Random Jibber Jabber Thread

OMG you linked me to politics!! I almost died, it was horrific, SOMEONE GET THE BONG, STAT!

@Singlemalt HELP ME!! (I see you lurking you lurkey lurker you!) I need a quick recipe for marinated roasted peppers. I have the peppers all roasted etc..... I'm just lost on a good vinaigrette! HELP me singlemalt you are my only hope!
Sounds great.....if you like roasted peppers, next time use pasillas instead of Bells, pasillas have a bit of a bite
Thank you, I'll have to try Pasillas. I put in about a dozen roasted Serranos. That gave it quite the bite. Thanks for the dressing it tastes GREAT and was so simple (ugh, I hit the anti political bong a little hard, or shall we say it hit me).
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