Positive people required!!

YAY!! Everything is coming up Milhouse!!!

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yup yup. im smiling ear to ear, and just hooked ,y brother up with an amazing connect. told him just pass me some of that mandy and we are cool again.

he knows the sister of my friend(r.i.p) and seemed pretty bummed out.

also no more skateboarding in my driveway did a kickflip over 2 stacked decks hit a small rock and banged my knee. I laughed so hard at myself. my neighbor was like SF try again!

i said fuck that
@Yessica... @roseypeach

my day just got instantly better, my brother shows up and first words he says is "want a beer" I reply fuckin right I do
him "ok two kegs have an infection so start drinking fast or its bing dumped.

lol now as he sterilizes stuff I get to brew abeer and get wasted as a highschool kid on prom :)

man this is good, going to be a god year for herbs as well. so far 12 are ready for outdoors just needit to stabilize in the weather department first.

so many free seeds from a breeder I'm happy right now or kinda drunk
Glad to hear something positive happening for ya!

Right now I'm hearing a coyote howling..spooky shit. Thank god my bf is home!! lol

Peace y'all, our weekend is starting, boy has it been a drag this week. Now he can help me with all this puppy poo!
Today was fun, sat outside my house shooting the shit with my neighbor.

he gave some laughs, now vodka is on the way and a 6 pack.

@yessica how's your day going today?

I had a tour and did training at the seniors home/ residence that I will be volunteering at. It's so nice there, a lot of light, and a lot of art. And the GARDEN is amazing in the summer. I met some very cute elderly people and I felt like my heart might explode almost the whole 2 hours that I was there. I am so happy to be doing this. I might cry everyday for the first little bit, because I have A LOT of feelings. But I'm still so happy about it.

Then I got a TB skin test, the first one. You need it so you can work with the olds. No reaction so far, so it looks like I'm negative for TB. Speaking of that - how did your test work out?

Then I got home and face timed with my bestie who is having a huge problem/ relationship destroying fight with her alcoholic mother. I have been besties with her since we were 11. Her mom used to pass out on the couch and we would carry her up to bed. It's all very sad, but she's probably the strongest person I have ever met (my friend) and she's dealing with it beautifully.

Oh, and now I'm having a beer!!! It was a great day. Sunny, and beautiful!
@Yessica... ya tb takes about 72hrs to find out. I just had my chest xray done yesterday but my doctor says I was 8mm and ten is when you begin to worry. will have results in a few days.

I worked with elderly people while watching my grandfather, kind of a check up as the nurses were always busy. I was also working for tchc so it was sort of allowed, met some nutcases but me and the old ladieswere awesomely lovely together.

I'm in such a great mood, my neighbor really made my day awesome, kept cracking jokes at me (clearly on speed) think we may sit in his backyard later so even if I have a cop checkup, I can just walk into the laneway and bam my property.

negative but if you saw the news raids happened in my neighborhood, 3 kids I know got booked and not sureabout the other houses.but mymain trap house was taking down hahahaha fack them screwed

lolol off topic but went to get my meds after getting money I was owed from a friend, left for pharm and on way back cops stop me. after 10-20min of me looking for note to prove where I was and them seeing all the cash I was let go.. walked off with a smile. fuck idk where I'm going wth this I'm hammered and xanaxed up like a mofo
@Yessica... ya tb takes about 72hrs to find out. I just had my chest xray done yesterday but my doctor says I was 8mm and ten is when you begin to worry. will have results in a few days.

I worked with elderly people while watching my grandfather, kind of a check up as the nurses were always busy. I was also working for tchc so it was sort of allowed, met some nutcases but me and the old ladieswere awesomely lovely together.

I'm in such a great mood, my neighbor really made my day awesome, kept cracking jokes at me (clearly on speed) think we may sit in his backyard later so even if I have a cop checkup, I can just walk into the laneway and bam my property.

negative but if you saw the news raids happened in my neighborhood, 3 kids I know got booked and not sureabout the other houses.but mymain trap house was taking down hahahaha fack them screwed

lolol off topic but went to get my meds after getting money I was owed from a friend, left for pharm and on way back cops stop me. after 10-20min of me looking for note to prove where I was and them seeing all the cash I was let go.. walked off with a smile. fuck idk where I'm going wth this I'm hammered and xanaxed up like a mofo
Hey @StonedFarmer , I have a question.

Do you have ANY idea why some members on here feel the need to try to bring people down all the time, to make themselves feel better?

It is not a practice that I am familiar with myself. If I say things to people and they feel bad because of it, I feel worse about myself than they probably ever would.

I don't know - some people just like being cunty to strangers I guess.

I was in the service industry for over a decade. I know all about being nice to assholes. I also - just would not be mean to strangers for no reason.

Because pussies.
I only make good choices *rolls eyes*

naw my neighbor knows what's up, he's a chill older guy former lawyer. I owe him a bottle of rum from last time I sat at his house drinking like a fiend.

I'm glad to not be part of the crew that got booked today. I know every person booked and probably know the snitch, she ratted out a close friend a year ago. fucking cunt gets 1000's in dbt then turns on them. glad nd proud to say i robbed her for over a hp of blow. death threats and saying I couldn't buy in the city as I was the main connect lololol.

I am drunk as fuck so take what you will
I am drunk as fuck

"Fuck you too bitch, call the cops!
I'ma kill you and them loud ass motherfuckin barkin dogs

And when the cops came through me and Dre stood next to a burnt down house
Wit a can full of gas and a hand full of matches
And still weren't found out

Chika, chika, slim shady.....hotter than a set of twin babies in a Mercedes Benz wit the windows up when the temp goes up to the mid 80's"
Hey @StonedFarmer , I have a question.

Do you have ANY idea why some members on here feel the need to try to bring people down all the time, to make themselves feel better?

It is not a practice that I am familiar with myself. If I say things to people and they feel bad because of it, I feel worse about myself than they probably ever would.

I don't know - some people just like being cunty to strangers I guess.

I was in the service industry for over a decade. I know all about being nice to assholes. I also - just would not be mean to strangers for no reason.

Because pussies.

It's how the internet rolls, I'm on many forums with way worse trolls and such then here.

annoninimity gives them the protection they need. Maybe they are doing it to bring down others as their own life sucks atm.

personally after all these years I take no time reading and only respond to those who seem cool.

Won't lie I trolled a site with a 10 yr acct for a long time but for me it was fun while cracked out or doing speedballs
"Fuck you too bitch, call the cops!
I'ma kill you and them loud ass motherfuckin barkin dogs

And when the cops came through me and Dre stood next to a burnt down house
Wit a can full of gas and a hand full of matches
And still weren't found out

Chika, chika, slim shady.....hotter than a set of twin babies in a Mercedes Benz wit the windows up when the temp goes up to the mid 80's"

*passes bottle of vodka* was down the xanax please