Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :joint:,,,,,,,,,,passing that at all? >>>>>>>>> takes joint and has 2 puffs... >>>>> pass:joint:

Its all coming along nicely Mr West. That veg room is like a sweet shop with all that selection. Id love to have as many strains as tht.

mr west

Well-Known Member
its tough not planting more lol, theres a few strains in the pipeline for next year, el nino is one cheese another lol

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
dumbass question; is cheese actually cheesey, I hate cheese. El Nino sounds like it'll stop you in your tracks, lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
you want more pics dont ya? It wont be till after the weekend as im not at home, I left my gf in charge of my plants.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ahhh shizen its after the weekend now and i gotta take some pics for yall, ok can i do it after ive had a bath please lol?