Real MDMA in Canada?


Well-Known Member
Is there still real MDMA in Canada? I got a buddy who does it and swears that his buddy has the real stuff but from doing reading chances are its not MDMA these days.

I've done some in 1995 that a buddy of mine brought in from England and was totally different then the crap I tried in late 90's/2000 where you were just fucked right up.
Read up on those and seems people are mixing in shit to cause the kits to fail and still shows the chemicals as being MDMA.

I wasn't aware. Good to know. Wish I could help you, but I'm not into the scene. It's too bad we have laws against drugs, you wouldn't have this problem.
Generally the way to fool a kit is with an inert cut. You'll get a positive result from a fairly low concentration of drug.
There is plenty of real MDMA in Canada. It's a major production country.
Canada is full of ecstacy id say they are probably the biggest producer in North America it's true people will cut there bullshit synthetics with MDMA to give a positive result that's why it is important you use a 4 panel test kit like the one sold here With these you can also check for dangorous cuts that might have been added to your molly however these can't check for every little thing these only check for the most common cuts that are added to mdma the only fool proof way would be to send it to a independent lab for testing is suppossed to have a very good testing service you could use for a fee.
Canada is full of ecstacy id say they are probably the biggest producer in North America it's true people will cut there bullshit synthetics with MDMA to give a positive result that's why it is important you use a 4 panel test kit like the one sold here With these you can also check for dangorous cuts that might have been added to your molly however these can't check for every little thing these only check for the most common cuts that are added to mdma the only fool proof way would be to send it to a independent lab for testing is suppossed to have a very good testing service you could use for a fee.
They're definitely the top producer in North America. But neither America or Mexico are major production countries. Harsh laws caused many American producers to head north and when the Mexicans cook drugs they make meth. They have super labs make the one in Breaking Bad look like a 2L shake and bake. So being the biggest producer here doesn't take much.
They're definitely the top producer in North America. But neither America or Mexico are major production countries. Harsh laws caused many American producers to head north and when the Mexicans cook drugs they make meth. They have super labs make the one in Breaking Bad look like a 2L shake and bake. So being the biggest producer here doesn't take much.
Ya I don't think the cartels are advance enough to be making ecstasy even if they are I don't think there is enough money to be made off of it to be worth there time the cartels choose the really addictive drugs Meth,Cocaine,Heroin and while Canada is a major producer of ecstacy they are definitely not on par with the Netherlands I have only tried good Dutch pressies once but I half to say I liked it better than the molly I get from Canada
Ya I don't think the cartels are advance enough to be making ecstasy even if they are I don't think there is enough money to be made off of it to be worth there time the cartels choose the really addictive drugs Meth,Cocaine,Heroin and while Canada is a major producer of ecstacy they are definitely not on par with the Netherlands I have only tried good Dutch pressies once but I half to say I liked it better than the molly I get from Canada

didn't know that klan members did molly.
Ya I don't think the cartels are advance enough to be making ecstasy even if they are I don't think there is enough money to be made off of it to be worth there time the cartels choose the really addictive drugs Meth,Cocaine,Heroin and while Canada is a major producer of ecstacy they are definitely not on par with the Netherlands I have only tried good Dutch pressies once but I half to say I liked it better than the molly I get from Canada
They have the sophistication to produce it, their superlabs are every bit as sophisticated as the one on BB was supposed to be just orders of magnitude larger. With that kind of chemical engineering ability MDMA would be simple. The reason is the one you mentioned, they focus on drugs that keep the customer coming back because that's where the money is.
Dutch MDMA is a bit higher quality because it's easier to get your product tested as a producer and a consumer. But I have had Duck Grade from both :D
Is there still real MDMA in Canada? I got a buddy who does it and swears that his buddy has the real stuff but from doing reading chances are its not MDMA these days.

I've done some in 1995 that a buddy of mine brought in from England and was totally different then the crap I tried in late 90's/2000 where you were just fucked right up.

majority of mdma is made in canada lol
All the MDMA I've encountered in the US wasn't that great.

MDMA I've gotten in Canada was amazing very pure, lab tested to be of high purity.
Provided a great roll extremely clean and therapeutic.
I figured. There is some great stuff being made in the US but it is quite rare.
You see that on tour..great sacks of up a line,all this sparkly white,with lots of brownish dots throughout it...
Or,sand,uncut,and its taxed like poor people..$120 a gram!!
Or,you look at 2 litres of distilled isofarole on the shelf and....
You see that on tour..great sacks of up a line,all this sparkly white,with lots of brownish dots throughout it...
Or,sand,uncut,and its taxed like poor people..$120 a gram!!
Or,you look at 2 litres of distilled isofarole on the shelf and....
Isn't isosa watched?