So when do you deploy? Or would you rather let REAL men such as my son do the killing for you? Or is it that the whole "Don't ask, don't tell" policy just grates against your convictions? ;)

I have a son?! Fuck, I hope its not your sorry ass, I just thought your momma was really high....not stupid. How many posts will you make out of this one?
So, the famous love duo hit the wall,~LOL~. Nice to see everyone doesn't agree with their twisted views, just ViRedd. Maybe a threesome is in order. Just saying,~LOL~.
Know what's funny, odd, and scary about O'Bama supporters? They are SO sure that the "change" and "hope" O'Bama talks about will bring change and hope, but they can never answer the question ... what will those "hopeful changes" be? They, like the man they support, have no substance, no depth and no reasoning.

How about you, Med. You're an O'Bama supporter. Would you like to take a crack at explaining what those hopeful changes would be?

Cherry89? How about you. You seem like a rabid O'Bama supporter. Surely you can come up with concrete answers, no?

No, Cherry has come up with a YouTube video of McCain as his/her "reason" to vote for Obama. :rolleyes: Lots of factual information about Obama there! I asked this person what they know about his stance on the P.A., on FISA (although I am now assuming that this person hasn't a CLUE what FISA is), and war in the Middle East. Nothing. Nada.. well, actually, I did get this in response... :lol: SOOOO, so clever, I'm smartin' from the spankin'... :bigjoint:
OBAMA gonna Win Anyways....So, It really dosent matter,LMAOkiss-ass
Get back at you in November, tell me what you think Then.:blsmoke::blsmoke:
If you like, I'll tell you what I think now and it will still stand then. You are proof of my stance that the majority of Americans are truly lazy idiots who prefer to be led around by the nose. That first statement right there proves the mentality that the winner is best and that is why people allow themselves to be shepherded into voting not their conscience, not for the best candidate, but for the candidate they think has the best chance of winning.

Cherry, you are not prepared to tangle with me. Posting in larger and larger text, like yelling, does not make you right. It simply makes you loud AND obnoxious.
Dave your son is in the navy, give me a break killing lol......REMF's don't kill, he prob hasn't fired a a M-16 since he left basic
Natrone, you don't really know what you're talking about, so shouldn't be putting it out there. Apparently you're unaware of the fact that our military is running out of troops. As such, they're using personnel from ALL branches (except, to the best of my knowledge, the Coast Guard). My stepson is required to maintain proficiency in a variety of weapons. And, especially considering where he's stationed, could indeed be called to duty in Afghanistan or Iraq (or, coming next, Iran, just you wait and see).
So, the famous love duo hit the wall,~LOL~. Nice to see everyone doesn't agree with their twisted views, just ViRedd. Maybe a threesome is in order. Just saying,~LOL~.
And your role would be...? Medicine, cheerleader! Your legs must look so cute in that short skirt. Would you do a twirly for us Thumbelina!? :hump:

Thumbelina, Thumbelina, tiny little thing
Thumbelina dance, Thumbelina sing

I now wait with baited breath for the perfunctory "fuck off" or "fuck off and die", because we all know med's a man of such terrific wit that I'll NEVER be able to come up with a response to that. :lol:
Maybe O-baaa-ma supporters should take some the air from their heads and put it into their tires.

'when the going gets tough the Dems take Vacation'
ya....ur dumb, that video just shows and old man who is nothing more than old...old people forget shit, and im not voting for obama either way, change isnt always good, and i dont want that shit. im not racist so dont try to go there with the whole him being ALMOST BLACK and the blacks dont even see him as black, fuck both of them, id rather vote for Arnold than either of those guys, atleast hes for smokin pot :D
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now wait with baited breath for the perfunctory "fuck off" or "fuck off and die", because we all know med's a man of such terrific wit that I'll NEVER be able to come up with a response to that. :lol:
Uhhhh, fuck off and die, wouldn't want to dissapoint the seabitch.
Obama did say that he'll instruct the DEA to stop raids on medical dispensaries. I'll vote for him because of that if I vote.

I'm a libertarian, and I can't stand McCain or Obama's stances on health care or the economy. The reality is that a vote for any third party candidate is a vote for McCain, so if you're not an Obama supporter, and you vote, you are a McCain supporter. There is really no choice but to abstain from the voting process or to pick one of them. The probability that your vote will change anything is so low that you might as well not vote unless you're really passionate about a candidate that has a chance of winning.
Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues

why don't you download the 64 pages so you can use it as a reference
Well, I, for one, don't rely on just his home page for information. I check, and have been checking, his voting record. Not just as a U.S. senator, but in his past. ;) You really need to do the same instead of limiting your information to that which has been prettied and dressed up and put on a plate with a nice piece of parsley to make it green. Start here: is another good one.

But here, let's work with your link, shall we? Let's move directly to Defense. Let's see what Mr. Obama has to say.
"Our country's greatest military asset is the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States. When we do send our men and women into harm's way, we must also clearly define the mission, prescribe concrete political and military objectives, seek out advice of our military commanders, evaluate the intelligence, plan accordingly, and ensure that our troops have the resources, support, and equipment they need to protect themselves and fulfill their mission."

  • Rebuild the Military for 21st Century Tasks: As we rebuild our armed forces, we must not simply recreate the military of the Cold War era. Obama believes that we must build up our special operations forces, civil affairs, information operations, and other units and capabilities that remain in chronic short supply; invest in foreign language training, cultural awareness, and human intelligence and other needed counterinsurgency and stabilization skill sets; and create a more robust capacity to train, equip, and advise foreign security forces, so that local allies are better prepared to confront mutual threats.
  • Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.
Gosh, where is he saying anything about removing troops from the Middle East? Where is he saying that we should be out of Iraq AND Afghanistan? Oh, crap! He isn't. Why would we need to expand our military if we simply brought our troops home? We wouldn't. Do you see the dichotomy between what he presents and what would ensue?

Do you want me to continue? Shall I address more facts regarding Mr. Obama? I can, I've been at this for quite a while and have a full armory. :D

now wait with baited breath for the perfunctory "fuck off" or "fuck off and die", because we all know med's a man of such terrific wit that I'll NEVER be able to come up with a response to that. :lol:
Uhhhh, fuck off and die, wouldn't want to dissapoint the seabitch.
You're SO predictable, Thumbelina. Dance, Thumbelina, dance! Tiny little thing.. :hump:
Obama did say that he'll instruct the DEA to stop raids on medical dispensaries. I'll vote for him because of that if I vote.
And then he changed his position. I can't find where he's saying this and standing by it.

The rest of your post simply illustrates what I've been saying all along--if all these people who are taking the easy way out and voting for Obama because they want to say they voted for the winner would just write in someone with integrity (guess who I'm writing in) then we might just get somewhere. But, alas, no.
Seamaiden"Where is he saying that we should be out of Iraq"
The man says he going to get them out withing 16 months......talking about Iraq here. What more evidence do you want. He has never said anything different.
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Seamaiden "Why would we need to expand our military if we simply brought our troops home?"

Can you see that it is possible for us to bring the troops out of Iraq and also increase the amount of active duty personal? You say why would Obama want to increase active duty marine corps and Army units, it must be for some offensive action against .......maybe Iran or who knows. but I think Obama has learned something from these 2 wars we don't have enough ground troops to fight 2 wars for longer period of time(unless these. So if your fighting one war after he orders the troops out of Iraq the U.S will still be Afghanistan, so when your already fighting 1 war you have to be ready to fight 2.
Seamaiden "Why would we need to expand our military if we simply brought our troops home?"

Can you see that it is possible for us to bring the troops out of Iraq and also increase the amount of active duty personal? You say why would Obama want to increase active duty marine corps and Army units, it must be for some offensive action against .......maybe Iran or who knows. but I think Obama has learned something from these 2 wars we don't have enough ground troops to fight 2 wars for longer period of time(unless these. So if your fighting one war after he orders the troops out of Iraq the U.S will still be Afghanistan, so when your already fighting 1 war you have to be ready to fight 2.

At least someone realizes that Obama IS NOT anti-war. He has stated his desire to redeploy troops to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban (I'm sure they're a threat to our national security...:lol:) and as for Iran; would you support a decision by Obama to invade and occupy Iran? How are they a threat to us?

He's voted to fund the current war. He's voted for Patriot. He's voted for FISA. He's declared a desire to increase our military might and to stay in Afghanistan and even increase troops over there. Doesn't this sound like the same shit out of the Bush Administration Playbook? If Bush states this crap, people jump his shit, but when Obama says the same it's seems to be ignored.
"and as for Iran; would you support a decision by Obama to invade and occupy Iran? How are they a threat to us?"

My point was that those extra troops were not going to be used in against Iran
"and as for Iran; would you support a decision by Obama to invade and occupy Iran? How are they a threat to us?"

My point was that those extra troops were not going to be used in against Iran
You are ignorant of the facts. We are, and have been, setting up our ducks for an attack on Iran.

No one wants to take on my points about his stance on drugs?
"You are ignorant of the facts. We are, and have been, setting up our ducks for an attack on Iran."
I never said the current government have not been rattling thier sabers............Obama has said nothing about attacking Iran