Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Oh my, sounds stressful. Weren't you tempted to just throw the dishes in the pool and be done with them.lol

I'm good annie. Working away at the day job and trying to make enough money to quit and enjoy life with the side job.

One day maybe eh :)

Damn, that was a great solution! I wish I would have thought about it at the time. I was so stressed I was going to owe and come in late (I filed at 8 PM on the final day), I didn't think about a combined solution. You are brilliant my friend, brilliant :)

I hope you can shed yourself of that nasty day job soon and we can say we knew you before you became the micro green king!
I heard some interesting facts on talk radio this morning:

1. There is a type of massage where people get snakes, lots of snakes, to slither all over their body and thus massage them. Obviously this is only fun for people we are not terrified of snakes.

2. In Japan you can pay a person to apologize for you. hahaha - that sounds awesome.

3. "The Hangover bus" - I can't remember where this was, but you can pay the hangover bus to come see you when you are hung over. They give you IV fluids, electrolytes, liquids, anti nausea pills, and whatever else would make you feel better for a hangover - I guess.

People are neat.

That's all.
WTF Jelly Belly...Take the goddamned Licorice and Cinnamon and Peppermint jellybeans out of the mix already! Not that there's anything wrong with them, but when you're indiscriminately eating handfuls of jellybeans, they really shit on your parade.

Do you have revels over there?

If not, they are lovely chocolates that some cruel fuck has decided it would be a good idea to hide a few coffee flavoured ones in the packet. Yuuuk, sick bastards I tell ye.
Do you have revels over there?

If not, they are lovely chocolates that some cruel fuck has decided it would be a good idea to hide a few coffee flavoured ones in the packet. Yuuuk, sick bastards I tell ye.
So you know the pain of which I speak....

Is there some international meeting of the Candy Barons where they just decide to piss on my wheaties for funsies?
So, you think I'm being an asshole by expressing my disinterest at your 10 memes and one youtube video, making light of a medically valid thread about CBD.

I started off by being civil, and you gave me attitude right away, and that escalate quickly here.

And when I say I AM an asshole, it's mainly because I have a shitty filter, and speak my mind. As well little tolerance for bullshit. So I don't care if you're a "good person", and i'm an asshole. I still make my corner of the world a better place with my actions, I just don't blow smoke up everyones ass by pretending to act or feel differently than I actually do.

So, you think I'm being an asshole by expressing my disinterest at your 10 memes and one youtube video, making light of a medically valid thread about CBD.

I started off by being civil, and you gave me attitude right away, and that escalate quickly here.

And when I say I AM an asshole, it's mainly because I have a shitty filter, and speak my mind. As well little tolerance for bullshit. So I don't care if you're a "good person", and i'm an asshole. I still make my corner of the world a better place with my actions, I just don't blow smoke up everyones ass by pretending to act or feel differently than I actually do.

I'm nice to strangers. I am nice to people I like. I prefer to be nice. I like bringing joy to other peoples lives. And I like it when people try to make me happy.

And I FUCKING can't stand it when other people try, and I mean try, to make other people feel shitty.

Sure, you thought that my "memes and video" were too much. Had the thread not been in the tnt section, I would never have posted them. But - you went out of your way to say something shitty about me. To TRY to make me feel badly for my actions.

You don't know me, but my intentions were NEVER to try to make Diabolical feel bad, or to make anyone else with Diabetes feel bad. I was just putting out what the internet was giving on diabetes.

I don't mind holding things back sometimes. Because I would feel WAY SHITTIER about myself if I said things that made other people feel bad all the time.

You and I are different. We can be friendly on here, sure. I think you say some funny things. But, I don't have mean friends. My friends NEVER go out of their way to make me feel bad.

Because my friends are not assholes. So whatever - there we go. You and I are very different people.

Agree to be different.
I'm nice to strangers. I am nice to people I like. I prefer to be nice. I like bringing joy to other peoples lives. And I like it when people try to make me happy.

And I FUCKING can't stand it when other people try, and I mean try, to make other people feel shitty.

Sure, you thought that my "memes and video" were too much. Had the thread not been in the tnt section, I would never have posted them. But - you went out of your way to say something shitty about me. To TRY to make me feel badly for my actions.

You don't know me, but my intentions were NEVER to try to make Diabolical feel bad, or to make anyone else with Diabetes feel bad. I was just putting out what the internet was giving on diabetes.

I don't mind holding things back sometimes. Because I would feel WAY SHITTIER about myself if I said things that made other people feel bad all the time.

You and I are different. We can be friendly on here, sure. I think you say some funny things. But, I don't have mean friends. My friends NEVER go out of their way to make me feel bad.

Because my friends are not assholes. So whatever - there we go. You and I are very different people.

Agree to be different.

Jeez, couldn't you just call him a cunt and be done with it?
I'm nice to strangers. I am nice to people I like. I prefer to be nice. I like bringing joy to other peoples lives. And I like it when people try to make me happy.

And I FUCKING can't stand it when other people try, and I mean try, to make other people feel shitty.

Sure, you thought that my "memes and video" were too much. Had the thread not been in the tnt section, I would never have posted them. But - you went out of your way to say something shitty about me. To TRY to make me feel badly for my actions.

You don't know me, but my intentions were NEVER to try to make Diabolical feel bad, or to make anyone else with Diabetes feel bad. I was just putting out what the internet was giving on diabetes.

I don't mind holding things back sometimes. Because I would feel WAY SHITTIER about myself if I said things that made other people feel bad all the time.

You and I are different. We can be friendly on here, sure. I think you say some funny things. But, I don't have mean friends. My friends NEVER go out of their way to make me feel bad.

Because my friends are not assholes. So whatever - there we go. You and I are very different people.

Agree to be different.
What did I say to "say something shitty about you" in the first post? I said it was detrimental to a medically valid thread. I said a couple memes would be funny, I even went so far as to say you were one of the more amusing members ATM. Is that an insult? I sorta thought it was a compliment.

I don't do things to intentionally make you feel bad, but you give me attitude and I can give it right back I just know how to be effective with what I say, because you know alot of it is true. It's not BAD that you have such a strong personality, but you GOTTA realize that strong personalities are going to make enemies as well as friends.

You bite my head off by telling me to 'step off your dick; and shit like that...lol...thems fightin wordz. Are you kidding? What did you expect, for me to roll over and say "Oh i'm sorry, let me stroke your ego a little more"

And to ever say i'm "being mean to you to make myself feel better" is absolute nonsense. If you cant handle honesty and criticism, you're going to have a hard time throughout your life. Learn to have a little thicker skin. I don't say shit to belittle you, or inflate my sense of self worth, I say critical things because I'm not sure if you're always aware of the level of your insanity.
What did I say to "say something shitty about you" in the first post? I said it was detrimental to a medically valid thread. I said a couple memes would be funny, I even went so far as to say you were one of the more amusing members ATM. Is that an insult? I sorta thought it was a compliment.

I don't do things to intentionally make you feel bad, but you give me attitude and I can give it right back I just know how to be effective with what I say, because you know alot of it is true. It's not ABD that you have such a strong personality, but you GOTTA realize that strong personalities are going to make enemies as well as friends.

You bite my head off by telling me to 'step off your dick; and shit like that...lol...thems fightin wordz. Are you kidding? What did you expect, for me to roll over and say "Oh i'm sorry, let me stroke your ego a little more"

And to ever say i'm "being mean to you to make myself feel better" is absolute nonsense. If you cant handle honesty and criticism, you're going to have a hard time throughout your life. Learn to have a little thicker skin. I don't say shit to belittle you, or inflate my sense of self worth, I say critical things because I'm not sure if you're always aware of the level of your insanity.

So you two are like dating now or something then?
What did I say to "say something shitty about you" in the first post? I said it was detrimental to a medically valid thread. I said a couple memes would be funny, I even went so far as to say you were one of the more amusing members ATM. Is that an insult? I sorta thought it was a compliment.

I don't do things to intentionally make you feel bad, but you give me attitude and I can give it right back I just know how to be effective with what I say, because you know alot of it is true. It's not ABD that you have such a strong personality, but you GOTTA realize that strong personalities are going to make enemies as well as friends.

You bite my head off by telling me to 'step off your dick; and shit like that...lol...thems fightin wordz. Are you kidding? What did you expect, for me to roll over and say "Oh i'm sorry, let me stroke your ego a little more"

And to ever say i'm "being mean to you to make myself feel better" is absolute nonsense. If you cant handle honesty and criticism, you're going to have a hard time throughout your life. Learn to have a little thicker skin. I don't say shit to belittle you, or inflate my sense of self worth, I say critical things because I'm not sure if you're always aware of the level of your insanity.

Thank you doctor!

You think YOU know about my level of insanity because you read some words that I CHOOSE to write on the internet?

Don't pretend to know me. I have been myself for 33 years and I've barely figured it out.

So you two are like dating now or something then?
He's been flirting with me since I first got here.

She's needs acceptance.
And you need to say snarky things.

Why exactly? I just assumed it was because being unkind to other people made you feel better about yourself. What could another reason be?

I'm actually curious?
She does. I actually agree with both and neither of you just now.

Only way to sort this is some good old fashioned bare chest boxing. Lace up fuckers.lol
I'm done fighting. No more. I don't fight in real life, I'm not going to fight on here. I find it exhausting.

And totally not fun, unless everyone is on the same page. As soon as actual negative feelings get in the mix, the fun is gone for me.

I don't hit girls, but I'll take one for the team and take a lickin for the sake of titties.

I do think you're funny. Just less so when you try to tell me how to act.

Fuck you mom, I do what I want!
Thank you doctor!

You think YOU know about my level of insanity because you read some words that I CHOOSE to write on the internet?

Don't pretend to know me. I have been myself for 33 years and I've barely figured it out.

He's been flirting with me since I first got here.

And you need to say snarky things.

Why exactly? I just assumed it was because being unkind to other people made you feel better about yourself. What could another reason be?

I'm actually curious?
Is it so unkind to say that a social creature needs acceptance in one of the various communal circles they belong to? More like human nature.
Is it so unkind to say that a social creature needs acceptance in one of the various communal circles they belong to? More like human nature.
DUDE, you know what you are TRYING to say when you say things. You know what your intended meaning is, not me.

I'm just saying, some of the things you say - are interpreted by me as cunty. With the intention of trying to be, a dick. Or an asshole as you say.

I like being liked, obviously. I don't think YOU have to like me though.

I would just appreciate being left to my own devices. I don't need to hear your opinions about my posts. Especially if they are negative opinions. ALL THE TIME. You do your thing, I'll do mine. I won't tell you how to post or meme, or how many times you repeated something. Because I think that's super faggatron and I just wouldn't .


I think you just want to argue. I told you man, I'm all argued out.

Do you want to win? Is that it?

Fine - ARGUMENT WON BY META!! Well done!