The Irish Growers Thread!

Hey lads. Another paranoid question haha. Does anyone know what the crack is with gfs/ partners that live with ya if ya get busted. If its in a spare room could ya get away with saying it was locked she didnt know what was in there etc. I see Jay said he has a wife but no info on what happened to her. Jay if u see this can you PM me have a few questions for ya. Cant find a PM button here
Hey lads. Another paranoid question haha. Does anyone know what the crack is with gfs/ partners that live with ya if ya get busted. If its in a spare room could ya get away with saying it was locked she didnt know what was in there etc. I see Jay said he has a wife but no info on what happened to her. Jay if u see this can you PM me have a few questions for ya. Cant find a PM button here
Really? It is an older strain but very good. I think the mother or father for it came from seattle and was sent to Amsterdam

My bad I am thinking of Black Domino

Cheers man looks like a hard hitting strain ☺shes starting to fattin up nicely ..anyone here grow autoflowering thinking of doing some in the greenhouse


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Hey lads. Another paranoid question haha. Does anyone know what the crack is with gfs/ partners that live with ya if ya get busted. If its in a spare room could ya get away with saying it was locked she didnt know what was in there etc. I see Jay said he has a wife but no info on what happened to her. Jay if u see this can you PM me have a few questions for ya. Cant find a PM button here
Takes a while before you get pm privileges...I've a gf n always assumed the less she knows the better so she doesn't even go into my grow nor does she smoke so if anything happens you accept full responsibility...Remember if you can't do the timw n all that shite haha how many plants you gonna grow? Remember when I started my plan of action was one plant in my closest with cfls thwn someone said I may aswell have a few more on the go as you'd get the same amount of time so long story short i ended up with 6 under a 600w haha n kept the cfls for my clone tent.

Once you keep you mouth shut,room light n smell proof n keep suspicious activity to a minimum you won't get caugcaught...especially if it's all personal. I've 5 coming down soon n I'll be closing shop for the summer so those five will keep me going till I'm ready to get stuck in again. Only problem is that the only thing addictive about cannabis is the growing!
Hey man thanks for the reply. Been a member since 2011 and have 50+ posts so thought I would have it but apparently not. Might mail a mod and see whats the crack.

Obviously take 100% responsibility but Im hoping someone who was in the situation might have definitive answer. Im in two minds man My original plan was two 600 watts in a dr 240. Now im thinking having a dr 150 with 2 600 watts. Do one grow a year but then Ill have a lot of bud if something did happen. I cant imagine any reason at all that I would be caught. Have it all planned as best as i can. Oversized fan and filter. controller for sound etc. I dunno would it be credible if I said my gf didnt know about it. Seems a bit far fetched.
fuck that dancein cunt mayweather :spew:paquiao had an injured shoulder and he still wouldn exchange with him,he had him on the ropes and in trouble in the fourth and stepped back,must of been in pain....rematch..

ghostdog are you around an ill sort that,tryed to pm ya but it wouldn allow me ;-)
No worries dude. I check my pm settings. Mayweather just has that head thing going on, he is so focused its creepy. Gotta be born with it. Cant be made.
Meh I just bridge n use tor..maybe a vpn but not for here's not illegal to be on here n if you post pics you need to understand and use a metadata remover and if extra para host your pics on n you van even have a expiration on the image...I'd proxy over vpn if host your pics on n your laughing but most smartphone have pretty decent free vpn providers but again tor is grand
Dont like bridging when I have a router that'll do it straight. Nothing wrong with it, its just that you have one more piece of kit in the chain that can fail. VPN's are handy cause you can vpn back home when you are out and about and know you are secure.
You chopping soon @rlx?
Takes a while before you get pm privileges...I've a gf n always assumed the less she knows the better so she doesn't even go into my grow nor does she smoke so if anything happens you accept full responsibility...Remember if you can't do the timw n all that shite haha how many plants you gonna grow? Remember when I started my plan of action was one plant in my closest with cfls thwn someone said I may aswell have a few more on the go as you'd get the same amount of time so long story short i ended up with 6 under a 600w haha n kept the cfls for my clone tent.

Once you keep you mouth shut,room light n smell proof n keep suspicious activity to a minimum you won't get caugcaught...especially if it's all personal. I've 5 coming down soon n I'll be closing shop for the summer so those five will keep me going till I'm ready to get stuck in again. Only problem is that the only thing addictive about cannabis is the growing!
Sound advice there.
Think your partner would only get involved if they were to bring a case against her too. Not likely to happen if you take responsibility from the start. Too much evidence needed to bring her to court too.
Hey guys that what I have been hearing from everywhere. Take responsibility and deny her knowing anything about it. Can someone explain a bit about internet security to me? I read to download tor to a usb key and use that for all my nefarious activitys haha. Tried it but it wouldnt download properly to it. Will try again. Any other tips?
I dont mind paying for something if it is useful ie subscription service or equipment[/QU
I dont mind paying for something if it is useful ie subscription service or equipment
If you want to go down the usb key route then there are 2 parts. The first is to download the iso, which it sounds like you allready have. The next is to get a bit of sodtware to put the iso onto a usb stick.
Here is a full guide.
The above is the fire-and-forget version. Every time you start it up, there is no saved info. If you want a version that remembers stuff....let me know. I am sure others will be along soon with their own take on this. There is a lot of different ways of doing this.
Hey Ghost. Thanks for that. Reckon that is enough? Dont need a VPN or anything?
Depends on what you want. You want to fire up a machine and go to rollitup once in a while to ask stuff etc, then this will will work. VPN's are of more use if you engaged in activity that involves buying and selling or trading stuff, or darknet purchases. Thats my opinion anyway. Either way you will be using tor so this is a good start.
The guide is for downloading the tails bundle to a usb stick and have it boot. Its like a small operating system that runs off your stick. When booted you can browse the internet, edit documents etc from the stick. Its not Microsoft. So no internet explorer or movie player. Its Linux, an alternative.
The only problem you should have is getting your machine to boot from the usb stick rather than your hard-drive. If this happens ...let me know...its just a settings issue.