Does anyone hate Alton Brown from food network as much as I do?


Well-Known Member
Fuck Alton Brown right up is tight pretentious ass. We'll probably blown out ass but you get the point. I don't understand how a guy who presents himself as a scholar has somehow never taken a speech class. Let me help you out Alton when public speaking you should not say uh every other word. This man makes me want to put a shotgun in my mouth.

Anyway if any of you want to hate Alton with me feel free.


Well-Known Member
Don't know who that guy is but just by looking at him it seems like he joined the punchable face club long ago.


Well-Known Member
I made it 28 seconds in before i decided yup, i hate this guy as much as any other human being can.



Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I like Alton. His explanations of why food does what it does when we play with it is fun and instructive. He's made me a better cook and that's his mission...


Well-Known Member
I agree he does know what he is talking about too bad his fucked up attitude and his beliefs that he is better than every living thing on earth fucks it all up. I hope Ted Allen rips him in half with a mortal combat cock saw.


Well-Known Member
I used to think he was a doosh but then i saw him on tv at the clermont lounge. Its hard to think of him as pretentious after seeing him drinking PBR and watching strippers slowly die.


Well-Known Member
Thats his act, I've seen him in other things where he's quite a nice normal guy. The real prick, and who I'd like to see flame up like a buddhist monk is Bobby Flay....I'd flick the Bic