claiming some wild things here , 90 percent of chem grown is stressed ??? listen to your self man , really ,,,
Slowly but surely your hanging your self dude simmer the hell down both of you lol

I got a question for you Phil do you support Monsanto ??? do you own vehicle ??? chances are you do support Monsanto

Remember back when you watched The Matrix for the first time and ran down to the store to buy sunglasses and a trench coat? There were so many sunglass brands to choose from: Oakley, Ray-Ban, Revo, Vogue, DKNY, and if you must have only the best, $500 designer glasses from Prada and BVLGARI (which has that V-instead-of-a-U thing, so you know it's classy like ancient Rome). All sunglasses are made by luxottica
Well, at least you get to pick between stores, right? If the people at the LensCrafters are being dicks while selling you different glasses all made by Luxottica, you can show them what you think of that by taking your business across the mall to the Pearle Vision. Or maybe the Sears or Target optical departments. Except that they are also all owned by Luxottica. Just for the sake of argument let's say that you're not a squinty-eyed nerd, so you pass by the prescription shops and go right to the Sunglass Hut. You guessed it. Luxottica.

Like an omnipresent starchy deity, corn is everywhere. Savvy consumers know that it doesn't just stop at corn on the cob. Word has gotten out that corn syrup turns up in almost every candy and soda, and is as addictive as crack. But how about Febreze? Hand sanitizers? Ethanol car fuel? That's all corn, too. Making rubber tires? You'll need corn starch. Spark plugs? Corn. Drywall? Corn. You can't build a car or a house without corn.
Whoever controls the corn controls ... maybe not the universe, but a lot of money. And the king of American corn is Monsanto, a biotech company. Unlike evil movie biotech companies -- with their dubious business models of inventing mutants or viruses that kill everyone -- Monsanto built their empire on a pretty boring one two punch: weed killer and seeds.
The weed killer, Roundup, is the biggest selling herbicide in the world. The seeds are genetically engineered corn seeds that are immune to Roundup. If you want to grow corn and kill weeds that hurt the corn, Monsanto has the best product on the market by a mile. That's why 80 percent of all corn planted in the U.S. goes into the ground with Monsanto's trademark on it.
But plants will be plants, and make more seeds, so the farmers don't have to keep buying Monsanto seeds year after year, right? Don't be silly. Monsanto's not going to let their money run away like that. Their first plan was to incorporate something called a "Terminator" (otherwise known as the "let's just stop pretending we're not evil") gene that automatically sterilizes the plant so it can't make any more seeds. Then farmers have to buy new seeds every time they plant, just like nature intended.

People objected to this quite a bit for some reason, forcing Monsanto to back down and instead just make farmers sign a contract saying that they won't use the seeds the plants make ... or else. So instead of screwing farmers with a terminatorgene, they're just asking the farmers to agree to screw themselves.

So the next time you're deciding between a Coke or a Pepsi (or between a Firestone or a Goodyear), know that whichever way you go, you're buying Monsanto. You're welcome!
and no in 5 years since i haven't touched a single chemical other than clonex for my clones... i have never one single time had a bug issue outside of soil mites... i don't think your understanding the statement.. people that run chemicals are always stressing their plants.. which release pheromones that attract bugs to weaker plants.... they are always leaving excess waste and foods inside their root or soil zones... ALL OF WHICH not only attracts but allows bugs to feed and thrive..... when all i do i water my plants with freaking water and they never stress never have excess waste sitting in the soils... NO I'm not going to have a breeding ground for bugs and other insects that people do who grow with chemicals.

sorry if you took offense to that statement but its true. people who grow with chemicals indoor are going to face and have more bugs and more variety of bugs than anyone growing with amended soil programs... its the bottom line.

Your an idiot. True organics contain a multitude of bugs and pests.... as they all are part of the soil food web.

If your running TLO indoors you dont have environmental control on bugs such as dew and colder temps.

With your stance, even your organic plants are being stressed by nitrogen uptake because im sure your aware there is no such thing as organic nitrogen...

Thereforethese chemicals must be stressing your plant and attracting bugs to your garden


Please, go crawl back under your rock.
Your an idiot. True organics contain a multitude of bugs and pests.... as they all are part of the soil food web.

If your running TLO indoors you dont have environmental control on bugs such as dew and colder temps.

With your stance, even your organic plants are being stressed by nitrogen uptake because im sure your aware there is no such thing as organic nitrogen...

Thereforethese chemicals must be stressing your plant and attracting bugs to your garden


Please, go crawl back under your rock.
are you kidding whats urea?
kelp meal is another organic nitrogen.. soy bean meal and feather meal are other large organic nitrogen sources

What is Nitrogen?

Nitrogen is a naturally occurring element that is essential for growth and reproduction in both plants and animals. It is found in amino acids that make up proteins, in nucleic acids, that comprise the hereditary material and life’s blueprint for all cells, and in many other organic and inorganic compounds. In addition, nitrogen comprises about 80% of the Earth's atmosphere.

The Forms of Nitrogen

To appreciate the intricacies of nitrogen loading to coastal waters, some understanding of how nitrogen reacts chemically in the environment may be useful. Nitrogen is an element that can combine with itself or with other elements to make different compounds. For instance nitrogen gas,N2, is a compound made when two nitrogen atoms form a chemical bond. Itmakes up about 80% of the atmosphere, while oxygen gas, O2, makes up a little less than 20% of the atmosphere. So nitrogen gas is very common and plentiful. However, only a specialized group of bacteria, and industrial fertilizer manufacture, can "fix" this largely inert compound into biologically useful nitrogen compounds. Fertilizer production now exceeds natural nitrogen fixation in making N2 available to the biosphere.

Nitrogen in Living Things

Nitrogen is a component of amino acids and urea. Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins. Proteins comprise not only structural components such as muscle, tissue and organs, but also enzymes and hormones essential for the functioning of all living things. Urea is a byproduct of protein digestion. We use the term "organic nitrogen" to describe a nitrogen compound that had its origin in living material. The nitrogen in protein and urea is organic nitrogen. Organic nitrogen can enter septic systems as bodily wastes, discarded food material, or as components of cleaning agents.
anything from plants to people have nitrogen when they die and decompose they produce nitrogen.. how do you think trees in forests grow ... a magical nitrogen fairy
Your an idiot. True organics contain a multitude of bugs and pests.... as they all are part of the soil food web.

If your running TLO indoors you dont have environmental control on bugs such as dew and colder temps.

With your stance, even your organic plants are being stressed by nitrogen uptake because im sure your aware there is no such thing as organic nitrogen...

Thereforethese chemicals must be stressing your plant and attracting bugs to your garden


Please, go crawl back under your rock.
jesus worm castings.. crab meal... any compost.. urea ... kelp meal.. feather meal... soybean meal.. cricket shit meal.. all are organic nitrogen source.. not to mention probably hundreds more I'm not thinking of...
jesus worm castings.. crab meal... any compost.. urea ... kelp meal.. feather meal... soybean meal.. cricket shit meal.. all are organic nitrogen source.. not to mention probably hundreds more I'm not thinking of...

Lol, nitrogen itself is a chemical element. It does not exist organically in soluble form.

It must be biologically broken down into ammonium or nitrates (Chemicals, the exact one in synthetic fertilizers)

Only difference is natural chelation vs synthetic.

So yes, with your point of view your plants are stressed and are attracting mites.

You dont need to copy paste info for me, but you should do a little more digging for your own sake
jesus worm castings.. crab meal... any compost.. urea ... kelp meal.. feather meal... soybean meal.. cricket shit meal.. all are organic nitrogen source.. not to mention probably hundreds more I'm not thinking of...
Everything you listed here will be turned into nitrates or ammonium through the same process (chelation) that the nitrogen in chemical ferts are. Thats my point.

So the end result after the enzymes from your bacteria/fungus and root exudates break down these "organic" nitrogen sources, you are left with the exact same CHEMICAL that is in a bottle of nutrients.

Which (according to you) means your plants are stressed and mites are on the way. (BS)
Your an idiot. True organics contain a multitude of bugs and pests.... as they all are part of the soil food web.

If your running TLO indoors you dont have environmental control on bugs such as dew and colder temps.

With your stance, even your organic plants are being stressed by nitrogen uptake because im sure your aware there is no such thing as organic nitrogen...

Thereforethese chemicals must be stressing your plant and attracting bugs to your garden


Please, go crawl back under your rock.
nothing cracks me up more.

My god! How could he have gotten spider mites so fast? This fucking gardening hobby is fucking scary shit friends.....