LMAO, No, but you look mad buddy.
How am I internet tough guy? I'm not running around with a gun cause someone knocked on my door and you bet your house you can beat the shit out of me so if that's not an internet tough guy I don't know what is. Never said I'll whoop everyone's ass either but I did beat a ex green Beret's ass about your age when I was 17 though but he wasn't shit. My childhood was fine just watched my dad die slowly by 16 years old and outlaw is anyone who lives outside the law hence out-law never called the cops never told them anything even little I live outside the law.

Are Outlaw MC all on the run? I don't think so they wear a patch. lol
But I go to CO I got no interest meeting you, sorry buddy.

Better shit to do but I do go to CO I'm going hunting we ain't got no elk or big horn sheep and shit be more memorable then beating up some random jack off I'd probably never even speak to on the street.