Show me your PAIN...

It got caught off for not.listening when I was younger it's what happens in our country
Jesus fucking christ! That's intense!

I knew a guy that got the top knuckle of his MIDDLE finger ripped of by some heavy machinery. He said it was weird picking up chips and stuff, because his "pinchers" were gone.


I gots a SLEW of mental pain, on top of being accident prone.

Ever want to talk about your brain and shit - PM me.

I love mental health chats.


I couldn't tell what you wrote there. haha

Anyways - I was just saying I have put up like 1000 pictures of myself. I have a photo boner. It would be almost impossible to hang around the t n t section - and not see my face.

But - just for YOU!

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that's a cute picture, maybe I am just used to the bloody/zombie ones.
that's a cute picture, maybe I am just used to the bloody/zombie ones.
THAT is the reason I have so many bloody/ zombie ones.

I'm cute. Like a little mouse or a cartoon cat. hahah

No one fears me, and often respect is not earned at a glance, because people think I'm just a cute, dumb, simple, blonde girl who giggles and smiles a lot.

The zombie allowed me to show MY GREAT AND POWERFUL FEAR....STUFF....


I don't know - I just like zombies. haha
It got caught off for not.listening when I was younger it's what happens in our country
hey anzo, what engine got you?
I wanna know, the ones that geta taste of human flesh never go back to just running on gas. That way I can be prepared....
so far the ones I know of that like the taste of human flesh.... Toyota previa (DOHC, damn horizontal inline fours)... and Honda 2.3 SOHCs)
keep your mind on yer digits around those!
THAT is the reason I have so many bloody/ zombie ones.

I'm cute. Like a little mouse or a cartoon cat. hahah

No one fears me, and often respect is not earned at a glance, because people think I'm just a cute, dumb, simple, blonde girl who giggles and smiles a lot.

The zombie allowed me to show MY GREAT AND POWERFUL FEAR....STUFF....


I don't know - I just like zombies. haha
my girlfriend is 5'5" and 129 lbs, I am 205 lbs and 6'4", I call her little and she gets all feisty.
"i'm BIG!" is what she says....
as I am looking down at her from a foot above...
hey anzo, what engine got you?
I wanna know, the ones that geta taste of human flesh never go back to just running on gas. That way I can be prepared....
so far the ones I know of that like the taste of human flesh.... Toyota previa (DOHC, damn horizontal inline fours)... and Honda 2.3 SOHCs)
keep your mind on yer digits around those!
A 1991 Volvo 240 wagon v belts. If it was serp belt I think I would still have a mashed finger not a sliced off by a v belt pulley
A 1991 Volvo 240 wagon v belts. If it was serp belt I think I would still have a mashed finger not a sliced off by a v belt pulley
oh.... man..... v belts.... ouch.
I just assumed it was a flat serp belt.
why the hell would the other tech start the car with your head under the hood?! it's like rule number 1!
I always say the same thing "fire in the hole" and wait to hear back before starting.
Always, always, always!
ohh nice call on nighbreed!
You ever read Clive Barker?
Cabal, weaveworld, the great and secret show?
I am an aspiring author (as well as a auto-shop owner and pot-grower)
Clive Barker is one of the best writers on the planet.

DUDE - it says in his wiki that Nightbreed was a flop! Fuck that noise, I loved it.

Also - I really like Candyman.

Never read him though, I might have to go to the library tomorrow!

Any other good scary movies you want to suggest? I'm always on the lookout!

DUDE - it says in his wiki that Nightbreed was a flop! Fuck that noise, I loved it.

Also - I really like Candyman.

Never read him though, I might have to go to the library tomorrow!

Any other good scary movies you want to suggest? I'm always on the lookout!
hmm.. the one that is in Australia....
Wolf creek I think?
The remake of texas chainsaw of course....
Um, I own the first candyman, and nightbreed,
Cabal, IS the same as Nightbreed, its a novella (kinda, around 200 pgs, I HIGHLY recommend that one)
Weaveworld is a great story too.
Nightbreed wasn't a flop at all!
hmm.. the one that is in Australia....
Wolf creek I think?
The remake of texas chainsaw of course....
Um, I own the first candyman, and nightbreed,
Cabal, IS the same as Nightbreed, its a novella (kinda, around 200 pgs, I HIGHLY recommend that one)
Weaveworld is a great story too.
Nightbreed wasn't a flop at all!
I KNOW right????

Wolf creek freaked me out.

Honestly, "The Seasoning House" affected me the most as a movie recently. It was sooooo fucked up.

Oh, and "Eden Lake" tooooooo good.

I liked the texas re-make. Jessica Beil is SUPER hot and nips out almost the whole time, which is pretty cool.

Oh - what's that movie with the daughter from the tv show 24? blonde...fak?

Anywho - she's in it, and I think she gets her finger snipped off from a sewer grate or something. OH - Fuck - the dude from the show "Justified" is in it....

I'm gonna go check.

Please STANDBY....