I also remember going to the exhibition....in TO. High as a kite on pcp...
snorted the stuff...at my dads house...which was 2 mins from the go train...and by the time I got there.....I was too wasted to park....so I just left my car in the middle of the driving lane...and left the keys in it..
got on the train....and the walls were breathing in and out ,,,,in and out....
got off the train and had to get over the bridge...above the train...which required clinging onto the chain link fence...
which seemed to take forever...my buddy was in about the same condition...and somehow we made it past the cops...
at the gate...
I spent the whole evening at the CNE....and spent only 50 cents on a drink of pop....was entirely to blitzed to even
do anything....
I did remember getting kicked out of Ontario place...by security...not sure why....