Let's Hug it out, Bitch...






I just want to add that any] thread started by @yessica tends to be good for laughs...
Oh and how come its ok to imply that you are happy with all holes filled but can't post nipples?
I mean, I just thought of waaaaaaay worse.....
am I right?
just merely pointing that out
p.s. the post where he asked if your butthole was free damn near made me spit my coffee out...
I just want to add that any] thread started by @yessica tends to be good for laughs...
Oh and how come its ok to imply that you are happy with all holes filled but can't post nipples?
I mean, I just thought of waaaaaaay worse.....
am I right?
just merely pointing that out
p.s. the post where he asked if your butthole was free damn near made me spit my coffee out...
I like the one where @Dyna808 said my mouth was so big I could fit 3 caks in WITH SPACE!

hahaha GOLD!
I like the one where @Dyna808 said my mouth was so big I could fit 3 caks in WITH SPACE!

hahaha GOLD!
you have a wonderful sense of humor my dear..
Wonderful, you remind me of a girl I once dated/slept with (she was a FWB)
That girl was a firecracker!
P.S. not three of what I got packed...
maybe three Asian dudes...?
Do you have a mouth that resembles the beetlejuice guy?
Ahh, it was the wife that had the big mouth too....
you have a wonderful sense of humor my dear..
Wonderful, you remind me of a girl I once dated/slept with (she was a FWB)
That girl was a firecracker!
P.S. not three of what I got packed...
maybe three Asian dudes...?
Do you have a mouth that resembles the beetlejuice guy?
Ahh, it was the wife that had the big mouth too....
I think he was implying because I TALK so fucking much and never shut the fuck up - hahahah

FWB? I'm old, or just not hip. I don't know what that means? I've only GIFted for 10 months now.
I think he was implying because I TALK so fucking much and never shut the fuck up - hahahah

FWB? I'm old, or just not hip. I don't know what that means? I've only GIFted for 10 months now.
hah, right , i'm guessing you are in your late 20s?
maaaaybe early 30s but I doubt that.
And go ahead and laugh but I don't know what GIFted is...
Damn internet acronyms...
I could list a hundred automotive acronyms...
GIFs are those annimated pictures
@Yessica... and @abe supercro are so fond of. Im just jealous cause I dont know how to load em
Waaaaaaaaaa - you wanna learn???

It's so fun! @ChingOwn and @Pinworm helped me last summer.

You on a computer? I only know how to do it from a laptop.

I am particularily fond of lesbian gifs
Ask and you shall receive. I like them too!

tumblr_m48kq3www01rsbi2lo1_500.gif tumblr_n439gb5rhs1s7mgnxo1_500.gif large.gif tumblr_mcjh4r4Qab1qdvukko2_500.gif WJBVN4g.gif tumblr_n1h3hjZSYy1tqs1heo1_500.gif

hah, right , i'm guessing you are in your late 20s?
maaaaybe early 30s but I doubt that.
And go ahead and laugh but I don't know what GIFted is...
Damn internet acronyms...
I could list a hundred automotive acronyms...
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Waaaaaaaaaa - you wanna learn???

It's so fun! @ChingOwn and @Pinworm helped me last summer.

You on a computer? I only know how to do it from a laptop.

Ask and you shall receive. I like them too!

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holy fuck! can I triple like?
and 33?! woulda guessed younger....
Makes sense though, you are getting into the range of "horny-30s woman"
(those ladies wear me OUT)
oh and HWP, means height weight proportionate
I was sure it was a variety of herpes...
hahahahahahahahah - awesome sauce.

I'm immature. And I look young. Still get ID'd at the Liq store. So that's NEAT.

If only they ID'd your vagina - then they'd think I was 45. Am I right? Aaaaaah? hahaha
picturing that...
"ma'am, you appear to be younger than thirty, I am going to have to inspect your vaginal integrity"
what a job that would be huh?
I get id'ed if I shave... it's my irish/german heritage..
A wee bit of time-defying genetics