Club 600

Anyone got any ideas....
I think I may have to go and buy one of these to hang out with my son...

fuk me he's a moving bag of germs (bloody daycare). Been Tom Dick for the last couple of days for the umpteenth time in not so long ffs. Plus it's my throat which puts a stop to most stoner! had 1 dab and a bong all day yesterday (god it felt good after those hits)........peace
Thanks Mo but the yins bugs are on some next level shit. I think even the ebola suit would struggle. I eat reasonably healthy. I exercise at least 2 or 3 times a week....but his bugs still boss through. There is one rug rat at day care that is by all accounts the spreader of germs. The whole crew just had hand foot and mouth....which I thought was something only animals Also known as fruit beard I think.
@DST might want to change day care places if you can, at least with lice you can coat their hair with grease and not have to deal with it everyday. Try increasing your vitamin D input, extra helpings of hand washing all the time.
Anyone got any ideas....
I think I may have to go and buy one of these to hang out with my son...

fuk me he's a moving bag of germs (bloody daycare). Been Tom Dick for the last couple of days for the umpteenth time in not so long ffs. Plus it's my throat which puts a stop to most stoner! had 1 dab and a bong all day yesterday (god it felt good after those hits)........peace
The reason the wife quit work and stayed home to raise our son. I feel for all the day care parents. It has to be damn rough. Best of luck DST. Constantly being sick is hard.
Thanks Mo but the yins bugs are on some next level shit. I think even the ebola suit would struggle. I eat reasonably healthy. I exercise at least 2 or 3 times a week....but his bugs still boss through. There is one rug rat at day care that is by all accounts the spreader of germs. The whole crew just had hand foot and mouth....which I thought was something only animals Also known as fruit beard I think.
Got to love them kid bugs.....

It's not really the kids at daycare,but more the toys they play with...
I sent my lil one with that hand spray...

They daycare toys are pure nasty.
Thanks tag @papapayne he's the one who needs it.

Curious what other ingredients are in it though?
I believe it 85 % potassium and 15% inert ingredients. It applies very evenly to leaves and does not bead up.

The additives allow it to spread and stick to the surface of the leaves without leaving a residue.

GreenCure® fully dissolves in water and is easily sprayed on leaves, flowers, stems and branches. The patented formula contains just the right amount of potassium bicarbonate and surfactants so that there is no unsightly residue. It dries quickly and it dries clean. Vegetables can be harvested within 1 hour of spraying. (See complete mixing and use instructions)

It spreads out evenly over leaves and provides complete coverage. Since "prevention is the best medicine" it is wise to apply GreenCure® at the first sign of disease or even when environmental conditions are favorable to mildew.GreenCure® kills mildew on contact and provides up to 2 weeks of preventive protection.
@Flaming Pie thanks!!!! I'm sure the inert ingredients are just what allow it to stick to the surface, the same idea as when you do it with just the Potassium carbonate.

It's 1 tbsp potassium carbonate, 1 tsp dish detergent, to 1 gallon of water. It's basically baking soda but has the added benefit of killing the PM. Green Cure is making a killing off some baking soda basically lol....
@Flaming Pie thanks!!!! I'm sure the inert ingredients are just what allow it to stick to the surface, the same idea as when you do it with just the Potassium carbonate.

It's 1 tbsp potassium carbonate, 1 tsp dish detergent, to 1 gallon of water. It's basically baking soda but has the added benefit of killing the PM. Green Cure is making a killing off some baking soda basically lol....

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Green cure is potassium bicarbonate. Big difference.