Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
No idea yet. All babies have that steel blue color until their real eye color comes in. That happens sometime later. He is four months old tomorrow.
I think that's just most Caucasian babies. My daughter's eyes were definitely always dark brown. She'd look cool as hell with my blue eyes though. Umm she's 28 months now I think. Time's moving at the speed of life. Enjoy it bro.



Well-Known Member
Yeah my daughters eyes were brown at birth.
I asked the wife bout it this morning. Most Caucasian babies have the blue eyes but some do have brown eyes that stay brown. His were a steel blue that is probably the most common. They seem to be getting less blue and it looks like a little green is gathering ithe center.

So today is his fourth month birthday. He is now 15 pounds 6 ounces, more than double his birthweight. He's about 26" long. He is a very pleasant kid. He generally doesn't cry for no reason and is always close to a smile.

He seems to finally have decided that his hands would be a good thing to control and has been reaching for everything. This weekend he methodically felt-up both of our faces.

We dig him. No selling him on the international market. We will keep him for ourselves.


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