What kind of yoga is best?

You sumthin wise girl!

For a true yogi each moment of life is spent meditating upon their cosmic rhythm, each breath, pause and movement of your day is an opportunity to put yoga into practise and achieve transcendental union.
yoga is meant to be a spiritual, mental and psychical discipline and practice.
yoga, tai-chi etc are specifically meant to create a mind, body soul impact, they arent just a work out

if youre seriously not into that aspect of it try finding a studio that does a yoga mix type work out that doesnt focus on the meditation part, depending where you live im sure you can find one. there is almost always a meditation aspect of yoga and it isnt a short one,
alternatively you could buy some home practices and skip the meditation part

ive done yoga for years, and usually the meditation part rounds to be about 5-10 mins at the end of it and 5-10 mins in the beginning.
That' amount of time is doable. I just meditate already so I just didn't want the whole focus of the class time on that part. I realize it's integral. Just wanted a ratio of mental/physical.
I'd love to try yoga and there are so many studios throwing their shingle up. How can I find a reputable one? What should I look for? (can't ask for recs as I don't know anyone who practices yoga)

I want to build muscle if possible and maintain flexibility. (I'm quite flexible so don't know if that has any bearing on yoga style)

No hot yoga for me thanks

Not as interested in the meditative part (though I'm sure it's part of it) more interested in the strength building part.

Thanks peeps


They have thousands of free videos.

My favorite is the Bend and Stretch. It helps stretch my lower back and open my hips.

I love that site, I hope you find as much utility in it as me.
Hey thanks for that. Howya been SF?

I've been alright!

Busy as all hell, but good. Thank you for asking!

Check that site out. They have some really good stretches and poses, and they do a pretty good job of walking you through it.

I tend to pause where I feel I need to really stretch and loosen. At the end of the bend and stretch vid in the warm down they have you lay flat on your back with limbs outstretched, I always fall asleep during that part!