Homemade organic tea?


Active Member
Tell me if this could hurt my plant. My cousin started a garden a couple of years ago and let go. Anywho she was growing all organic and left her fert out. I went by the other day and got it. It had been rained in, half full of water and smelled like sewage. Figured it must be some pretty good tea by now so I took it. Been using about a cap full per liter so far plants seem to love it. Opinions please!
What ferts, what in the "tea" etc you told us nothing about the tea
Not sure it was just a bag of organic fruit and vegetable fertilizer that got mixed with water and sat for a couple of years. Not sure exactly what's in it just grabbed it and started using sorry that's all the info I can give just looking for an opinion. Will post pics tomorrow. Slight leaf curl but otherwise no signs of problems.
I would not use as I am sure it's full of stagnant nasty anerobic. I bag of "fertilizer" is 10 dollars. I think what you have is Epsoma plant tone in a brown bag. I would shy away
My teas always smell nice and sweet.
Yea dude if your tea is an AACT and it smells like that chances are theres no microbial life in there that will help your plants.
I just
Not sure it was just a bag of organic fruit and vegetable fertilizer that got mixed with water and sat for a couple of years. Not sure exactly what's in it just grabbed it and started using sorry that's all the info I can give just looking for an opinion. Will post pics tomorrow. Slight leaf curl but otherwise no signs of problems.
I didn't see this i just saw the word tea and assumed you were bubbling it. How old are your plant?
Hmm. How fast can "I don't know" get you in trouble? I don't know....How long have you been using it?
Stinks? Doesn't sound good.....How big is the bag and what color?
Ah who cares.....I wouldn't use it!
I agree. Its not expensive to brew your own bad ass teas. Then at least you know what they are and what's In them
I would not use as I am sure it's full of stagnant nasty anerobic. I bag of "fertilizer" is 10 dollars. I think what you have is Epsoma plant tone in a brown bag. I would shy away
Thanks friend will do
I just

I didn't see this i just saw the word tea and assumed you were bubbling it. How old are your plant?
the oldest is a little over a month now. It had a ruff start pest and weather almost got it. I've lost 2 already.
Thanks friend will do

the oldest is a little over a month now. It had a ruff start pest and weather almost got it. I've lost 2 already.
This is my first grow and right now just trying things with a few nice looking bag seeds I had. I'm waiting for some quality soil I ordered from a local pro. They make super coco soil. Will be using it with 8 Autos and 10 fems I got from attitude. Grow will take place outside as I live in rural area. And weather stays right for harvest until around December here.
I haven't used it so honestly i couldn't tell you. Sounds good but that's the manufactures website.

Yes he has a list of vendors on it. But he is closer to me. 2 of them I've done some business with before. Savannah hydro and the wholesale. Bought equipment from both for what was supposed to be my first grow last season on inside. But never got around to it.