i laughed at thatdo you call them or their children "niglets"?
i laughed at thatdo you call them or their children "niglets"?
such an angry little racist.
chugga chugga chugga cugga CHOO CHOO!
You don't feel that many voters will vote for Hillary because she's a woman? Of course they will.
Your smoking gun isn't even a squirt gun.
Many voters did vote for Obama becuase he is "black". In fact lots of white liberals have told me they did.
Derp dee durr.
POO POO, aLL aBOOOOOARD the SSSShit train....
guess who black voters voted overwhelmingly in favor of in a race between white democrat patrick murphy and black republican allen west, my racist little shitstain?
go ahead, just take a guess and see how your racist theories work out in the real world.
guess who black voters voted overwhelmingly in favor of in a race between white democrat patrick murphy and black republican allen west, my racist little shitstain?
go ahead, just take a guess and see how your racist theories work out in the real world.
So, you are saying that "black voters" vote in lock step for DEMOCRATS? Why is that?
probably because they don't appreciate the racist as fuck platform espoused by racist right wingers like yourself.
Funny, Robby is usually quick to respond. I wonder why he's avoiding this one?
Rob, what say you?
I'm not a right winger ...I'm not a racist.
My "platform" is human interactions should be consensual....scary huh?