Yessica...'s AMA

Average dick size is 5 inches hahahaha I bet more then none half of you guys talking about fucking are under or average, ever had a bruise on ur dick head from bottoming out on a cervix? I sure haven't they call me baby dick McGhee lol
Pics or it didn't happen!
My bf has never had a bruise on his head? Do you know how much a cervix bashing hurts?
I'm not saying you haven't got a big dick (ok it's prob not 9") but I'm not believing this bruising on the head.
I don't know - I only heard of 3 residents so far that need some visiting. I will be a friendly visitor. All 3 of the people are in different stage of dementia.

I don't actually know what mh/mr means? Am I just really high? Should I know that?
It means mentally handicapped and mental retardation. The worst thing is, is getting attached to the residents.
I would love to see spain. Other than canada I have never left the states. Just starting to warm up here. Has been a long vold winter.
You have Canada before? Where'd ya visit? Didn't make it up to Thunder Bay I doubt. It gets missed a lot, we are waaaaay the fuck north.

I'm still waiting for these pics??!!?? ;)
I want pics?? Of what? I like pictures!!!