bodhi seeds

Dream beaver sounds interesting! Can you tell me if it is a heart pounding buzz? Im really not into the racey heart pounding strains.
Most likely I will be ordering from Midweek Song soon as they have the Goji Og I've been eyeballing. Looking to get a few more of his strains in my bank on this next and LAST order.:peace:
Then do NOT touch it with a ten foot pole attached to a telescopic arm slung from an industrial size crane. First joint I was crawling out my own skin, thundering heart, tingling skin in a very pleasant way. It kinda epitomizes everything about an 'uppy' sativa and switches the voltage in your brain from 12 to 240 lmao...

Have you ever heard of a movie called 'District 9' ?
MAN that is the most brilliant parody on South Africa EVER. And low and behold, now the Zulu guys are calling foreigners cockroaches eh... The metaphor will last forever. Good movie and I don't say that because Gavin Hood is from around here. Wikus is the most genuinely South African character in any movie ever lol lol lol... Spot On....
When the only one backing you is amos otis you know that you are on the wrong side of the discussion. Continue to see only parts of the story without the whole.

Gratz ham, at least you have one friend.
Dude, everybody knows I don't need their backup so they are just peacefully going about their business, like you should.
And now, the actual point behind me popping by... Jahruba in flower




Have a kid and then tell him how to live his life ;)
You win, you win, your superior wit intimidates me. And your loose grappling insults are damaging my ego very badly. I am terrified at how you edit my words in quotes EHRMEGHERD puhleeze stop I can't take more. When will the beating ever end?!?!?!?!?!
I like the way that you made that statement but that is the only thing. You can spread about nonsense like this and you can even call the man a liar if you want but Bodhi is a people person very simply put. He has openly stated that most people like access to the "clone only" stock. Fact aside that I am a total fan and would love to get a chance to talk to him about things mostly unrelated to cannabis even, He's just trying to give the majority of the people what they love in regards to their seeds choices, imho.
I agree, everything I've read about Bodhi, and hell even his comment here, is top notch and he seems like a classy fellow.

I simply have the type of thought process that if it seems to good to be true, then it might not be true. I stated many, many times that it is just an assumption and it in no way implies that I think Bodhi is a crook, a liar, etc... If people aren't allowed to have their own wild ass assumptions then what ever. I've also stated that I'm going to be scoring some of Bodhi's beans real soon because I do believe he has put in some good work. I guess the only reason I keep saying bodhi and not simply every breeder, is because people like mad ham and cherry pie keep saying I'm hating on bodhi, I'm not, I'm simply stating an assumption, and not one the I really give two cents about, but I won't just let people tell me I'm hating on one man. I'm hating on the game of poly hybrid lottery and how almost every breeder caters to in order to meet customer demands. So my issue is more with capitalist methods of profiteering. By Bodhi's post here, it seems that he is wanting to move away from the poly wave as well.
i feel really bad that i dont get to visit here that often, but i feel really good that such an amazing collection of charactors keeps this thread filled with laughter, debate, mystery and intrigue, and some really oversized neon green thumbs. i figured since I’m lurking ill answer a few questions from the last couple of pages.

how i do it:
heres my secret, no wharehouse, hoop house, or grow house, just my house….
i find exceptional proven unique males and do a run with all my moms, i bank all those seeds in my seed fridge and send out testers. i slowly release the tested lines that make the grade as new lines or freebies. this process takes years and gives the illusion of a massive catalog and infrastructure. this also frees me up to explore and be creative with my landrace and exotic lines, i do a lot lot of personal testing, r&d, collecting, and trading to keep things moving forward in a focused magical way.

appalachia hybrids:
all the appalachia hybrids were made in one run, vac sealed and put in the fridge. i have no fridge pollen of appalachia, as i lost the male suddenly during a collections trip. if it seems like more and more appear, its because the testers never came through on those lines and they are still awaiting testing results. most of the appalachia hybrids are gone or low except sunshine daydream and a few that never seem to get tested (giesel x appalachia, mss x appalachia) etc…

i make only seeds to keep things afloat, i stopped producing flowers which was a leap of faith many years ago. this year I’m scaling back on the polypolyhybrids and elite cross mashups, mostly focusing my commercial appeal seeds on extreme terpenes and resin for the concentrate tribe. i have been slowly collecting a massive library of the best of the best landrace specimens and will be going back to the future making pure f1’s. ill be making more pure landrace seeds this year outdoors under the nierika seed trust label, this years collections trip will be kashmir, jammu, and the pakistani borderlands in ladahk.

i know people are curious about bodhi seeds and the wizard behind the curtain, I’m slowly filling out my interview for skunk magazine as time permits. its not easy being a one man show, with three young kids, and a little farm on a hill top. i wake up early and go to bed late, i miss those days of being able to hang out online, sharing and connecting with my fellow green men and women. i love what i do with a passion, its what keeps me going, a green knight in her majesties secret service, just like you. but I’m burning out. i can’t keep up, and i dont want to let go of having my hands on each and every seed. i feel at my core its about getting this most sacred floral influence back into the collective consciousness, heal ourselves, our loved ones, and our planet. i love to give out freebies and testers because i love to give, it makes me feel good. I’m so happy that there are groups of amazing gardeners like you guys popping up all over, sharing the love, busting each others balls, cracking jokes, growing plants, and making beans.

I’m over my head these days, just keeping things moving forward on a roots level here at the farm, but ill try and pop by here and there to check in and answer questions.

thank you guys so much for all the love and support, the amazing grows and highs and lows of this path of the revolutionary evolutionary flower of power...

Man I'm glad you popped through and cleared some things up for a lot of people. Now hopefully they'll stop calling you a chucker cus a lot of strains get released at once sometime. I think more people will get your respect by hearing how you do all of this by yourself. Looking forward to all the new stuff you got going on.
You win, you win, your superior wit intimidates me. And your loose grappling insults are damaging my ego very badly. I am terrified at how you edit my words in quotes EHRMEGHERD puhleeze stop I can't take more. When will the beating ever end?!?!?!?!?!

Funny thing is you have no self control
Man I'm glad you popped through and cleared some things up for a lot of people. Now hopefully they'll stop calling you a chucker cus a lot of strains get released at once sometime. I think more people will get your respect by hearing how you do all of this by yourself. Looking forward to all the new stuff you got going on.

The results don't lie either :D, glad he came around.
Anyone who has ordered from SVOC before, what is the turn around time from payment to shipping? Also is there any sort of confirmation of when something is sent?
I agree, everything I've read about Bodhi, and hell even his comment here, is top notch and he seems like a classy fellow.

I simply have the type of thought process that if it seems to good to be true, then it might not be true. I stated many, many times that it is just an assumption and it in no way implies that I think Bodhi is a crook, a liar, etc... If people aren't allowed to have their own wild ass assumptions then what ever. I've also stated that I'm going to be scoring some of Bodhi's beans real soon because I do believe he has put in some good work. I guess the only reason I keep saying bodhi and not simply every breeder, is because people like mad ham and cherry pie keep saying I'm hating on bodhi, I'm not, I'm simply stating an assumption, and not one the I really give two cents about, but I won't just let people tell me I'm hating on one man. I'm hating on the game of poly hybrid lottery and how almost every breeder caters to in order to meet customer demands. So my issue is more with capitalist methods of profiteering. By Bodhi's post here, it seems that he is wanting to move away from the poly wave as well.
Not at all to bust your balls my friend, I just couldn't stop myself from commenting because of the chucking for gold line. I feel the same way that you do for the most part. I like to keep up with the peeps like Bodhi because he seems a family man with similar thoughts on the world to my own. Needless to say that I am stoked to see that he stopped by to announce that he'll finally be putting out the landraces nice and pure.

God, I thought I was DONE buying seeds. My Bodhi collection is getting huge and I can't even grow any of the damn things until well into the foreseeable future..
Funny thing is you have no self control
:sleep:Thats not even worth a come back. I kinda miss the good old days arguing with Amos. Maybe get Stache to type for you IDK but yaaaaaawn.
Killer flowers Hamish!
Thanks Bro, but we all know 100 percent credit goes to genetics. B really out did himself with both of those, but in particular the Jahruba is a breath of fresh air. Developing a deep dark coffee note along with the fuel as it cures, translates perfectly to taste...
kind of random but....

anyone know of any strains from Bodhi(or any strains in general for that matter) that particularly relieve intraocular pressure. I don't suffer from glaucoma or anything but the "high eyes" feeling as I call it has to be one of my favorite effects from cannabis, and I rarely experience it.

Ya know that feeling where your eyes feel like they are red as fuck, and a bit squinty and almost half swollen shut. That's what I want. And not tired and heavy droopy eyes either. Completely different. I don't know exactly how to describe but if that makes any sense to anyone.
kind of random but....

anyone know of any strains from Bodhi(or any strains in general for that matter) that particularly relieve intraocular pressure. I don't suffer from glaucoma or anything but the "high eyes" feeling as I call it has to be one of my favorite effects from cannabis, and I rarely experience it.

Ya know that feeling where your eyes feel like they are red as fuck, and a bit squinty and almost half swollen shut. That's what I want. And not tired and heavy droopy eyes either. Completely different. I don't know exactly how to describe but if that makes any sense to anyone.
kind of random but....

anyone know of any strains from Bodhi(or any strains in general for that matter) that particularly relieve intraocular pressure. I don't suffer from glaucoma or anything but the "high eyes" feeling as I call it has to be one of my favorite effects from cannabis, and I rarely experience it.

Ya know that feeling where your eyes feel like they are red as fuck, and a bit squinty and almost half swollen shut. That's what I want. And not tired and heavy droopy eyes either. Completely different. I don't know exactly how to describe but if that makes any sense to anyone.